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Rezultatele pentru ion chromatography

Rezultate gasite: 3065

Catalytic destruction of aromatic VOCs on SCR-DeNOx commercial catalyst
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
AbstractAromatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) proved to have enhanced polluting behavior upon the atmosphere and human health. Their catalytic destruction is an alternative for environmental pollution reduction in the case of gaseous emissions with low contents of VOC.In this paper, an experimental study is presented, concerning the conversion of benzene and its mono-halogenated derivatives on SCR-DeNOx (V2O5-WO3/TiO2) commercial catalyst, specific for the reduction process of nitrogen oxid...
Autori: Florin Bandrabur, Heinz Koser, Ion Balasanian, Liliana Lazar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Alternative energy sources in transition countries. The case of bioenergy in Ukraine
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
AbstractDuring the transition to a market economy, many countries with a planned economy in Central and Eastern Europe face similar challenges when the established socio-economic systems and infrastructures deemed inefficient in a market economy. Also new issues are being raised by the trends of globalization and the vision of sustainable development. In the energy sector the challenges raised by the Kyoto Protocol and its implementation mechanisms are especially interesting, because they are in...
Autori: Andrius Plepys, Giulia Gervasoni, Jean-Philippe Boutin, Kes McCormick, Kristin Seyboth, Luis Mundaca, Marko Ratton, Patrick Lamers, Robert Hlep
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 6 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
Include urmatoarele articole� Degradation of alcian blue 8 gx by heterogeneous and homogeneous photocatalytic processes� Evaluating the performance of solid waste management models� Bioreactors with stirred bed of immobilized cells 1. Studies on mixing efficiency� Fugitive emissions estimation from petroleum storage tanks� New Ni(II) coordination polymers with insulating and anticorrosive properties� Determination of water quality deterioration at pilgrimage centre along river netrav...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 6 Nr. 1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
Contine urmatoarele articole:??Â?Â? Alternative energy sources in transition countries. The case of bioenergy in Ukraine??Â?Â? Catalytic destruction of aromatic VOCs on SCR-DeNOx commercial catalyst??Â?Â? Ecological Economics And Transport Systems??Â?Â? Bioleaching of uranyl ions from uranium ores by some algae??Â?Â? Irreversible affinity immobilization of lentil seedling??Â?Â? Evaluation of artificial neural network techniques for river flow forecasting??Â?Â? Hydrogen and sustainable energy. Re...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Ecological Economics And Transport Systems
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
AbstractEcological economics is an emerging field that offers significant room for creativity and innovation at the conceptual level on how to operationalize sustainability. It integrates economics with ecology and many elements from both the natural and social sciences to provide an integrated perspective on environment-economy interactions. A major policy dilemma that ecological economics addresses is how policy-makers can influence markets, so that they receive the 'right' signals from the na...
Autori: Kes McCormick
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Bioleaching of uranyl ions from uranium ores by some algae
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
AbstractIt was investigated the bioleaching of uranyl ions from uranium ores, in aquatic medium with algae: Scenedesmus quadricauda and Nostoc linkia under different experimental conditions. The oxidation of U(IV) to U(VI) species, like uranyl ions was done by means of the atomic oxygen generated through photosynthesis by the aquatic medium from solution above of uranium ores.After almost 10 days of direct contact with the given microorganisms, it was observed a bioleaching degree between 10% an...
Autori: Alexandru Cecal, Rodica Calmoi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Irreversible affinity immobilization of lentil seedling
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
An aliphatic-amine-bearing chromatographic support, based on commercial silica, was prepared and tested as potential matrix for affinity immobilization of a copper/topaquinone-containing amine oxidase from lentil seedlings. The support proved to be noticeably effective in immobilizing the enzyme with concomitant purification and activity retention. The immobilization yields and some properties of this preparation were also determined and compared with those of the soluble enzyme. High activity r...
Autori: Barbara Noli, Enrico Sanjust, Francesca Sollai, Giovanni Floris
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Evaluation of artificial neural network techniques for river flow forecasting
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
River runoff forecasting is one of the most complex areas of research in hydrology because of the uncertainty of hydrological and meteorological parameters and scarcity of adequate records. Artificial neural networks (ANN) can be an efficient way of modelling stream flow processes as it is capable of controlling and modelling nonlinear and complex systems and does not require describing the complex nature of the hydrological processes. In this study, daily river flow is forecasted using two ANN ...
Autori: Cintia Bertacchi Uvo, Dimitri Namgaladze, George Gabitsinashvili
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Hydrogen and sustainable energy. Research for hydrogen production
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
Abstract Hydrogen could be considered a synthetic secondary power carrier fuel in the years to come, subsequent to the fossil fuels economy. Thus the concept 'hydrogen economy' shall be defined, and it will also have a great influence in the future years.The field of power generation (producing electric power), transports, (electric cars), chemistry (hydrogen is a major raw material) are potential users of hydrogen.The experts support, by means of a series of economical and strategic analysis ma...
Autori: Corina Rădulescu, Elisabeta Păsculete, Florentina Condrea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Solid waste management systems assessment: the municipality's point-of-view
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
AbstractThe objective of the paper is to present sustainability indicators for municipal solid waste management (MSWM). Sustainability implies environmental, economic and social acceptance. The complexity of the system-in-focus requires the employment of a systems (or cybernetic) approach: Acceptance implies clear objectives, from a specific point of view (here, the viewpoint of the municipal administration is taken), over a time horizon covering at least two generations, a life-cycle considerat...
Autori: Demetrios Panagiotakopoulos, Konstantinia Tsilemou
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Analysis of the models for life cycle assessment of the building and building products
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
The environment is the relations in life and all settings life is consist of. A building is an artificial environment designed and built to meet the users' needs. These needs are fulfilled with the properties of building products that form the building. Building and building products are directly or indirectly in interaction with the environment during their life cycle process.There are some models like 'LEED', 'Athena', 'BEES', 'BRE', 'Analytica', 'Pre', 'GaBi', 'TEAM', 'GB Tool', 'Woolley','Cu...
Autori: Ayşe Balanlı, Gokce Tuna Taygun
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Degradation of alcian blue 8 gx by heterogeneous and homogeneous photocatalytic processes
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> The photocatalytic degradation of Alcian Blue 8 GX, a copper phthalocyanine cationic dye, has been investigated in aqueous solutions both in heterogeneous and homogeneous systems. Initial colour removal rates in different conditions were calculated in both cases. Influence of amounts of H2O2 and FeCl3 was studied and compared for the two photocatalytic systems. Finally, some conclusions regarding the efficiency of the two photocatalytic processes were es...
Autori: Anca Florentina Caliman, Chrysanthi Berberidou, , Liliana Lazar, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Evaluating the performance of solid waste management models
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
The great variety of available Solid Waste Management System (SWMS) models, along with a plethora of continuously developing technological advancements in the design and operation of the treatment facilities and collection and transport schemes, the continous updating of national (and/or European) regulations on waste management and the increased computer literacy and availability, renders the selection of a SWMS model a complex endeavor. From the view point of a municipality, the following ques...
Autori: Demetrios Panagiotakopoulos, Konstantinia Tsilemou
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Bioreactors with stirred bed of immobilized cells 1. Studies on mixing efficiency
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
The models describing the flow or the heat and mass transfer in stirred bioreactors can be easily adapted for the continuous phase from the stirred bed bioreactors. But, for the immobilized biocatalyst phase, new models have to be established. Therefore, in this paper the influences of the main factors on mixing for a bioreactor with stirred bed of S. cerevisiae immobilized cells in alginate have been analyzed.. The mixing efficiency continuously increases with rotation speed acceleration for th...
Autori: Anca-Irina Galaction, Anca-Marcela Lupasteanu, Dan Caşcaval
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Fugitive emissions estimation from petroleum storage tanks
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
Liquid petroleum fuel products such as High Speed Diesel (HSD), Superior Kerosene Oil (SKO), Motor Sprit (MS) are stored in floating roof tanks under atmospheric conditions. The Storage tanks are provided with fittings like rimseals, gauge float wells,sample ports, deck drains and access hatches and becomes the sources of hydrocarbon vapour emissions released to the atmosphere. The net throughput and the annual turnovers of the fuel products and annual average meteorological conditions were cons...
Autori: Bandari Chakradhar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

New Ni(II) coordination polymers with insulating and anticorrosive properties
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
A series of new Ni(II) poly-phosphinates have been synthesised using Ni(II) acetylacetonate as nickel precursor and a succession of ligands derived from phosphinic acid: ethyl-butyl-phosphinic acid, ethyl-butyl-thio-phosphinic acid, and respectively ethylbutyl-di-thio-phosphinic acid. Chemical analysis gel-chromatography, infrared spectroscopy (IR), spin electronic resonance (RES), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), electrical resistance measurements at different temper...
Autori: Daniel Sutiman, Doina Sibiescu, , Mircea Teodor Nechita
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Determination of water quality deterioration at pilgrimage centre along river netravathi, mangalore using WQI approach
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
An attempt has been made to develop Water Quality Index (WQI), using six water quality parameters at riverside stations located in the vicinity of temples of Dakshina Kannada district, Karnataka, South India. Rating curves were drawn based on the tolerance limits of inland waters and health point of view. Bhargava WQI method and Harmonic Mean WQI method were used to find overall WQI along the stretch of the river basin. Five point rating scale was used to classify water quality in each of the st...
Autori: Santosh M. Avvannavar, Surathkal Shrihari
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Leptospirosis:clinical and environmental aspects of the IaÂ?i county
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
During 2005 and 2006, in the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Ia�i, there were admitted 26 patients suffering by Leptospirosis. The clinical investigations followed the tests of inflammation, the renal and hepatic proofs, the cefalo-rahidian liquid’s aspect, the ELISA Leptospirosis serum tests etc. The Leptospirosis etiology shown that on 50% of the patients, the affection was owed to L.ichterohemoragiae. The average cost of the treatment for a patient was evaluated as around 1000 Euro. The pa...
Autori: Carmen Dorobăţ, Doina Carmen Manciuc, Mihai Nicu, Mihnea Hurmuzache
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Degradation of gas-phase trichloroethylene overthin-film TiO2 photocatalyst in multi-modules reactor
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
The present paper examined the photocatalytic degradation (PCD) of gas-phase trichloroethylene (TCE) over thin-film TiO2. A large-scale treatment of TCE was carried out using scale-up continuous flow photo-reactor that nine reactors were arranged in parallel and serial. The parallel or serial arrangement is a significant factor to determine the special arrangement of whole reactor module as well as to compact the multi-modules in a continuous flow reactor. The conversion of TCE according to the ...
Autori: Gyung Soo Kim, Sang Bum Kim, Sung Chang Hong
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Methyl tert- butyl ether occurrence and degradation in water
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
The use of gasoline oxygenated with MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) reduced significantly air pollution (16 - 23% lower emissions of CO and 18% lower emissions of unburned hydrocarbons) but increased water pollution. There is no European or national regulations for MTBE in drinking water except for Denmark, which has set a limit value of 30 µg/ L for MTBE. USEPA proposed a maximum concentration of 20- 40 µg/L. This paper is a review with 70 references on the MTBE production, use, properties and...
Autori: Camelia Beţianu, Florina Ungureanu, Loredana Branza, Lucian Vasile Pavel, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Emerging academic responsibilities and opportunities for promoting regional sustainability
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractAcademics have had numerous responsibilities during the centuries. However, now with global climate changes and the attendant, looming crises, it is increasingly crucial that administrators, faculty members, graduate, undergraduate students, staff members and alumni work together with governmental, non-governmental and industrial members in envisioning societies that are truly sustainable. The visions must then be effectively and efficiently implemented in numerous locations throughout t...
Autori: Donald Huisingh
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 6 No.4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
Iinclude urmatoarele articole:� Process water of papermaking: model building and characterization� Landfill inventory in the Republic of Moldova: problems and solutions� Floodplain revegetation and river basin restoration� Environmental problems of copper complex in Bor area� Researches on air micro flora determination from public indoor spaces and hospital wards in an urban area� Current practice of solid waste management in Malaysia and its disposal� An assessment of potential he...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of zinc (II) from aqueous solutions by romanian sphagnum peat moss
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
In recent years the removal of toxic substances especially heavy metals from water and wastewater by using of non-conventional low-cost sorbent (industrial wastes and some natural material including microorganisms, plant-derived materials, agricultural products and by-products, mineral oxides, clays) has received much attention. In this paper efficiency of Zn (II) removal from aqueous solutions by sorption onto Romanian sphagnum peat moss was studied in batch experiments involving process parame...
Autori: Angelica Kicsi, , Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of persistent organic pollutants from textile wastewater by membrane processes
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
AbstractThe textile industry is a large water consumer. Stringent regulations of wastewater characteristics require the use of membrane processes for the removal of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from textile wastewater prior to discharge or recycling of these effluents.This paper presents an overview of research related to the removal of persistent organic pollutants from textile industry by membrane processes, discussing also the correlations with actual pre-treatment and removal rates. ...
Autori: , Corina - Petronela Musteret
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Development trends of cold plasma reactors in the global context of carbon emission reduction
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
This paper brings a review on the trends of arc plasma reactors, in the new millennium, as an alternative contribution to the reduction of carbon emission at global level. The development of technically and economically feasible plasma processes for the production of hydrogen is analyzed. Literature provides data on achievable intensification of the involved chemical processes comparing with those from the classic reactors. The hydrogen production is studied starting from hydrocarbons and alcoho...
