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» Environmental Engineering and Management Journal

» European Journal of Science and Theology

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Autori: Nada Lazarevic Bajec
Data aparitiei: Ianuarie / 2014
Revista: Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 14Nr. 1
ISSN: 1843 - 3707
Pret: 25.00 RON    

There is broad consensus that adaptation to climate change is necessary and urgent. Numerous documents and guidelines are
available that provide advice on how to incorporate climate hazards and risks into spatial policies on the global, European and
national scale. The experiences of less developed countries have shown that, rather than simply cascading uniform procedures,
methods and techniques of adaptation down from higher to lower levels of governance, a realistic approach calls for innovative
procedures, tailored to specific circumstances.
The authors argue that the climate change adaptation (CCA) process in developing countries, especially post-socialist transition
countries with underdeveloped institutions and procedures, differs from that seen in developed nations, which calls for taking
these diverse (multiple) experiences into account when adaptation responses to particular local impacts are formulated. In that
sense, adaptation is not necessarily guided by effective strategies that take into consideration overall economic, social and
environmental goals, but is, rather, primarily intertwined with local spatial planning in an effort to reduce vulnerability to climate
change and variability. This is mainly a reactive endeavour, as it lacks an anticipatory approach, but there are nonetheless some
innovative qualities in each case that deserve to be closely inspected.
This argument is illustrated by an example from Belgrade, Serbia. The Heron Island Project on the Danube River, developed
between 2006 and 2009, aimed to reduce vulnerability to flooding. In the absence of climate change adaptation policies and
strategies in Serbia, the project sought to balance nature preservation with construction and CCA action. This demonstrative
project can be analysed as an illustration of how climate change can be integrated into the planning system, as well as what
different opportunities are available to incorporate adaptation into new and existing developments.


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