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» Environmental Engineering and Management Journal

» European Journal of Science and Theology

» Sănătate Sport și Nutriție

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Autori: Antonio Candelieri
Data aparitiei: Iunie / 2015
Revista: Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 14Nr. 6
ISSN: 1843 - 3707
Pret: 25.00 RON    

Resilience is meant in this paper as the capability of a networked infrastructure to provide its service even if some components
are failed: it depends both on net-wide measures of connectivity and the role of a single component. This paper has two
objectives: first to show how a set of global measures can be obtained using techniques from network theory, in particular how
the spectral analysis of the adjacency and Laplacian matrices allows us to obtain a characterization of global connectivity which
is both mathematically sound and operational. Second, how a clustering method in the subspace spanned by the l smallest eigenvectors
of the Laplacian matrix allows us to identify the edges of the network whose failure break down the network
(vulnerabilities). Even if most of the analysis can be applied to a generic networked infrastructure, specific references will be
made to Water Distribution Networks (WDN). The operational value of the proposed method is demonstrated on both a
benchmark and three real-world cases. However, this paper represents just a first step in the development of tools for supporting
the analysis of resilience at global and local level, based upon an abstract graph setting. In particular, the current state of the work
is aimed at define graph-based measures associated to network wide resilience and methods to detect vulnerabilities with respect
to the connectivity of the physical infrastructures. Ongoing work is considering to combine the proposed framework with
hydraulic simulation in order to: a) evaluate how much the supply service will be affected by a failure – in particular a fault of
the vulnerable elements identified through the proposed framework – and b) estimate the hydraulic stress/strain on the pipes to
rank it through a combination of its relevance for the connectivity and probability of breakages/leakages due to the current supply


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