Autori: Iulian Rusu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Assessing the potential of wind power in Romania within Kyoto targets
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
The Kyoto target for Romania was to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 8 % from the 1989 levels. The 1989 emissions were around 260 million tones. In 2000 the net CO2 emission - some 125 million tones - were 54% of the net CO2 emission in the reference year -1989, leaving some 115 million tones as a reserve or as a tradable resource to other countries that can not met their Kyoto targets. Assuming that Romania will sell 100 millions tones of its extra quota in accordance to Article 17 under ...
Autori: Ciprian Sebastian Munteanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sustainability evaluation of an urban residential settlement
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
AbstractThe Kyoto target for Romania was to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 8 % from the 1989 levels. The 1989 emissions werearound 260 million tones. In 2000 the net CO2 emission - some 125 million tones - were 54% of the net CO2 emission in the reference year -1989, leaving some 115 million tones as a reserve or as a tradable resource to other countries that can not met their Kyoto targets. Assuming that Romania will sell 100 millions tones of its extra quota in accordance to Article 17...
Autori: Koshy Varghese, L. S. Ganesh,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Research on the impact induced in the environment by milk processing Industry case study: S.C. Raraul ltd. Campulung, Suceava county
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
The paper presents some investigations and assessments on the impact induced in the environment by a milk processing unit which makes a variety of products. The balance sheets for raw materials were elaborated for all the activities carried on the location; based on these, the synthetic indexes of the impact on the environment were drawn, as well as the specific factors: the extent of the usage of raw material, materials and specific effluents....
Autori: Adriana Ilisoi, , Letitia Cezar, Mihai Nicu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Electrochemical investigations on the behaviour of Ni-Cr based dental materials in the sodium chloride - oxalic acid - lactic acid system
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
AbstractThe corrosion behaviour of three commercial nickel-chromium based dental materials was investigated by electrochemical methods in a corroding mixture of sodium chloride, oxalic acid and lactic acid. In order to establish electrochemical parameters of the corrosion process, linear and cyclic polarization curves were plotted. The samples performances in the corroding system were investigated by weight loss, pH and electrical conductivity measurements. The quantitative analysis related with...
Autori: , Daniel Mareci, Daniel Sutiman, Mircea Teodor Nechita
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Marine micro and macro algal species as biosorbents for heavy metals
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
AbstractThis paper reviews some practical aspects of the application of algal biomass for the biosorption of heavy metals from wastewater. The ability of different algal species to remove metals varies with algal group and morphology, with the speciation of specific metals and their competition with others in wastewater, and with environmental or process factors. The scattered literature on the uptake of heavy metals by both living and dead algal biomass - both macroalgae and immobilized microal...
Autori: Loredana Branza, Maria Gavrilescu, Matthew J. Dring
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Corporate management tools to address sustainability Challenges. A reflection on the progress and difficulties experienced during the last decade
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
A number of corporate management tools have been developed during the last decades. This has given the impression that industry is in the lead for developing a more environmentally sound and sustainability-adopted future as concerns the production and the products they are working responsible from. This paper includes a short review of some key tools, including cleaner production assessments, life cycle assessments, environmental management systems, environmental management accounting and variou...
Autori: Thomas Lindhqvist
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Process water of papermaking: model building and characterization
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
Actual trends in papermaking concern on the use of recycled fibers and minimizing effluent volume by closing water circuit. Beside environmental and economic advantages, both trends can lead to serious problems in papermaking processes due to contaminants introduced with recycled fibers and their accumulation in closed water system. A key factor to avoid disturbances in the papermaking is to prevent the accumulation of detrimental compounds. In this respect, first it is necessary to find out met...
Autori: Dan Belosinschi, Elena Bobu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Landfill inventory in the Republic of Moldova: problems and solutions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbsractThe paper highlights the inventory of landfill, focusing on the feasibility study of solid waste disposal sites inventory in the Republic of Moldova and existing situation in waste management, including landfills analysis. The paper contains relevant information on landfills characteristics, their location and description of disposed waste. Technical assistance for the study was provided by the regional project Capacity building for improving the quality of greenhouse gas inventories (Eur...
Autori: Tatiana Tugui
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Floodplain revegetation and river basin restoration
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbstractDuring the modern history the ability of plant roots to consolidate and strengthen the soil was exploited twice in France: once in1867 by Joseph Monier who created the reinforced concrete, and then in 1962 by Henry Vidal who created structured soils.The paper presents the some results obtained on the ecological protection of floodplain in major riverbeds. The aerodynamic modeling represents an efficient, economic and easy way to work with. The main condition of successful experiments is ...
Autori: Ana Virsta
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental problems of copper complex in Bor area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbstractThe paper discusses some environmental problems caused by the presence of the copper mining and processing complex in the Bor area (Eastern Serbia). The Bor area is a serious hot spot in Serbia. Unsupervised operation of the mining company RTB Bor, without any protective measures, has led to extreme pollution of the Bor River, the Danube and underground waters, soil pollution with heavy metals, air-pollution with sulfur-dioxide etc. Recommendations are suggested as follows: a sustainable...
Autori: Slavka Zeković
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Application of polycations in separation processes
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractFlocculation performance of three chitosan samples with different viscosities (?§ = 400, 800 and 1000 mPas) and two strong synthetic polycations of integral type (PDADMAC and PCA5) on two model aqueous suspensions (kaolin and bentonite) was investigated. The flocculation results indicated that all the polycation samples were efficient in the kaolin flocculation, the turbidity being completely removed at approximately the same polycation dose; the flocculation window ranged between 2.7 an...
Autori: Ecaterina Stela Dragan, Luminita Ghimici, Marcela Mihai
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Zero discharge: technological progress towards eliminating pulp mill liquid effluent
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractThe goal of this paper is to examine the potential for ecologically and economically sustainable kraft pulp mills. This paper reviews technical and scientific literature on a wide range of factors that will influence the overall impact of a pulp mill on its total environment. The emphasis is on efforts to achieve "closed-loop," or Totally Effluent Free (TEF) mills which eliminate all liquid effluent and minimize the quantity and environmental impact of air and land discharges. An attempt...
Autori: Adrian Puitel, Dan Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Researches on air micro flora determination from public indoor spaces and hospital wards in an urban area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbstractMicrobial flora is an indicator of the environmental potential of allowing the air-transmitting infections. The paper presents the determination of micro-flora from public indoor spaces and hospital wards in an urban zone. There were used the following sampling and insemination methods: harvesting by sedimentation (Koch method) and harvesting by aspiration, filtration methods, barbotage method, impact method, electro-precipitation method and biotest Hycon. Air micro-flora determinations ...
Autori: Capatina Camelia, Cristinel Racoceanu, Gheorghe Lazăr
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Current practice of solid waste management in Malaysia and its disposal
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbstractMalaysia is a country that has recorded a phenomenal economic development success story. One of the most important problems is solid waste due to inadequate management practices. This resulted in an increase in the amount of waste generated. The national average in at 0.5-0.8 kg/person/day, but in the cities the figures have escalated to 1.7 kg/person/day. This paper addresses the current practice of solid waste management and its disposal in Malaysia. Currently, the waste management app...
Autori: Abdelnaser Omran, Abdullah Mahmood,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

An assessment of potential health threats to international travelers to varying global standards in packaged drinking water
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbstractSafe water is fundamental for positive health and well-being. Much of the ill-health in society, especially in the developing countries, can be attributed to lack of harmless water. Each country elaborates its own drinking water standards based on healthbased targets.To ensure reliable consistent water-treatment and supply, drinking water standards have been prescribed both for drinking water supply and packaged/bottled water. Different countries prescribe standards that vary significant...
Autori: B. S. Nanda Kumar, D. Venkatakrishnappa, Monto Mani, Santosh M. Avvannavar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

E-waste management
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbstractE-waste is a new term coined in the market of hazardous substances. It has taken a new bourgeoning route since the boom of Information Technology (IT). The problems regarding the transportation, handling and dispose have to be tackled at the earliest as it might cause detrimental effects on environment. Presently in India there is no distinct and lucid regulation(s) regarding e-waste management. There should one stop solution! In the present paper, some of the Technical and E-Management ...
Autori: Santosh M. Avvannavar, Surathkal Shrihari
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Eis diagnosis of some dental alloys in artificial saliva
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbstractElectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were used to characterize the electrochemical behaviour of the some commercial dental alloys: two PdAg based alloys (Paliag, PaliagMaestro), two NiCr based alloys (Wirolloy, VeraSoft), two CoCr based alloys (Vitallium, VeraPDI) and two CuAl based alloys (Gaudent, NPG+2) in artificial saliva. Impedance spectra were represented in the form of Bode plots and it was fitted using a commercial softwere package called Electrochemistry Po...
Autori: Daniel Mareci, Gina Ungureanu, Julia Claudia Mirza Rosca, Neculai Aelenei, Romeo Chelariu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Layered double hydroxides as potential solid for obtaining more environmentally friendly pesticides
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 4
AbstractThe paper describes the synthesis and characterization of layered double hydroxides (LDH) intercalated with 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol(DNOC) and 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile (2,6DBN) by anionic exchange method. The incorporation of the organic pesticides in the structure of layered double hydroxides can offer premises to increase the pesticide active life by reducing its volatilization, controlling the release of the pesticide from the layered structure and decreasing the pesticide adsorption in s...
Autori: Gabriela Lisa, Marcel Ionel Popa, Mihaela Frunza
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Wet hydrogen peroxide catalytic oxidation of parachlorophenol over clay based catalysts
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
This study presents an evaluation of the catalytic performances of Fe containing clay-based catalysts for the wet hydrogen peroxide catalytic oxidation (WHPCO) of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) aqueous wastes. The catalysts were prepared by well-established techniques, their properties being determined by DRX, BET and chemical analysis techniques. All the tests were performed on a laboratory scale set-up. The ion-exchanged clays were the most active catalysts (100 % 4-CP and 84 % COD removal for Fe-Mt) b...
Autori: , Cezar Catrinescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Electrical properties of SnO2-Pt/Al2O3 in reduction atmosphere
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractCatalysts having mobile electrons in bulk such as metals and semiconductors are good solid materials for red/ox type of reaction (oxidation) and can be effectively used in gas sensing devices as well. The aims of this work were: (i) to investigate the surface behavior of Pt(0.28%)/Al2O3 and SnO2(2.94%)-Pt(0.28%)/Al2O3 samples in inert atmosphere (He) and in reducing atmosphere containing helium-cyclopropane gas mixture under ambient condition (i.e., room temperature, atmospheric pressure...
Autori: , Cornel Munteanu, Jozsef Kovacs, Mariana Scurtu, Monica Caldararu, Tatiana Yuzhakova
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Solid waste in romania: management, treatment and pollution prevention practices
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractThe paper analyzes some aspects of waste management in Romania and, in particular, in Iasi County, in view of the European perspective. Urban and rural waste management is considered and collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials is discussed relative to the National Waste Management Strategy and the National Plan for Waste Management, as well as European and national legislative framework.It was showed that land disposal will continue to be a disposal op...
Autori: Ana-Maria Schiopu, Ion Apostol, Maria Gavrilescu, Monica Hodoreanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Effects of water level fluctuation on reproduction and spawning habits of fish species in lake Balaton
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractIn 2004, the types of shoreline were estimated on Lake Balaton, such as rip-rap covered, reedy, concrete or grit. Exact area of a specific face of a rock in the rip-rap covered parts can be determined by digital image analysis. Wetted rocky area of the shore was estimated as a function of water level in 10 cm steps of level changes. Taking into account the reproduction characteristics of the studied fish species (Cyprinidae) the potential substrates for spawning are dominantly the shallo...
Autori: Gabor Borbely, Gabor Paulovits, Laszlo G. Toth, Nora Kovats
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Quantification of lead pollution in bucharest area and potential risks for human health
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractLead is unique among the toxic air contaminants that the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified it in several ways. Lead concentration is increasing rapidly in the environment due to increased use in anthropic activity. Lead is released into the atmosphere from metallurgy and siderurgy industry, during coal burning, oil or wastes, from power plants which use solid fuel, from traffic and the building sites. Regardless the exposure mode, the presence of lead in urban air, even in r...
Autori: Alina Murariu, Aurelia Meghea, Aurelian Stanescu, Ioana Lacatusu, Mihaela Mihai
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Keynote Lectures Energy from municipal solid waste: large-scale incineration or small-scale pyrolysis?
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractMunicipal solid waste (MSW) management is an important and challenging issue for sustainable development. It is also one of themost controversial problems and a subject of an ongoing debate between different interested parties. A particularly controversial issue is MSW incineration (with or without energy recovery) which has in many countries become a socially unacceptable option for dealing with solid waste. On the other hand, the increasing amounts of waste each year demand immediate a...
Autori: Adisa Azapagic
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Challenges for integrated water resources management in Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
This study presents an overview of the current activities and results undertaken within the CEEX SIWMANET project dealing with an assessment of the actual challenges for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) implementation in Romania,seen especially in relation with the R&D system and the need to develop especially the cooperation, training and participatory processes that are required for actual implementation in which the universities may play an important role in terms of catalyst ...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Practical applications and evolution of the new water treatment technologies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
The article presents the principles on which the upgrading of the ground and surface water treatment plants, respectively the implementation of new technologies are based. The outcome obtained in Timisoara consequently to applying the aforesaid principles and the strategies for the improvement in drinking water quality are also provided....
