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» Environmental Engineering and Management Journal

» European Journal of Science and Theology

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Case studies regarding the remediation of polluted soils from inactive industrial sites
Autori: , Gheorghe - Viorel Cosara, Calin Baciu, Ileana - Codruta Stezar, Augusta - Diana Crisan, Camelia Costan, Cristina Modoi
Data aparitiei: July/August 2009
Revista: Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
ISSN: 1843 - 3707
Pret: Gratuit    
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Abstract The methods generally used for developing these studies are the assessment and investigation. Assessment – all methods used for measuring, reckoning, modeling, forecasting or estimating the presence of a pollutant in the environment. Investigation - the process of identifying the presence of pollutants in the environment, the spatial dispersion of these pollutants, the level of their concentration, as well as the analysis of the environment’s structure. The steps that were followed during the development of these case studies are: the analysis and interpretation of the existing data, followed by investigation and assessment.The objectives of the investigation and assessment are to establish the existence and intensity of pollution, spatial dispersion of thepolluted area, the pathways and transport of pollutants, the assessment of the ecological risk and the risk for the human health, as well as the necessary data for developing programs or projects for environmental remediation. The assessment was carried out on two sites, Site 1 (a former facility in the automotive industry), respectively, Site 2 (a former facility from the chemical industry). The two areas were assessed for different types of pollutants that are Site 1 for heavy-metal content and hydrocarbons and Site 2 for mercury and hexaclorcyclohexane.


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