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Autori: Chukwuma Moses Anoruo
Data aparitiei: August / 2020
Revista: Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 19Nr. 8
ISSN: 1843 - 3707
Pret: 25.00 RON    

The solar energy received by the atmosphere of the Earth is universally distributed, which constitutes the atmospheric dynamics.
The changes observed in the climate of the Earth are due to solar output variations. Some detailed reviews have accounted for the
influence of solar activities on the climate using sunspot number derived from peak Sun hours, but has gaps in analyzing critical
statistical background information, seasonal, latitudinal and solar activity year validation. A number of statistical concepts are
explained in order to enhance our scientific knowledge of climate response to solar activity variation. The influence of
geomagnetism to climate response is also examined. This review will serve as analysis and research methodology discourse which
could be an application of scientific method. Additionally, this review discusses the influence of the solar activity on climate change
based on the existing literature, by focusing on solar activities other than sunspot number alone. Here, we also validate methods
using forward and inverse modeling, mean percentage difference, and relative variability. Results indicated that the total solar
irradiance (TSI) has remained the main focus of Sun-climate interaction with somewhat negligent on energetic particle precipitation
resulting from geomagnetic disturbance reaching the atmosphere. However, statistical concept remains asset to investigate the solar
activity influence on climate in both local and global latitudes. We therefore recommend provision of solar quantities data to
researchers for further study.


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