Autori: Ilie Vlaicu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Pilot plant treatment of water for drinking purpose by PAC
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
Experiments in a Pilot Plant (PP) are extremely important and relevant for the substantiation of research. This is the way to set up the most suitable coagulation-flocculation reagents, optimum operating conditions (injection point, reaction times, etc.),compatibility with the processes at the actual Water Works and real possibilities for further improvement.The present work aimed at verifying the previously obtained results in laboratory under PP working conditions for optimizing the coagulatio...
Autori: Adina Pacala, Alina Anghelina, Dalila Marşavina, Ilie Vlaicu, Katalin Bodor, Mihaela Anghel
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Organic food in Denmark - from grass root initiative to market niche: potentials and barriers for further sustainable transition
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractThe mechanisms in the shaping of organic food in Denmark since the 1970'ies are analysed as a contribution to the discussion of strategies for a more sustainable production and consumption of food. The background is the major  achievements in Denmark within organic food since the 1970'ies, but also the recent years' reduction in the land converted to organic farming. The analyses are based on experiences from projects, analyses and literature and draw on innovation theory and theory...
Autori: Michael Sogaard Jorgensen
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Municipal pricing of water considering that water is both an economic and a social good - a pricing reform with implications for Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
AbstractOne of the basic principles in the European policy to cope with the growing challenge of water scarcity is that water demand management should be considered before opting for additional water infrastructure. The implication of this is that water must be treated as an economic good, which means that the "user's pays' principle"has to be implemented. At the same time there is much political consensus that the water price has to be "equitable". Water can be subsidized without violating the ...
Autori: Lars Hansson
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Simultaneous voltammetric detection of organics from wastewater on a copper oxide-copper electrode
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
The amperometric response in dynamic or fixed potential conditions, as cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA) of a copper oxide-copper electrode was studied and proposed for the fast characterization of the simulated wastewaters containing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and sulfur compounds, i.e., thioacetamide (TA) as organic pollutant models. The additivity of the individual amperometric signals in the overall response of the electrode for mixed solutions corresponded to over 95% recov...
Autori: Aniela Pop, Ciprian Radovan, Florica Manea, Georgeta Burtica, Ilie Vlaicu, Joop Schoonman, Marcel Morariu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Equilibrium isotherms studies for sorption of lead ions from aqueous solutions using Romanian peat sorbent
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
In this work, the ability of Romanian peat for sorption of Pb (II) ions from aqueous solution has been determined using the batch experimental techniques. The sorption equilibrium has been studied at different pH values. The equilibrium adsorption level was determined to be dependent of the pH of solution and initial Pb(II) concentration.The equilibrium adsorption capacity of Romanian peat sorbent for lead has been described by seven types of mathematical model isotherms, namely: Freundlich, Lan...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, Corneliu Cojocaru, Laura Bulgariu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study of the non-catalytic and catalytic oxidative destruction of VOCs
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
In recent years, the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has received much attention. Catalytic oxidation of VOCs, found in small concentration in industrial gas emissions constitutes an alternative for environmental pollution reduction.In this paper, a comparative study regarding the non-catalytic and catalytic oxidative destruction of non-halogenated or halogenated C6 hydrocarbons (C6H14, C6H12, C6H6, Cl-C6H5, Br-C6H5), is presented. Catalytic oxidation was studied in the presence of ...
Autori: Florin Bandrabur, Heinz Koser, Ion Balasanian, Liliana Lazar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 1 Nr. 1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 1Nr. 1
Contain all the articles from this issue Risk assessment and management - tools for sustainable developmentMaria GavrilescuSustainable alternatives for petrochemical wastewater managementCarmen Teodosiu, Lidy E. Fratila-ApachiteiThe role and the place of oxidant reagents in wastewater treatmentIoan RoscaEnvironmental Psychology, a new direction in the psychological fieldCarmen Catalina IoanChanging concepts of high performance to socially sustainable organizationCostache Rusu, Nerida DavisU...
Autori: Abdelnaser Omran
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 1 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 1Nr. 2
Contain all the articles from this issueICEEM /01 PLENARY CONFERENCETen years of Environmental Engineering and Management education and research at the Technical University of IasiMatei Macoveanu, Carmen Teodosiu ICEEM/01  - Environmental Engineering SectionRemoval of nitrogen oxides from Diesel exhaust: Laboratory studies for development of an SCR-catalyst-system using solid urea as reducing agentWerner Weisweiler High temperature desulphurization of hydrogen sulphide containing ...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 1 Nr. 3
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 1Nr. 3
Contain all the articles from this issueICEEM/01 -- Environmental Engineering SectionThermodynamic and kinetic study of gas desulphurization by adsorption on zeolites  Ion Untea, Dan Brasoveanu, Madeleine Dancila, Szidonia Bocskor Mixed oxides derived from vanadium substituted layered double hydroxides as catalysts precursors for SO2 oxidationGabriela Carja, Ionel Popa, Gabriela Ciobanu, Nicolae Aelenei The impact of energy production on environment in RomaniaCarmen Zaharia, Mioara Sur...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 1 Nr. 4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 1Nr. 4
Contain all the articles from this issue:ICEEM/01 -- Environmental Management Section Corporate environmental competence: A concept for characterising and assessing the environmental practice in companies and product chainsMichael S?¸gaard J?¸rgensen, Marianne Forman Life cycle assessment of some alternatives for the supply of thermal energy in the municipality of Iasi (Romania).Nicolae Peiu Management options for the industrial and municipal wastes in the city of Iasi Carmen Teod...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 2 Nr. 1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 2Nr. 1
Contain all the articles from this issueEnvironmental analysis by capillary electrophoresis. Atmospheric samplesCamelia Draghici, Gheorghe Coman, Mihaela Sica,Dana Perniu, Mihaela Badea   The ecological farms - A solution for sustainable agriculture. II. Position and perspectives of the ecofarms in the frame of the productive agricultural system Stela Axinte, Alina Stanciu, Lorica Axinte  The extraction and clean up of organochlorine pesticides and PCB's from water using solid phase ex...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 2 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 2Nr. 2
Contain all the articles from this issueEditorialEstablishing effluent discharge limits - have we got it right?Yusuf Chisti Full papersSurvey on the treatment of gaseous streams containing volatile organic compoundsOana Penciu, Maria GavrilescuEU environmental policy for industrial pollution control. IPPC DirectiveElena Bobu Environmental monitoring Antonius A.F. KettrupProcess The sonochemical degradationof cyanide ions using atmospheric oxygen as oxidizing agentIoan Iordache, Mircea Teodor Nec...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 2 Nr. 3
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 2Nr. 3
Plants as biomarkers, biosensors and biomonitorsModelling of wastewater treatment of a pulp and paper mill for monitoringCatalysts for heterogeneous photocatalysts. Part I. Possibilities to improve photoefficiency through catalysts modificationThe global assessment method of the water qualityAspects regarding the wood certification in RomaniaDecolorizing of pulping effluents by ammonium lignosulphonate oxidationPowder coatings-based organic filmsOn environmental effects of the pulp and paper mil...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 2 Nr. 4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 2Nr. 4
Contain all the articles from this issueDestruction of Volatile Organic Compounds by catalytic oxidationAlice Oana Rusu, Emil DumitriuRisk assessment for a shipyard from Romanian Black Sea CoastAnca Florentina Caliman, Ion Balasanian Monitoring the behavior of the restoration interventions of the Probota Monastery’s indoor frescoes under the influence of the environmental factors. II. Modifications of the physical-structural and chemical characteristicsIon Sandu, Adrian Dima, Ioan Gabriel Sand...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 3 Nr. 1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 3Nr. 1
Contain all the articles from this issueConsiderations concerning ecological footprint of RomaniaNicolae Peiu, Matei MacoveanuEffects of some industrial wastes on different plant species in hydroponics experimentsRuxandra Bodarlau, Carmen-Alice Teaca, Valentin I.Popa The pollution index, a new technical tool in water quality assessmentMihai Nicu, Marcel Perjoiu Solid waste management in pulp productionDan Gavrilescu Curricular development perspectives: education for sustainabledevelopmentCarmen ...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 3 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 3Nr. 2
Contain all the articles from this issueCatalysis for heterogeneous photocatalysis. Part II. Methods for synthesisAnca Florentina Caliman, Ion BalasanianpH influence on sonochemical degradation of cyanides with H2O2 and O2Ioan Iordache, Mircea Teodor Nechita, Nicolae Aelenei, Gabriela Apostolescu, Ioan Rosca Studies of various wastewater nitrification bioreactor types based on modelling and simulationDiana Lupasteanu, Florina Ungureanu, Maria Gavrilescu Wastewater from winemaking industry: monit...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 3 Nr. 4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 3Nr. 4
Contain all the articles from this issueICEEM /02 PLENARY SESSION:"Environmental Engineering and Management in the Context of Sustainable Development"Design for sustainability (D4S): towards advanced product conceptsHan Brezet, Sacha SilvesterICEEM/02 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SECTION"Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies"Complex approach to the problem of persistent organic pollutants degradation in water environmentVictor Covaliov, Olga Covaliova, Angela Cincilei, Gilles Mailhot, Pasca...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 4 Nr.1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 4Nr. 1
Contain all the articles from this issueBiosorption of Cu2+ ions from aqueous solution by Enteromorpha sp.Loredana Brinza, Matthew Dring, Maria Gavrilescu  Environmental impact assessment for steel processingBrindusa Robu, Carmen Zaharia, Matei MacoveanuEnhanced primary treatment of municipal wastewater by ion exchange and membrane processesDaniela Teleman, Peter A. Wilderer, Carmen Teodosiu, Thilo K?¶tzle Best practices in kraft pulping - benefits and costs Dan GavrilescuAspects of waste m...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 3 Nr. 3 (I)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 3Nr. 3
Contain all the articles from this issueICEEM /02 PLENARY SESSION:"Environmental Engineering and Management in the Context of Sustainable Development"Green technology foresight of high technology: Hype of potentials - The challenges from nanotechnology, Biotechnology and ICTMichael S?¸gaard J?¸rgensenIntrinsic properties of noble metals in catalytic selective reduction of NO by propene in lean burn conditionsAnne Giroir-Fendler, Helleh Saadallah, Adela HaletaICEEM/02 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 4 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 4Nr. 2
Contain all the articles from this issueCatalysis for heterogeneous photocatalysis. Part II. Methods for synthesisAnca Florentina Caliman, Ion BalasanianpH influence on sonochemical degradation of cyanides with H2O2 and O2Ioan Iordache, Mircea Teodor Nechita, Nicolae Aelenei,Gabriela Apostolescu, Ioan RoscaStudies of various wastewater nitrification bioreactor types based on modelling and simulationDiana Lupasteanu, Florina Ungureanu, Maria Gavrilescu Wastewater from winemaking industry: monitor...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 4 Nr.3
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 4Nr. 3
Contain all the articles from this issueLignin in crop cultivations and bioremediationAlfred Abaecherli, Valentin I. PopaMaterials for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells and for proton exchange membrane fuel cellsAnnemarie Huijser, Joop SchoonmanAre interfacial biocatalysts important tools for nonpolluting technologies? 2. Immobilization of lipases and their  representative applications Brindusa Dragoi, Emil DumitriuUASB treatment of fruit canning wastewater: pilot-scale invest...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 4 Nr.4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 4Nr. 4
Contain all the articles from this issueNitrous oxide decomposition over Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts prepared by different methodsMircea Teodor Nechita, Ioan Rosca, Daniel Sutiman, Gabriela Apostolescu, Ioan Iordache Geometrical correlation method for global estimation of the ecosystem stateCamelia Popa, Cornel Cojocaru, Matei MacoveanuImmobilized lipases as biocatalysts for organic synthesis 1. Transesterification of ethyl acetate with alcohols in the presence of free Candida antarctica lipase BBrindusa...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 3 Nr. 3 (II)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 3Nr. 3
Contain all the articles from this issueICEEM/02 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SECTION"Treatment Technologies for Gaseous Fluxes"Surface chemistry studies on molybdena–alumina catalystTatiana Yuzhakova, ?kos R?©dey, Endre Domokos, J??zsef Kov??cs, Monica Caldararu, Cristian Hornoiu, Mariana Carata, G.Postole, Cornel Munteanu, Larisa Strukova, Jozse FazakasHebicidal behaviour of a new N,N'- biquaternary salt of 4,4'- bipyridineServilia Oancea, Marinela Irimia, Gabriela Carja, Anton Airinei, Nicu...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sensor networks in waste water treatment monitoring
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 1
AbstractThis paper presents the architectures of wireless sensor networks integrated in a complex monitoring system for a waste water treatment plant. Presently is a very expressive trend to use wireless technology for smart sensor network communication. The measurement system avoids manual data storage and an Internet server assures remote access from a station with a Web browser. ...
Autori: Florina Ungureanu, Marcelin Iulian Balasca
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Modelling and simulation of heavy metals transport in water and sediments
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 2
AbstractHeavy metals can be transported by rivers which flow through areas with industrial pollution, both as metal in solution and metal adsorbed to suspended solids. They can settle in lakes and accumulate in the sediment, exhibiting significant effects on wildlife and humans if they enter into the food chain.In this work, heavy metals transport and sedimentation is simulated based on an analytical model proposed in literature, considering the material balance and complementary equations, unde...
Autori: Camelia Beţianu, Florina Ungureanu, Loredana Branza, Lucian Vasile Pavel, Maria Gavrilescu, Simona Pintilie
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 6 Nr. 3
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 3
Include urmatoarele articole:� Removal of persistent organic pollutants from textile wastewater by membrane processes� Sustainability evaluation of an urban residential settlement� Removal of zinc (II) from aqueous solutions by romanian sphagnum peat moss� Development trends of cold plasma reactors in the global context of carbon emission reduction� Assessing the potential of wind power in Romania within Kyoto targets� Research on the impact induced in the environment by milk process...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 6 Nr. 5
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 5
Include urmatoarele articole:� Keynote Lectures Energy from municipal solid waste: large-scale incineration or small-scale pyrolysis?� Electrical properties of SnO2-Pt/Al2O3 in reduction atmosphere� Corporate management tools to address sustainability Challenges. A reflection on the progress and difficulties experienced during the last decade� Emerging academic responsibilities and opportunities for promoting regional sustainability� Challenges for integrated water resources management...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
? Kinetics considerations concerning the oxidative degradation by photo-fenton process of some antibiotics ? Catalytic wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation of 4-chlorophenol over iron-exchanged clays ? Researches on the negative effects assessment (slugging, clogging, ash deposits) developed at the biomass-coal co-firing ? Contribution to the study of the environmental heritage of a former chemical plant ? Impact of chemicals on derivatives with important therapeutic activity in C...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 6 Nr. 6
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
Iinclude urmatoarele articole:â€? Phenol degradation in water through a heterogeneous photo-fenton processâ€? Study concerning the influence of oxidizing agents on heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of persistent organic pollutantsâ€? Nonmarket valuation of acequias: Stakeholder analysisâ€? Metals concentration in soils adjacent to waste depositsâ€? Polyelectrolyte - surfactant complexesâ€? Modelling of sorption equilibrium of Cr(vi) on isomorphic substituted Mg/Zn-Al - type hydrotalcitesâ...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 7 Nr. 1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
Include urmatoarele articole:� "Waste not, want not" a study of household attitude toward recycling of solid wastes� A kinetic model for the crystal violet mineralization in water by the electro- fenton process� Development of a coagulation/flocculation predictive model for turbidity removal from tehran water treatment plants� Removal of cadmium (II) from aqueous solutions by sphagnum moss peat: Equilibrium study� Environmental sustainability based on fuzzy models� Impact of dust emi...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 7 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
Include urmatoarele articole:� Synthesis of Ferrierite/ZSM-35 type zeolite with ethylenediamine as template� Recovery of p-hydroxybenzoic acid from wastewaters by reactive extraction 1. Extraction mechanism and influencing factors� Relationships between metals extent and cytological characteristics at Prunus persica L. pollen� Smoke Emissions From Diesel Vehicles: A Case Study� Carbon dioxide generation - implications for romanian pulp and paper industry � Enhanced decolorization of ...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 7 Nr. 3
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
Include urmatoarele articole:� Cost sensitivity analysis by Monte Carlo simulation� Mathematical modeling of gas drying by adsorption� Methyl isobutyl ketone combustion over Pt/Al2O3 catalyst� Distribution of oxygen transfer rate in stirred bioreactors with simulated broths� Unsteady heat transfer inside an elliptic cylinder� Triphasic external-loop airlift reactors. Hydrodynamic and dispersion studies� Sustainable combined utilization of renewable forest resources and coal in Roma...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Phenol degradation in water through a heterogeneous photo-fenton process
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractA new photo-Fenton catalyst has been manufactured from synthetic layered clay laponite (Laponite RD) by the pillaring technique Eight different catalyst samples were prepared: four without thermal aging (WTA) calcined at 523 0K, 623 0K, 723 0K and 8230 K, and other four with thermal aging (TA) calcined at the same temperatures. The activity of the TA- 623 sample was evaluated in the phenol degradation by the photo - Fenton process. The influence of five important operating factors has be...
Autori: Beatrice Iurascu, Ilie Siminiceanu, Miguel Vincente
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study concerning the influence of oxidizing agents on heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of persistent organic pollutants
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractIn this paper, the application of the heterogeneous photocatalysis in degradation of a cationic copper phtalocyanine dye, used as model of persistent organic compound is investigated by assessing the efficiency of the process. The influence of hydrogen peroxide on the photocatalytic process is studied using two types of commercial catalysts, such as TiO2 Degussa (88% anatase, 20% rutile) and TiONa Millennium (100% anatase). Another electron acceptor, FeCl3 is also used for investigation ...
Autori: Anca Florentina Caliman, , , Ioannis Poulios, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Nonmarket valuation of acequias: Stakeholder analysis
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractFrom a traditional market economy perspective, the productivity attained when water and land is used for acequias is much lower than the productivity achieved when applying these same resources to urban and industrial uses. An analysis of key stakeholders has indicated that there are cultural and environmental attributes of acequia agriculture landscapes that are not captured in the market-assigned value of acequias. This analysis revealed the motivations behind the value placed on acequ...
Autori: Joseph Ulibarri, Steven Archambault
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Metals concentration in soils adjacent to waste deposits
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe paper presents original results concerning concentrations of eight heavy metals in soils adjacent to two improperly built municipal waste deposits located in Eforie Sud and Techirghiol, Constanta County, Romania. Measurements have been done on surface and depth soils, during April-October 2006. The applied analytical technique for metal determination was flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The mean measured values ranged as follows (in mg/kg dry weight): Cd: 0.09 - 0.15; Co:...
Autori: , Elisabeta Chirilă, Narcisa Elena Ilie
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Polyelectrolyte - surfactant complexes
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe formation of the polyelectrolyte- surfactant complexes has been studied. On this purpose has been measured the critical micelle concentration for every polyelectrolyte and surfactant which had been used. The phase behaviour of mixtures of a cationic polyelectrolyte (Praestol 611) and an anionic surfactant (sodium lauryl sulphate - SLS) has been studied. For a given polyelectrolyte concentration, with increasing surfactant concentration, three phase regions were identified. The first ...
Autori: Cristina Costache, Gabriel Dabija, Mihaela Mihai
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Modelling of sorption equilibrium of Cr(vi) on isomorphic substituted Mg/Zn-Al - type hydrotalcites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThis paper dealt with Cr(VI) sorption on isomorphic substituted Mg/Zn-Al - type hydrotalcites under proper working conditions. The prepared samples were named Mg3Al, Mg2ZnAl, Mg1.5Zn1.5Al, MgZn2Al and Zn3Al. The experimental data concerning sorption isotherms were modelled in accordance with four equilibrium equations: Langmuir (L), Freundlich (F), Langmuir-Freundlich (L-F) and Redlich-Peterson (R-P) by using two ways: (i) estimation of qmax, K and n; and (ii) estimation of K and n, for ...
Autori: Aurel Iovi, Eveline Popovici, Laura Cocheci, Rodica Pode
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Virtual environmental measurement center based on remote instrumentation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractIn this paper we propose system architecture for virtual environmental measurement center based on remote instrumentation. We use Internet facilities for transmission of the information. The station center can be used in remote control mode. Circumstance data can be collected with logging field station (Web-E-Nose or meteorological station). The environmental measurement center collects and automatically save data about the temperature in the air, relative humidity, pressure, wind speed ...
Autori: , Carmen Alexandru, Codrin Donciu, Cristina Schreiner, Marius Branzila
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Microwave-assisted chemistry. A review of environmental applications
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe extraction of some pollutants from different matrices, the treatment of hazardous and infectious wastes, the destruction of refractory compounds and the prevention of noxious emissions are the main environmental applications of microwave-assisted chemistry. The advantages and disadvantages of this technique are also considered....
Autori: Carmen Zaharia, Georgiana G. Surpăţeanu, Mioara Surpăţeanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental pollution with VOCs and possibilities for emission treatment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) constitutes an important class of environmental pollutants, which, together with other contaminants as NOx, SOx, CO, NH3, CO2 etc. participate in degradation of atmosphere and exhibit a potential risk for human health. VOC emissions may be generated in more than 25 percentages through the use of solvents in different industrial or house holding activities. For applying a certain plan concerning the pollution reduction, any user of organic solvents contai...
Autori: Florin Bandrabur, Ion Balasanian, Liliana Lazar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sustainable irrigation based on intelligent optimization of nutrients applications
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe present paper proposes the design of a modules system of measurement and control of data distributed transmission, implemental on automatic irrigation systems of central pivot or linear movement type. By this it is intended to obtain a complex irrigation system that allows optimization of nutrient application....
Autori: Codrin Donciu, Marinel Temneanu,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Obtaining and characterization of romanian zeolite supporting silver ions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe aim of this work was to obtain Ag - doped zeolite as antibacterial material using natural and sodium form of zeolite from Mirsid Romania with the dimensions ranged between 0.8-1.2 mm. The comparative structural characterization of natural and Ag - doped zeolite were performed using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Infrared Spectroscopy (IR). In addition, the ion exchange total ...
Autori: Aurel Iovi, Corina Orha, Cornelia Ratiu, Florica Manea, Georgeta Burtica
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Using GPS technology and distributed measurement system for air quality maping of rezidential area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe project’s idea is really simple: using the LabView environment, we have realized a virtual instrument able to get from the GPS the information about latitude, longitude, altitude and from a prototype data acquisition board for environmental monitoring parameters the information about air pollution factors. The perfect solution regarding the costs, the covered area and the accuracy of the measured data is the use of a glider for flight, because of its characteristics: free flights (...
Autori: , Codrin Donciu, Marius Branzila, Marius Paslaru, Romeo Cristian Ciobanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Synthesis, characterization and catalytic reduction of NOx emissions over LaMnO3 Perovskite
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe perovskite structure was synthesized by sol-gel method type citrate. Three perovskite LaMnO3 samples were obtained after calcination and were characterized by XRD, XPS and TPR. The catalytic testing was carried out in SCR-HC equipment (HC=C3H6 and C3H6 respectively) in presence and also in absence of oxygen atmosphere. The results pointed out a good activity in NOx reduction but only in oxygen absence. As it was expecting, LaMnO3 perovskite has shown a good activity for hydrocarbons ...
Autori: Helmut Papp, Ion Balasanian, Liliana-Mihaela Chirilă, Wladimir Suprun
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Kinetics of carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous solutions of 1, 5, 8, 12- tetraazadodecane (APEDA)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe absorption of CO2 into an aqueous solution with 1.45 mol/L 1,5,8,12-tetraazadodecane (APEDA) polyamine has been studied at three temperature (298, 313, 333 K) in a Lewis type absorber with a constant gas-liquid interface area of (15.34 ± 0.05) x 10-4 m2. The experimental results have been interpreted using the equations derived from the two film model with the assumption that the absorption occurred in the fast pseudo- first- order kinetic regime. The results confirmed the validity ...
Autori: Chakib Bouallou, Ilie Siminiceanu, Ramona-Elena Tataru-Farmus
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Urban traffic pollution reduction using an intelligent video semaphoring system
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThe present paper suggests making an intelligent video system of command over crossroads with traffic lights, its main goal being diminishing road congestion, a better traffic speed of vehicles, diminishing the environment pollution and improvement of negative effects that vehicle concentration has over the physical and psychological state of the population....
Autori: Codrin Donciu, Marinel Temneanu,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study of increasing soil fertility into a site with high electric field around using polymeric conditioning agent
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThis paper discusses the applications of synthetic PONILIT GT-2 anionic polyelectrolyte as soil conditioning agent into a site with high electric field around. All experimental data conclude that the use of a polymeric conditioning agent was increased the soil ability to support vegetation expressed as germination degree for some grass species (e.g., Raigras aristat). The performed values for germination degree increase from 3.05 % to 12.20 % when was added fertilized soil, and respectiv...
Autori: Carmen Zaharia, Ioan Ivanov Dospinescu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Methods and procedures for environmental risk assessment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractThis work presents the state of the art of qualitative and quantitative risk assessment methodologies in a variety of fields. Because risk exists in all ranges of human activity, both private and professional, risk assessment is an attempt to analyze precipitating causes of risk in order to more efficiently reduce its probability and effects. Numerous methodological guidelines within the field of environmental science exist to provide guidance for a risk assessment program, although the ...
Autori: , , Florentina Anca Căliman, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Comparative study of some essential elements in different types of vegetables and fruits
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 6Nr. 6
AbstractSome industry activities in the area of Constanta (Romania) contribute to the polluting of the environment with heavy metals. In order to estimate the pollution level and the danger created by this phenomenon, some analyses are required with regard to determining the concentration of the pollutant metals in plants samples. The investigated metals were determined by flame atomic absorbtion spectrometry in different types of vegetables and fruits, after the chemical mineralization of the s...
Autori: Alina Soceanu, , Simona Dobrinas, Vasile Magearu, Viorica Popescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Waste not, want not" a study of household attitude toward recycling of solid wastes
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractSolid waste management in Malaysia has become an increasingly important task of local government authorities over the recent years as a result of urban population growth, industrialization and an increase in quantity and variation in the types of waste generated. For this reason the government of Malaysia through the Ministry of Housing and Local Government has taken various measures to promote recycling amongst its population. However, a recycling program is only successful if household...
Autori: Abdelnaser Omran, Adam D. Read
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A kinetic model for the crystal violet mineralization in water by the electro- fenton process
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractThe mineralization of acidic aqueous solutions with 0.166 to 1.333 mM Crystal Violet (CV) in 50 mM Na2SO4 as background electrolyte has been studied by the electro- Fenton method, where the oxidizing hydroxyl radicals were produced from the Fenton reaction between added ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide generated at a oxygen- diffusion cathode. The influence of a new operating factor on the mineralization degree has been investigated: anode material (platinum versus boron doped diamond)...
Autori: Carmen-Ionela Alexandru, Eric Brillas, Ilie Siminiceanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Development of a coagulation/flocculation predictive model for turbidity removal from tehran water treatment plants
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractAluminum and ferric salts are widely used as coagulants in water and wastewater treatment. They are effective in removing a broad range of impurities from water, including colloidal particles and dissolved organic substances. As well as traditional additives, such as aluminum sulphate ("alum") and ferric chloride, other products containing prehydrolized metal ions such as polyaluminum chlorides are now commonly used. The aim of this study was to develop a model for coagulation/flocculati...
Autori: Avid Banihashemi, Manouchehr Nikazar, , Reza Maknoon
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of cadmium (II) from aqueous solutions by sphagnum moss peat: Equilibrium study
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractCadmium is listed by US-EPA as one of priority pollutant and as a known carcinogen, and therefore its removal from wastewaters of various industrial processes is a very important environmental problem. The paper analyzes the effectiveness of a Romanian sphagnum moss peat as available and cheaper sorbent in removal of Cd (II) from aqueous solutions. Batch sorption experiments were carried out in order to establish the influence of solution pH, peat dose, contact time and initial cadmium c...
Autori: Catalin Balan, , Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental sustainability based on fuzzy models
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractEnvironmental pollution has become much more of a problem in recent years than it has been in the past. Pollution caused by garbage disposal, toxic substances sloping from different sources has attracted a great deal of attention and can be a great inconvenient for the environment and for the people. In the face of growing social expectations encompassing both standards of living and environmental concerns, the idea of sustainable development has become popular among governments, industr...
Autori: , Marius Paslaru,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Impact of dust emission on plant vegetation in the vicinity of cement plant
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractEnvironment is a major issue which confronts industry and business in today's world on daily basis. Different industrial activities are degrading various environmental components like water, air, soil and plant vegetation. Cement industry is one of the 17 most polluting industries listed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). The Jaypee Rewa Cement Cement industry, Rewa, Madhaya Pradesh is located between 24o 33' North longitude and 81o 10' east latitude and is situated at Jay Pr...
Autori: Baby Sunisha, Nagpure Ajay Singh, Shrivastava Preeti, Shukla Ravindra Nath, Shukla Sudheer Kumar, Singh Deepali, Vivek Kumar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Mineralization of two phenyl urea herbicides in water by a heterogeneous photo-Fenton process
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractThe paper presents new experimental results on the photodegradation of two important phenyl urea herbicides in water: Monuron and Isoproturon. The photodegradation was performed by two Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs): the homogeneous photo- Fenton process (, UV-H2O2 - Fe3+) and a heterogeneous photo - Fenton reaction using an iron pillared Laponide- RD catalyst (Fe-Lap-RD). The Fe-Lap-RD catalyst was prepared from iron nitrate 0.2 M solution and a suspension of Laponite - RD clay. Th...
Autori: Elsa Lundanes, Ilie Siminiceanu, Maria-Magdalena Bobu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Comparative corrosion study of non-precious Ni/Cr- based soft alloys in view of dental applications
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractBased on the polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in the case of three commercial alloys (Wirolloy, NicromalSoft and VeraSoft) maintained in artificial saliva, it was established the type and the intensity of the corrosion process by means of the corrosion currents value. The passivation of all the samples occurred spontaneously at the open circuit potential. The corrosion currents value decrease after the alloys maintenance in the corrosive medium due the...
Autori: Daniel Mareci, Gina Ungureanu, Julia Claudia Mirza Rosca, Neculai Aelenei
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Ecological management for textile wastes processing
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractThe zero waste is a policy, a way, an aim and represents a new approach planned for the 21st century, which includes the resource preservation principles, pollution reducing, increasing of the opportunities to create new jobs and providing the highest degree of economic stability.The strategy of developing the Romanian textile industry sub-sectors envisages the achieving of certain superior production indices, from a physical and value point of view, in 2010, a quantitative increase of t...
Autori: Eftalea Carpus, Emilia Visileanu, Razvan Scarlat
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides contents in tap and surface waters
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) contamination levels were determined in the water samples of Danube river (two sites in Romanian area), of one Romanian spring water (Pelisor), in tap water (from Constantza and from Borovetz) and sea water (the Black Sea and the Mediteranean Sea). These levels were compared to those available for other surface waters. The studied water samples were analyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometer detector ...
Autori: Alina Soceanu, , Simona Dobrinas, Valentina Coatu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Polyelectrolyte - surfactant complexes used in the coagulation floculation processes
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractThe removal of formasine fines particles from water by precipitation with polyelectrolyte and surfactant complex of Polyacrylamide (industrial product Praestol 611 made by Degussa) and Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) was experimentally studied. Calcium oxide was added to initiate precipitation of the polyelectrolyte complex together with the fines particles. The experiments were carried out with complexes having the surfactants concentration higher then the critical aggregation concentratio...
Autori: Cristina Costache, Gabriel Dabija, Mihaela Mihai
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Assessment of water pollution potential by acide drainage
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractAn assessment of acide drainage forming potential for a mining waste material resulted in a former mine of nonferrous and precious metals ore has been made. The waste material has the following contents: 2,20?·2,28% sulphide sulphur, 2,53?·2,58% Fe, 0,07% Cu, 0,05% Zn, 0,36?·0,40% Pb, 0,008?·0,013% Ca and 3,85?·7,97% sulphate. Bacterial leaching tests in percolating columns during 380 days have been made. The leaching liquor has been recirculated at a liquid:solid ratio of 1L:1kg. After ...
Autori: Vasile Oros
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Corrosion behavior of some low-carbon steels in organic environment in the presence of succinic and adipic acids
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 1
AbstractThe behaviour of three types of steel, with a variable carbon concentration (from 0.20 to 0.40 %) is studied in medium of ethylene glycol - 10 % methanol - 5 % succinic or adipic acid with water concentration varying between 1 % to 5 %. IR spectroscopy, Xray diffraction and chemical analysis were the methods used for corrosion compounds analysis. The weight losses were measured; also the polarization curves were plotted and the corrosion parameters were established. Based on the obtained...
Autori: Daniel Mareci, Daniel Sutiman, Ioan Iordache, Mircea Teodor Nechita
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Surfactant - modified natural zeolites for environmental applications in water purification
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractThis paper presents an overview of research related to use of surfactant modified natural zeolites (SMZ) in water and wastewater treatment. The most common natural zeolite, widely used as starting material is clinoptilolite, but other natural zeolites have also been used (chabasite, heulandite, mordenite). In the first part, the preparation methods and the influence of process parameters on the final product properties is reviewed. The discussion is focused on the influence of surfactant...
Autori: , Cezar Catrinescu, Roxana Elena Apreutesei
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Pulsed plasma treatment of surface water using lowtemperature corona reactor
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractThe disinfection of water containing microorganisms by exposure to pulsed-discharge plasma using a low-temperature gas-liquid hybrid discharge (HD) reactor was studied.The HD reactor consists of a plexiglas cylinder containing the liquid of high voltage electrode above liquid' s surface and grounded electrode submerged in the liquid. The HD could produce both arc discharges in gas and liquid phases. The high-energy plasma arc produces a pressure shock wave, which kills the targeted micro...
Autori: Gamal M. El-Aragi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Methodology to conserve energy in surface aerators
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractBased on the simulation equations, which were developed earlier (Rao, 1999 and Rao et al., 2007) relating the oxygen transfer coefficient k (= KLa20 (?µ/g2)1/3) with theoretical power per unit volume of water X (= N3D2/g4/3?µ1/3) and k with actual powerconsumed by the surface aerators per unit volume PV (= P/(V??(g?µ)1/3), methodology has been demonstrated to the save the energy consumption, defined by ?? (=PV /k), where KLa20 is the overall oxygen transfer coefficient at 20oC, ?µ is kin...
Autori: Achanta Ramakrishna Rao, Bimlesh Kumar, Neelam Verma
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Evaluation of lead pollution in Bucharest. Part II: Theoretical aspects of risk management strategy for impact of lead on human health
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractDespite its well known toxic effects, lead continues to be a part of modern life. Lead concentrations in the environment have increased steadily throughout history, with a huge increase when lead became a common additive to paint and gasoline. Although the use of lead in gasoline and most paint has been banned in many countries, there are still many ways for lead to be released on the environment. The effects of lead on human health have been the subject of significant international exam...
Autori: Alina Murariu, Aurelia Meghea, Ioana Lacatusu, Mihaela Mihai
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Enhanced decolorization of reactive blue 19 dye from synthetic textile wastewater through uv photolysis in alkaline conditions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractLaboratory scale experiments were conducted in order to investigate the photolysis of Reactive Blue 19 (RB 19) dye using UV as the irradiation source in alkaline solution. The effects of operating parameters such as, pH, initial dye concentration, UV dosage, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen have been evaluated. The results indicate that the UV photolysis process in alkaline solution is ideal for decolorizing of RB 19 and it can be taken as a starting step to establish the economical feasibil...
Autori: Abbas Rezaee, Ebrahim Hajizadeh, Gholamreza Mosavi, Mohamadtaghi Ghaneian, Seyyed Jamalodin Hashemian
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Carbon dioxide generation - implications for romanian pulp and paper industry
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractAs a member of the European Union, and as part of the Kyoto Protocol, Romania has the obligation to implement environmental legislation regarding greenhouse gases (GHG) and to take appropiate actions for emissions reduction. The paper deals with Romanian GHG legislation and with its requirements concerning monitoring, reporting and reduction of GHG emissions, within the field of pulp and paper manufacturing....
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on air pollution with air-floated powders and lead in Tg. Jiu city, Gorj County
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractThe health effects caused by air pollutants may range from slight biochemical and physiological changes to difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions. This paper presents an experimental study of air quality in the city of Tg. Jiu, Gorj County, by evaluating the air-floated powders of the PM10 fraction and lead from air. The analysis was performed by measurements in sampling points using the method presented in the European Nor...
Autori: Camelia Capatana, Claudia Maria Simonescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Smoke Emissions From Diesel Vehicles: A Case Study
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractWith a greater emphasis on the increasing number of diesel vehicles provided with pollution control systems complying to regulatory standards these days than ever before, it is also necessary to look into the emission characteristics of the diesel vehicles with respect to vehicle-related parameters with a view to ascertain as to how the tail pipe emission from the diesel vehicles could be kept under control by adopting suitable strategies. Considering the constraints of data collection a...
Autori: Manoranjan Parida, Mishra Rajeev Kumar, Pandey Govind
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Relationships between metals extent and cytological characteristics at Prunus persica L. pollen
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
The heavy metal concentrations exceeding the standard admissibility, determine modifications of some cytological parameters. Therefore, by this paper, there were determined the concentrations of copper, iron, manganese and zinc from Prunus persica L. pollen grains (Research-Development Fruitgrowing Station, Constantza, Romania) using wet digestion followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Then, the main cytological parameters (such as citological viability and germination capacity...
Autori: Dan Mandalopol, Elena Doroftei, Manuela Rotaru-Stancic, Simona Dobrinas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Recovery of p-hydroxybenzoic acid from wastewaters by reactive extraction 1. Extraction mechanism and influencing factors
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractThe comparative study on reactive extraction of p-hydroxybenzoic acid with Amberlite LA-2 and D2EHPA in two solvents with different polarity (n-heptane and dichloromethane) indicated that the extractant type and solvent polarity control the extraction mechanism. Thus, the reactive extraction with Amberlite LA-2 occurs by means of the interfacial formation of an aminic adduct with three extractant molecules in low-polar solvent, or of an salt with one extractant molecule in higher polar s...
Autori: Anca-Irina Galaction, Dan Caşcaval, Maria Cămăruţ
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Synthesis of Ferrierite/ZSM-35 type zeolite with ethylenediamine as template
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractThe crystallization of ferrierite/ZSM-35 zeolite at 180 ± 50C in the presence of ethylenediamine as a structure-directing agent from reaction mixtures containing various active NaOH/SiO2 ratios has been studied. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, TG/DTG/DSC analysis, nitrogen sorption measurements and temperature-programmed ammonia desorption were used to characterize the ferrierite/ZSM-35 solids. The XRD data reveal that the samples synthesized in optimized conditions are...
Autori: Ioana Droahna, Iuliean Asaftei, Nicolae Bilba
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Smart soluble grafted polysiloxanes with potential applications in waterborne paints
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractThe synthesis of some grafted polysiloxane and azo-polysiloxanes with potential applications as rheology modifiers or surfactants for waterborne paints is reported. Nowadays it became very important to design environmentally friendly systems exhibiting the best end-uses properties. Due to their complex architecture and their sensitivity to UV radiation the studied polymeric systems exhibit very interesting rheological properties. All the polymers containing the azobenzenic groups in the ...
Autori: Constanta Ibanescu, Ioana Moleavin, Iulian Nor, Nicolae Hurduc, Viorel Sandu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Analytical approach to estimate the air flow rate in the boundary layer of a heated furnace wall
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractThe critical analysis of the transfer processes intensification techniques is carried out by identification of the methods that can be applied, regardless of the process nature. The main priority is the development of a consistent methodology that will represent the basis of specific practical methods development by establishing a theoretical frame for studying the heat transfer processes. The main purpose is to reduce the stationary time of the charge in the installation, accomplishing ...
Autori: Adrian Dima, Alina Adriana Minea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Improving energy efficiency in water distribution systems based on water consumption profiling
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractTogether with other public utilities, water supply systems management aims to provide an efficient operation of the system and lower operational costs. In complex water distribution systems there is a large variety of consumers, which differ from one another not only by values of inflows, but also by how this inflows vary from hour to hour. This paper presents a self-organizing based approach to the problem of classification of water consumption profiles from the nodes of a water distrib...
Autori: Gilda Gavrilaş, Mihai Gavrilas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Statistical study on the distribution ratio oF U(VI) and U(IV) species in several romanian uranium ores
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractThis paper deals with a statistical treatment applied to the determination of U(VI)/U(IV) ratio in some uranium ores, depending on the pH and humidity samples taken out directly from a uranium mine. The concentrations of different uranium species were determined spectrofotometrically. Some statistical parameters were calculated for a subsequent statistical interpretation of the experimental data....
Autori: Alexandru Cecal, Gabriel Barbir, Marian E. Răileanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Refractive indices of the binary systems iso - propanol - water and iso-propanol - toluen
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractThe paper reports experimental refractive indices of binary systems iso-propanol - water and iso-propanol - toluene over the entire range of composition at different temperature. Excess refractive indices were evaluated from the experimental data obtained. This derived property was fitted to variable-degree polynomials. The results obtained have been discussed and interpreted in terms of the type and nature of the specific intermolecular interactions between the components....
Autori: Catalin Lisa, Cerasela Huhurez, Gabriela Lisa, Ramona-Mihaela Matran
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sorption of cationic dyes from aqueous solution onto natural clay. Equilibrium and kinetic study
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractEquilibrium and kinetic studies regarding the sorption of the copper phtalocyanine dye Alcian Blue 8 GX were carried-out within batch experiments. The sorption equilibrium revealed that the pure natural clay can uptake up to 18 mg of Alcian Blue 8 GX per 1 g mass of clay. The cationic dye sorption was best fitted by Freundlich model that is applicable to sorption on heterogeneous surfaces (surfaces with non-equivalent energetic sites). The pseudo-second order kinetic model may be efficie...
Autori: , Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membranes for recycling of refinery and petrochemical effluents
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractHollow fiber polyacrylonitrile membranes with three different MWCOs (i.e. 6, 13, 50 kDa) have been tested for dead-end ultrafiltration of a combined refinery and petrochemical secondary effluent. The effluent treatment envisaged further recycling as cooling water make-up following an ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis advanced treatment scheme. Criteria for ultrafiltration evaluation included flux restoration by backwashing, turbidity removal efficiency and water recovery. The membranes cou...
Autori: , Lidy E. Fratila-Apachitei
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Utilization of coal fly ash from power plants I. Ash characterization
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractA comprehensive characterization of fly ash from Iasi, Romania has been carried out in order to set up the utilization potential of fly ash resulting in appreciable amounts from thermal power plants as a waste, which leads to soil and groundwater contamination, as well as atmospheric pollution. This fly ash can be classified on the base chemical and technological properties in F class. Having in mind the assignment of the processing conditions, the fly ash can be used as sorbent for poll...
Autori: , Maria Harja, Marinela Bărbuţă, Nicolae Apostolescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Distribution and migration of chrome in urban soils - Case study: IaÂ?i city (Industrial zone)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 2
AbstractIn this study, we follow the chrome distribution and his association forms with mineral and organic components, from 14 soilsamples from industrial zone of IaÂ?i city.The total chrome concentration in studied soil samples varied between 11.73-129.35 μg/g, being lower than the normal values only for four samples. The Cr(VI) weight of total chrome content varied between 3.78-14.52 %. For none of studied soil samples the chrome content is not over to value of alert concentration. The q...
Autori: Constantin Rusu, Doru Juravle, Dumitru Bulgariu, Laura Bulgariu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Effects of coagulants on the DCS accumulation in process water of papermaking
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractAdvanced closing of paper machine circuits results in the accumulation of the dissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) in the process water. At a critical concentration, the DCS are destabilizing even by small variations in paper machine parameters, producing operational and product quality problems. This article presents results of lab experiments simulating the process water recycling in short circuit of paper machine, without and with addition of fixing agents. Tests were performing w...
Autori: Dan Belosinschi, Elena Bobu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Quantification of impact and risk induced in surface water by heavy metals: Case study - Bahlui River Iasi
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractThe purpose of this paper was to quantify the environmental impact and risk applying a new integrated method designed as a soft SAB. The evaluation of impact and risk induced in environment was performed for surface  waters (Bahlui River, IaÂ?i), considering the presence of some minerals and heavy metals in surface water in high concentrations. The new method for integrated environmental impact and risk assessment that considers the pollutants concentration levels in surface water w...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, Dumitru Bulgariu, Laura Bulgariu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Synthesis of highly ordered titanium-containing SBA-15 mesoporous silicas for catalytic eco-friendly oxidations
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractMesoporous Ti-SBA-15 materials have been synthesized up to a Si/Ti ratio of 20 using a two-step pH adjusting method. Low angle X-ray diffraction and diffuse reflectance UV-Vis spectroscopy revealed that the optimal pH value to synthesize highly ordered mesoporous solids having Ti atoms primarily in tetrahedral coordination environments is around 7.5. The nitrogen physisorption and TEM indicated also ordered mesostructures having relatively large surface areas and uniform mesopore size di...
Autori: Adrian Ungureanu, Alexandru Chirieac, Brindusa Dragoi, Cezar Catrinescu, Emil Dumitriu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Effective mass transfer area determining of a mellapak 750 Y structured packing
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractThe effective mass transfer area of a Mellapak 750 Y structured packing was measured in a bench-scale plant with a column having an internal diameter of 100mm, and a packing height of 518 mm, using a broad range of gas and liquid flow rates. The absorption of carbon dioxide into natrium hydroxide aqueous solutions of 0.5 and 1.0 mol/L has been employed as test reaction. The validity of data obtained was tested by checking the two conditions of fast pseudo first order irreversible reactio...
Autori: Anton Friedl, Ilie Siminiceanu, Michael Harasek, Mihaela Dragan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study on new complex compounds of Ti(IV) and Zr(IV) in aqueous solutions: synthesis, stability and application in cleaner technologies of natural leather
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractIn this paper, the study of synthesis and stability in aqueous solutions of new coordination compounds of Ti(IV) and Zr(IV) with ligand N-hydroxy-succinimide is presented. The salts: TiOSO4·2H2O and ZrOCl2·8H2O used for obtaining the studied coordination complexes, can derive from recycling metallic residues resulted in mechanical technologies applied for titanium and zirconium in S.C. ZIROM S.A. Giurgiu.The new complexes were synthesized in aqueous solutions and stability were study u...
Autori: Adrian Cailean, Daniel Sutiman, Doina Sibiescu, Gabriela Apostolescu, Ioan Roşca, Marian Crudu, Mihaela Vizitiu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Textural properties of chabazite crystalized from Cs+, Na+ - aluminosilicate gels
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractZeolites Cs+, Na+-chabazite with SiO2 /Al2O3 ratio of 7 were prepared from gels with molar composition (2.41-2.73)(Cs+ + Na+)2O : (0.02 TPAOH) : Al2O3 : 7.21 SiO2 : (194-204) H2O in static hydrothermal conditions at 108 – 132 0C for 8-21 days. The solids were characterized by X - ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis and nitrogen sorption measurements. The nitrogen sorption isotherms at -1960C present a hysteresis loop which is indicative for the existence of ...
Autori: Ionela Droahna, Iuliean Asaftei, Nicolae Bilba
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sustainable combined utilization of renewable forest resources and coal in Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractAs answer to European Community politics, in Romania the researches for waste reworking and ecological treatment are developing. The researches are focusing on wood wastes for its recovery in energy purposes. The purpose is the enlargement of superior coal utilization area obtained from Jiu Valley coal field, for increasing the efficiency of heating installations for domestic consumption, concordantly to European and Romanian pollutions regulations.Combined utilization of the fuel compos...
Autori: Camelia Bădulescu, Eugen Traistă, Gheorghe Lăzăroiu, Maria Orban, Valeriu Plesea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Triphasic external-loop airlift reactors. Hydrodynamic and dispersion studies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractConsidering that three-phase dispersions are common in chemical engineering and biotechnology, and with increasing airlift reactor applications to chemical and biotechnological processes, a experimental study was undertaken in order to investigate the liquid phase hydrodynamics and dispersion in an external-loop airlift reactor on laboratory scale. Experiments were conducted in order to find a relationship between relevant hydrodynamic and mixing parameters of a solidsuspended exter...
Autori: Florina Ungureanu, Maria Gavrilescu, Radu Z. Tudose
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Unsteady heat transfer inside an elliptic cylinder
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractConsidering the importance of transfer phenomena in chemical engineering and environmental protection, in particular heat transfer modelling, numerical methods are applied to investigate the transient heat transfer inside an elliptic cylinder. The temperature of the surrounding medium was considered constant and equal to the temperature on the surface of the cylinder. The heat balance equation was solved numerically in elliptic coordinate system. The computations were focused on the infl...
Autori: Gheorghe Juncu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Distribution of oxygen transfer rate in stirred bioreactors with simulated broths
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractThe study on distribution of oxygen transfer rate for a stirred bioreactor and simulated broths was carried out for four positions inside the broth and indicated the significant variation of kla on the bioreactor height. For all considered positions, kla initially increased to a maximum value with mixing intensification, decreasing then, as the result of the modification of mixing mechanism in presence of air bubbles. The increase of broth viscosity led to the significantly reducing of o...
Autori: Adina Segneanu, Anca-Irina Galaction, Dan Caşcaval, Radu Z. Tudose
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Methyl isobutyl ketone combustion over Pt/Al2O3 catalyst
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractCatalytic combustion of methyl isobutyl ketone in diluted air streams over Pt/Al2O3 commercial catalyst was experimentally investigated. The experiments were carried out at space velocities between 180 000 - 600 000 cm3/ (gcat·h) and ketone concentrations in the range of 900 - 2600 ppmv. On the studied domain of working parameters, carbon monoxide was not detected, although some organic intermediates were formed (especially acetic acid). Their presence was detected in the product mixtur...
Autori: Anamaria Soare, Cristina Gheorghiu, Grigore Bozga, Magdalena Boşomoiu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Mathematical modeling of gas drying by adsorption
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractTheoretical and experimental studies of gas drying processes by adsorption in fixed bed of grains are presented in this paper. Based on an extensive literature study, some of the most representative mathematical models describing gas adsorption in fixed bed and consequently gas drying processes by adsorption in fixed bed are also presented. Using a mathematical model from those mentioned describing adsorption under isotherm regime, the temperature and gas flow velocity effects over the d...
Autori: Marius Sebastian Secula, Stelian Petrescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Cost sensitivity analysis by Monte Carlo simulation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 3
AbstractThe cost sensitivity analysis of a chemical process was carried out through a sequence of three stages, using three different software applications. In the first stage an alkylation process was optimized with GAMS® software, the objective function being the profit. This optimization was repeated for the values of five different costs in the frame of a factorial experiment. In the next stage, the objective function-costs dependence was quantified with an artificial neural network, obtain...
Autori: Alexandru Woinaroschy
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Municipal solid waste management in developing countries: A perspective on Vietnam
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractEnvironmental pollution has posed and continues to cause specific to and complicated problems. The unsustainable production and consumption patterns result in waste that can harm health and the environment. Because of rapid population growth and urbanization, industrialization process and rural to urban migration, solid waste management is becoming more and more critical now, being a problem in rapidly growing urban centers in developing countries. All these threaten the health and well-...
Autori: Abdelnaser Omran, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Research on the impact induced in the environment bymilk processing industry 4. The impact induced by the ecological dairy farm Panaci (Suceava)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe investigation focused on the impact on the environment caused by a dairy farm which supplies SC CAMYLACT LTD Panaciwith raw materials, a milk processing unit whose impact on the environment was analyzed. The material balance for the activityon the farm was resized and, thanks to this, the synthetic indicators of the impact on the environment, such as the specificinfluents of materials and specific effluents could be calculated....
Autori: Constantin Hutupas, Mihai Nicu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Analysis of fluxes between industrial branches using technological coefficients
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractIn the theory of relations between economical branches, a variety of balance of connections between the branches (BLR) models is used, whose theoretical construction is based on a series of hypotheses according to the purpose of each model. In this paper models which make use of the natural units are applied in the analysis of fluxes between industrial branches. ...
Autori: Aurel Burciu, Ionel Bostan, Petru P. Condrea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Performance of traffic noise models for metropolitan cities
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractIn India, transportation sector is growing fast and the number of vehicles on Indian roads is increasing at a rate more than 7 percent a year. During the period of 50 years from 1951 to 2001, the number of vehicles has increased from 0.3 million to 43 million i.e. an increase of almost 143 times. This has led to overcrowded roads and noise pollution. The transportation sector is one of the major contributors to noise in urban areas, accounting to as much as 55 percent of total noise on t...
Autori: Arvind Kumar Shukla, Jyoti Bhushan Srivastava, Manoranjan Parida, Sukhvir Singh Jain
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Electricity load prediction for water supply systems
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe efficient management of electricity consumption is an important tool to approach the basic objectives in the field of energy efficiency and environment protection. The paper describes an artificial neural network (ANN) approach to the problem of electric load profile prediction for a water supply system. The analysis was directed towards two main objectives: to determine the optimum input structure of the ANN with respect to the electric load profiles’ history and to determine the ...
Autori: Gilda Gavrilaş, Mihai Gavrilas, Ovidiu Ivanov
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Methods for analisys and evaluation of occupational accidents and diseases risks
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe evaluation of the occupational risk represents an operation whose purpose is to assess the risk for accidents and occupational diseases which can occur during the development of some hazards produced by human activities inside the working system, with the view to giving a qualitative and a quantitative size of this element.In the study, mathematical patterns are developed to be used for laying foundations of modern methods for the analysis and assessment of occupational risks. The sc...
Autori: Angelica Nicoleta Draghici, Constantin Baciu, Gabriel Dragoş Vasilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on heat treatment of an AlCu4Mg1 alloy
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThis paper presents experimental and theoretical studies regarding the behavior after heat treatment of an AlCu4Mg1 aluminum alloy with positive effect on corrosion resistance. On the basis of these experiments and the regression data obtained, an analysis regarding the influence of heating parameters on quenching and aging in order to obtain a certain stress was made. Two cases were considered: stress and quenching temperature are fixed and aging temperature was determined; stress and a...
Autori: Adrian Dima, Alina Adriana Minea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sustainable development and environmental assessment in the Bor basin
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractIn Serbia, the more recent sustainable development policy faces a number of serious problems, which are emphasized by the slow pace at which post-socialist r,eforms have been performed. Environmental aspects of transition reforms have hardly been tackled so far, the copper complex in the area of Bor (Eastern Serbia) being a notable example of such a delay. In effect, the practice of a more rigorous and systematic ex ante evaluation of possible future development scenarios is at its very ...
Autori: Miodrag Vujosevic,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Eco-management and the paradigm of Self-regulation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractSelf-regulation can be defined as a public scheme in which private parties volunteer to meet standards established by public authorities; this is the case of the European Commission's eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS). The EMAS aims at promoting improvement in industry's environmental performance by the implementation of company-level environmental management systems, and the systematic evaluation of performance by accredited auditors. Self-regulatory initiatives have in common a co...
Autori: Voicu - Dan Dragomir
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Analytical noise contour construction using inverse square law of sound propagation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractOne of the most important environmental problems is traffic noise in urban areas. In order to assess and monitor its influence on environmental quality, road traffic noise measurements are necessary. In generation of noise contour map, two main problems are encountered: noise measurements, which take considerable amount of time, and the method for rigorous production of noise contour map.An extrapolation technique was developed to construct noise contours using actual sound level measure...
Autori: Cahit Tagi Celik, Lale Guremen
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Global dimming - An environmental hypothesis on climate change
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe paper approaches studies of projections of future climate change that use a hierarchy of coupled ocean/atmosphere/seaice/ land-surface models to provide indicators of global response as well as possible regional patterns of climate change. It is evidenced that, after the global warming, a new phenomenon that occurs in the terrestrial atmosphere has drawn the attention of the scientific community. It is called global dimming - the decrease of the solar beams capacity (infrared, visibl...
Autori: Catrinel-Raluca Giurma-Handley, Constantin-Marin Antohi, Ioan Crăciun, Ion Giurma
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study of the separation process of tartaric acid by ion-exchange with solid anionites Amberlite IRA-67 AND Amberlite IRA-410
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe present work describes an investigation of process of ion-exchange separation of tartaric acid in model systems. These investigations will be used for the separation of tartaric acid from secondary wine products. Their valorisation allows obtaining valuable compounds, as well as decreasing the huge quantities of wastes accumulated at wine making factories.As ionic exchangers, there have been used weakly basic anion exchanger Amberlite IRA-67 (tertiary functional amine groups) and str...
Autori: Aliona Mereuţa, Gheorghe Duca, Herbert G. Boechzelt, Natalia Marchitan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Low-carbon steels corrosion in water-contaminated organic mixtures of adipic acid and methanol
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe corrosion resistance of three types of low-carbon steels in water-contaminated mixtures of adipic acid and methanol was investigated. The concentration of water in the organic mixture was progressively raised from 1% to 5%, while the carbon concentration in the steel samples varied from 2% to 4%. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to investigate the insoluble corrosion products. Based on the weight losses measurements, on the polarization curves and on t...
Autori: Adrian Cailean, Daniel Mareci, Daniel Sutiman, Mircea Teodor Nechita
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Recovery of some inorganic compounds from the sludges resulted after the leaching of uranyl ions from uranium ores
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractIn this work it had been tested the recovery of some compounds like: Fe2O3, TiO2, PO4 3- ions, Al2O3 from the sludges, which result in the industrial facilities for output of pure uranium dioxide. Solubilization of the chemical compounds from the uraniumwastes was performed in strong acidic media, using adequate methods....
Autori: Alexandru Cecal, Doina Humelnicu, Romeo Iulian Olariu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 3
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
? Denitrifying activity of activated sludge in suspension and in biofilm? Denitrifying potential of an activated sludge derived consortium? Biosorption of hexavalent chromium based on modified Y zeolites obtained by alkali-treatment? Identifying anaerobic digestion models using simultaneous batch experiments? Olive mill wastewater as a renewable resource? Influence of innoculum acclimation in the biodegradation rate and estimated biodegradbility of cow manure, food waste and oil? Studies on the ...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Relationship between composition of the lignin-based interpolymer complex and its structuring ability
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractA new environmentally friendly lignosulfonate-based glue (LSG), which represents the lignin-containing interpolymer complex, has been developed for structuring sandy soils. It has been found that the changes in the LSG composition result in a change in its rheological properties, which are associated with the LSG binding ability and, thereby, have to influence the fractional composition and properties of the created soil aggregates. ...
Autori: Galia Shulga, Julia Brovkina, Juris Ozolinš, Olga Aniskevicha, Talrits Betkers
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Separation of uranium(vi) from soils by extraction in aqueous PEG (1550) - Na2SO4 - Na2CO3 two-phase systems. I. Preliminary results
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
Abstract In this paper preliminary results of studies concerning the extraction of uranium(VI) from soils in aqueous PEG (1550) 20 % - Na2SO4 20 % - Na2CO3 10-2-10-3 M two-phase systems are presented, as well as the spectrophotometric determination of extracted uranium with pirocatechol violet (PV). A special attention was given to the experimental factors (pH, redox potential, CO32- anion concentration and initial uranium concentration), which was found to influence both the formation and stabi...
Autori: Daniel Condorachi, Doru Juravle, Dumitru Bulgariu, Laura Bulgariu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Remediation techniques for contaminated soils
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractSoil pollution causes significant damage to the environment and human health as a result of their mobilities and solubilities.Significant progress has been made in regulating soil pollution, with a parallel development of methodologies for soil assessmentand remediation. The selection of the most appropriate soil and sediment remediation method depend on site characteristics, concentration, type of pollutants to be removed, and the end use of the contaminated medium. The approach include...
Autori: Attar Singh Sheoran, Poonia Poonam, Vimla Sheoran
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Advanced Cd2+ removal on dispersed TioO2-fly ash
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe paper proposes a suitable solution for a one step treatment process of the wastewaters resulted from the textile industry, using a mixture of anatase and modified fly ash. The dyes photo-degradation on TiO2 anatase is well known. The use of fly ash in advanced wastewater treatment, for heavy metal adsorption, represents an environmental friendly process, efficient if the fly ash surface charge is controlled by solubilisation/reprecipitation. The first step in implementing the single ...
Autori: Anca Duta, Maria Visa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Biological phosphorus removal in a high performance single reactor
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe possibility of biological phosphorus removal (BPR) was studied using a lab-scale single reactor the same as SHARON process. Up to now, there has been no investigation of the feasibility of SHARON process for the purpose of phosphate removal. The optimal operation conditions were established to obtain highest removal rates. Under the experimental conditions, the phosphorus concentration dropped from an influent concentration of 1000 mg/L to levels around 0.1 mg/L or less. It was concl...
Autori: Abbas Rezaee, Hatam Godini, Masod Solimani, Nayera Nami
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Determination of heavy metals in extracts and macerates from garden flowers
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractThe aim of this work was to study the content of Fe, Mn, Zn and Pb in the mixtures which contain volatile oil between othercomponents, obtained after the Soxhlet extraction or maceration of the samples (different organs of garden flowers - blue hyacinthand chrysanthemum). The blue hyacinth is a bulbous perennial herb in the Lilliaceae family, grown for its showy and fragrantspringtime flower display. Garden chrysanthemums are tender perennials in the Asteraceae family in double-flowered ...
Autori: , Simona Dobrinas, Viorica Popescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of nickel from aqueous solution by Nordmann FIR (ABIES Nordmanniana (STEV.) SPACH SUBSP. Nordmanniana) cones
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
AbstractBiosorption an alternative process is the uptake of heavy metals from aqueous solutions by biological materials. The biosorption of nickel ions from aqueous solution was investigated by Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. subsp. nordmanniana) in a batch adsorption system as a function of pH, initial metal concentration, biomass dosage, contact time. The data showed that the maximum pH for efficient sorption of Ni(II) was 6.5. At the optimal conditions, Ni(II) ion biosorption ...
Autori: Handan Ucun, Ozkan Aksakal, Yusuf Kaya
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 7 Nr. 4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 4
Include urmatoarele articole:� Removal of nickel from aqueous solution by Nordmann FIR (ABIES Nordmanniana (STEV.) SPACH SUBSP. Nordmanniana) cones� Determination of heavy metals in extracts and macerates from garden flowers� Biological phosphorus removal in a high performance single reactor � Advanced Cd2+ removal on dispersed TioO2-fly ash � Remediation techniques for contaminated soils� Separation of uranium(vi) from soils by extraction in aqueous PEG (1550) - Na2SO4 - Na2CO3 two-...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on transfer and bioaccumulation of heavy metals from soil into lettuce
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractThis paper presents the connection between the heavy metals concentration in soil and their bioaccumulation in lettuce. Lettuce is a very good bioaccumulator of heavy metals and nutrients. In general, plants manifest a certain reaction to increasing the toxic metal concentrations in soil which they are cultivated on. The differences depend on plants sensitivity, and time exposure intensity (concentration of heavy metals, cultivation length, etc.), presence or absence of nutrients and oth...
Autori: Ana-Irina Smical, Elena Pop, Jozsef Juhasz, Vasile Hotea, Vasile Oros
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractThe paper discusses some aspects concerning the utilization of biomass as a bioenergy resource worldwide and in Romania, since  biomass is considered a sustainable, potentially environmentally sound and a replenishable resource. The biomass categories for bioenergy are analyzed, considering the factors which influence its availability. Biomass energy potential and current use in different regions as well as in Europe is accounted. Also, biomass power as an important alternative for ...
Autori: Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Opportunities and barriers for development of biogas technologies in Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractThe development of technologies for waste treatment, simultaneously with minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, has become a matter of great concern at global level. Biogas systems can help in the fight against global warming by avoiding to escape methane from organic waste, into the atmosphere. Biogas technology is of great benefit to the end-users and the environment by energy, compost and nutrient recovery. Romania is a country with a huge biomass potential. Implementing of biogas techn...
Autori: , Corina Alice Babutanu, Gheorghe Băran
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Combustion of pitcoal-wood biomass brichettes in a boiler test facility
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractThe use of composite fuels using pitcoal and sawdust represents a high perspective. The paper deals with the experimental results focusing on the combustion efficiency of composite fuel briquettes and on the polluting emissions level. A special care is given to the determination of boiler efficiency and to the establishment of exploiting economic conditions, like the supply, cleaning etc. The research of the combustion of pitcoal-wood biomass briquettes is conducted on a 55 kW boiler.A n...
Autori: Gabriel Negreanu, Gheorghe Lăzăroiu, Ion Oprea, Ionel Pisa, Lucian Mihăescu, Radu Indries, Tudor Prisecaru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Microbial cellulose as support material for the immobilization of denitrifying bacteria
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the immobilization of denitrifying bacteria on microbial cellulose (MC) for biological denitrification. A novel denitrifying bacterium, Pseudomonas stutzeri, was immobilized in microbial cellulose and introduced into an up flow packed bed reactor in order to remove nitrate from synthetic influent. The MC presented the high biomass concentration throughout the experiment, achieving 3.4 mg biomass/g support. The efficiency of the system for deni...
Autori: Abbas Rezaee, Hatam Godini, Hossein Bakhtou
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Valorification of herbs in phytotherapy - an alternative of chemical treatments in agriculture
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractIn agricultural culture there are numerous weeds diminishing the production which are controlled by several methods. The most common and efficient method with the modern agriculture is the chemical method of controlling weeds, using a large range of herbicides. A great part of these herbicides have long lasting remanence, even over three years. A great part of the active substances of the herbicides pollute the soil and subsequently the waters, sometimes with disastrous action for the en...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, Sabina Robu, Teodor Robu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Integration of biorefinery clusters towards zero emissions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractDepletion of world recourses, increasing pollution, and climate change make us shift from linear economy to system economy - an economy of technologies integrated to reach a non-polluting zero emissions production system. Transition to renewable resources requires replacement the present crude oil refinery by biomass refinery. Along with conventional biomass refinery technologies bioengineering and nano-technologies become significant players of systems in the design of clusters of integ...
Autori: Arnis Kokorevics, Janis Abolins, Janis Gravitis
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Biomass - an important renewable source of energy in Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractAt the beginning of 3rd century the humankind finds at a crossroads. Daily, people assist at miracles, live in a time of change, both in economical and rational areas. Energy demand is expected to increase steadily over the next couple of decades, as income levels and economic output expand, especially in the new democratic states after ’90th.Renewable energy resources represent a new opportunity in Romania, with less participation in the market than those forums outside of the country...
Autori: Camelia Ciubota-Rosie, Maria Gavrilescu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Phytoremediation: the application of vermicompost to remove zinc, cadmium, copper, nickel and lead by sunflower plant
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractA greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the phytotoxic effect of heavy metals such as Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn on the growth of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus): on the seed germination, root/shoot growth and uptake of metals in soil-vermicompost media. The selected metals were dosed at various concentrations ranging from 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 50 ppm separately in soil - vermicompost media (3:1) in pot experiment. The seed germination, root and shoot growth were found significantly a...
Autori: Chhotu D. Jadia, Madhusudan H. Fulekar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Energy from biomass in pulp and paper mills
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractPulp and paper mills generate various quantities of energy-rich biomass as wastes, depending on technological level, pulp and paper grades and wood quality. These wastes are produced in all stages of the process: wood preparation, pulp and paper manufacture, chemical recovery, recycled paper processing, waste water treatment. Energy recovery from wastes of different origin has become a generally accepted alternative to their disposal. Pulp and paper industry expresses an interest in adap...
Autori: Dan Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Effect of methanogenic inhibitors, inocula type, and temperature on biohydrogen production from food components
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractDark fermentation hydrogen production from a mixture of food components using two different methods of methanogenic inhibition (autoclaving and BES) and three different temperatures (37, 60, and 70 Â?C) was examined in batch assays for two different mixed anaerobic cultures - one suspended sludge (S) obtained from an anaerobic digester and one granular sludge (G) obtained from a brewery wastewater treatment plant. In general, BES-inhibition of sludge was more robust when compared against...
Autori: Angela A. Abreu, Anthony S. Danko, Francisco Pinheiro, Maria Madalena Alves
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on the interaction between birch veneer and compounds with biocide potential action
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractThis paper discusses the results of study concerning the interaction between the birch veneer and some compounds with biocide potential action are presented. With this end in view the samples of veneer were immersed in solutions with a concentration of 5% of the following products: unmodified straw lignin or modified through hydroxymethylation, furan resin and tannins dissolved in 0.1 N ammonia solution. To make a comparison, the same combined treatments were applied, using ammonia solut...
Autori: Adina-Mirela Capraru, Elena Ungureanu, Valentin I. Popa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Wood-based epoxy resins and the ramie fiber reinforced composites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractWood-based epoxy resin was synthesized from resorcinol-liquefied wood. First, wood components were depolymerized and liquefied by reaction with resorcinol. The resorcinol-liquefied wood with plenty of hydroxyl groups could be considered as a precursor for synthesizing wood-based epoxy resin. Namely, the phenolic-OH groups of the liquefied wood reacted with epichlorohydrine under alkali condition. By the glycidyl etherification, epoxy functionality was introduced to the liquefied wood. Th...
Autori: Akira Fujita, Hajime Kishi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Equilibrium study of Pb(II) and Hg(II) sorption from aqueous solutions by moss peat
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractThe sorption of Pb(II) and Hg(II) ions from aqueous solutions by moss peat (from Poiana Stampei, Romania) was studied in a batch system. The data obtained from experiments of a single-component sorption were analyzed using Langmuir and Freundlich models. The Langmuir equation describe sorption isotherm of Pb(II) and Hg(II) with high correlation coefficients, and better than Freundlich model. According to the Langmuir model, the maximum uptake capacities of moss peat for Pb(II) and Hg(II)...
Autori: Dumitru Bulgariu, Laura Bulgariu, Matei Macoveanu, Mioara Răţoi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Biomass - A source of chemicals and energy for sustainable development
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
AbstractNowadays, energetic utilization of biomass, biotechnology attracts a big attention not only from the environmental point of view but also have a social, political and economical impact. According to the Directive 2003/30/EC of the European Parliament and the European Council the emission of greenhouse gases can be reduced by 49% using bioethanol produced by a manufacturing process based on corn, instead of crude oil based fuels. Moreover in Hungary from 1st of July 2007 only gasoline wit...
Autori: , , Gyula Marton, , Jenő Hancsók, Tatiana Yuzhakova
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 7 Nr. 5
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 5
Include urmatoarele articole:� Biomass - A source of chemicals and energy for sustainable development � Equilibrium study of Pb(II) and Hg(II) sorption from aqueous solutions by moss peat� Wood-based epoxy resins and the ramie fiber reinforced composites� Studies on the interaction between birch veneer and compounds with biocide potential action� Effect of methanogenic inhibitors, inocula type, and temperature on biohydrogen production from food components� Energy from biomass in pul...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Wastewater characteristics in textile finishing mills
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe aim of this paper was to accurately analyze the sources of water pollution and loading concentrations in textile finishing mills. A process data collection was performed and integrated with a characterization of the process effluents in terms of treatability and reusability. In order to evaluate properly the wastewater loading, an analysis course was set. The samples have been gathered for two months; instantaneous samples (PI) were drawn from the wastewater, as well as from the pain...
Autori: Irina-Isabella Savin, Romen Butnaru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Quality analysis of the soils in the Cordun metallurgical platform area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe present article deals with the study of the quality of the soils in the Cordun area – the waste dump. This refers to the characteristics of the analyzed location site (geomorphological, geological considerations, the pedological and agrochemical characterization of the soils in the area outside the plant), but also to the establishment of the pollution rate in the location site (experimenata data, results and debates). The conclusion of the present article is that the analyzed area...
Autori: Elena Doinita Carlig, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental issues from an economic perspective
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe paper discusses some aspects concerning environmental issues considered from an economic perspective, since economic globalization as well as ecological globalization follows new ways of conditioning each other. In the past the most important thing was the impact of the environmental protection pressure - soil deterioration, water system, the atmosphere and the forests - uponeconomical perspectives. In the recent past years the society had to face the quick growth of the economical i...
Autori: Ionel Bostan, Petru Condrea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on the influence of irrigation on a calcic chernozem in the eastern region of Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe Romanian strategy in the field of irrigations for the years of 2008-2011 consists of the modernization of the existing works covering about 3.1 mil. ha, while for the years of 2011-2025 the irrigation of additional area of 0.9 mil. ha is expected. In the climate conditions of Romania, the irrigation has a complementary character over the precipitations. Because of this reason, a correct regime of irrigations needs a very good correlation between watering and precipitations in order t...
Autori: Dorin Cotiusca Zauca,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Overview of ex situ decontamination techniques for soil cleanup
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe paper is a short review on the soil decontamination applying ex-situ techniques. Some sources and pathways of soil  contamination are discussed. It was revealed that available techniques for soil decontamination can be divided in two parts, depending on where the action have place: in-situ or ex-situ. Also, depending on the nature of the process, these techniques can be biological, physical-chemical and thermal. In order to decontaminate soils properly, the primary contaminants ...
Autori: Lucian Vasile Pavel, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Equations for alluvial soil storage coefficients
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe paper defines the average and local soil storage coefficients, for a soil with relatively shallow water table. By means of an adequate law for the suction distribution on soils level and certain parametrical models for the moisture retention curve of soil, the analytical equations for these storage coefficients were determined. Theoretical results are to be applied for a case study and on the basis of a pertinent analysis, and some recommendations were made for the practical use of f...
Autori: Daniel Toma, Esmeralda Chiorescu, Stefan Popescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Determination of major and minor elements in milk through ICP-AES
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractMilk products are a very important human nutrient since their consumption has increased in recent years. Good quality measurements are essential to control and maintain milk products and processes quality, both in manufacturing, trade and in research. The presence of toxic elements in powdered and liquid milk may create significant health problems for people. The aim of this paper was to determine the content of major and minor elements in different milk samples, sold in major supermarke...
Autori: Alina Soceanu, Gabriela Stanciu, , Simona Dobrinas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Quantification of environmental impact and risk induced by industrial activities on ground water quality: Case study Cordun - Roman area, Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe question of whether environmental assessment has achieved its goal of helping to reach better decisions has continually engaged the attention of academics, policy makers and environmental impact assessment practitioners. Answering this question requires several different groups working together and/or in sequence, and examining the effectiveness of environmental impact and risk assessment. EIA has tended to focus on the identification of impacts associated with planned activities or ...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, Elena Doinita Carlig, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Establishing the acceptable risk level in occupational accidents and diseases based on a formal analysis
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe occupational safety is that state of the working system where there is no possibility that occupational accidentsand diseases should occur. Considering the specific features of the component elements there are no such full safe working systems for men because there is always a hazard of occupational accidents and diseases.Generally speaking, all the component parts of the system, together with the relations built among them have beenconceived, designed and produced so that there is n...
Autori: Constantin Baciu, Gabriel Dragoş Vasilescu, Valeriu Plesea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The Gorgon method as a tool in sustainable behavior and development
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe paper proposes a solution for life quality improvement by changing the individual’s mentality and creating a sustainable behavior. The solution consists of the development of a psycho-behavioral pattern starting from the Gorgon experiences. The latter are hurtful experiences in the individual’s life the effect of which is a complete or partial emotional components blockage. The hindrance of these components performance affects the individual’s behavior, placing him or her in a ...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, , Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental engineering education in Iran: needs, problems and solutions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractSince public concerns about the environmental issues have increased, several universities all over the world have been establishing environmental engineering programs. Environmental engineering programs in Iran at graduate level have been developed since 1990. At the present time, there are ten universities are presenting environmental engineering programs at graduate levels. The environmental engineering education systems of almost all Iran universities are quite traditional. As the env...
Autori: Ahmad Tahershamsi, , Reza Maknoon
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Identification, communication and management of risks relating to drinking water pollution in Bihor county
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractAt global level, the microbiological quality of water is a matter of concern, since diarrhoea represents the second cause of mortality. In addition, nitrates represent a significant problem and their high concentration - above the accepted limits - in drinking water is frequently encountered in Romania. Water samples have been analyzed in accordance with the methodology recommended by The Public Health Institute Bucharest. 78.15% of the water samples evaluated during the interval 2004-20...
Autori: Claudia Sarmasan, Lucia Daina, Sonia Draghici
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Earth oil extraction - major environmental pollution source
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe work presents the negative environmental impact produced by an extraction of crude oil activity. To highlight and quantify the negative effects on the environment produced from such activity, the experimental part has been focused on evidence of samples of soil, water from groundwater aquifers and surface, and the air emissions. The values of quality indicators are presented in graphs and tables, highlighting an activity with all major impact on the environment....
Autori: Aurica Grec, Corneliu Maior
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Migration and fate of persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere - A modelling approach
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractConsidering that the fate and behaviour of contaminants within the environment is an extremely complex issue, this paper analyzes the development of predictive models which can contribute to the understanding of the release of a contaminant.  Different types of models concerning the atmospheric transport of POPs are examined, taking into consideration that these models can be used to simulate the behaviour of contaminants. A successful simulation, in which there is satisfactory agre...
Autori: Camelia Smaranda, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Modelling chlorine decay in drinking water mains
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractDrinking water treatment plays an important role in maintaining public health. Chlorine is the most often disinfectant used for microbiological protection of water. Required residual chlorine concentration must be in treated water when it leaves treatment plant, to comply with the regulations. The chlorine residual must be 0.5 mg/L at the entrance into the distribution system and 0.25 mg/l at consumers, according to the law. Any less and there is no guarantee that the water has adequate ...
Autori: Dan Robescu, Diana Robescu, Nicolae Jivan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Groundwater contamination from waste storage works
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractGroundwater is an important source of drinking water, especially for rural population. In the last years, bacteria, nitrate, organic chemicals and other pollutants existing in groundwater have increased public concern about the quality of groundwater. Groundwater provides about 22% of all freshwater withdrawals; 37% of agricultural use (mostly for irrigation); 37% of the public water supply withdrawals; 51% of all drinking water for the total population and 99% of drinking water for the ...
Autori: Ancuţa Rotaru, Paulica Raileanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Implementing a sea pollution and safety management system in the navigation companies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe paper presents the main causes of the sea accidents and disasters, which call for the implementation of a sea pollution and safety management system (SMS) in the navigation companies, for certification purposes, in compliance with the International Management Code for the safe vessel operation and pollution prevention (ISM). For this purpose the objectives of the ISM codes are presented and which are to be found in the implemented Management System.From the main causes of the safety ...
Autori: Carmen Gasparotti, Lucian Georgescu, Mirela Voiculescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Management of waste in rural areas of Gorj county, Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractOn the top of the ecological priority list in Romania, waste management is on the third place following the problems regarding the surface and underground water pollution, as well as that of the atmosphere. The clean-up of the landscape represents an issue largely discussed in Romania. The paper presents the advantages of waste management for the landscape, which includes: waste gathering and transfer, waste selection, waste biological treatment and the storage.Some analyses of the const...
Autori: Camelia Capatana, Claudia Maria Simonescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies regarding surface water treatment using a microfiltration-ultrafiltration pilot plant
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractIn this paper the results of surface water treatment process for drinking purpose are presented, using the microfiltrationultrafiltration process. The experimental studies were carried out using a microfiltration-ultrafiltration pilot plant and raw water from Bega River, Timisoara as feed. To assess process performance, the water quality, e.g., turbidity, total coliforms and hardness parameters were determined for two different operating regimes subjected to filtration time. A good effic...
Autori: Camelia Podaru, Cristian Danielescu, Florica Manea, Georgeta Burtica, Ilie Vlaicu, Viorel Patroescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on equipment corrosion in catalytic reformation of C1 - C5 fraction
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractObservations and data regarding the intense corrosion and deposit phenomena of the carbon steel tube bundle of the heat exchanger are presented. The bundle ensures the cooling of the light fraction C1 - C5 from the top of the distillation column which carries out the removal of pentane and smaller derivates into the RC equipment. Chemical and mineralogical analyses confirm the aggressive action of the fluids flowing through the exchanger. Tests have been done in order to replace the carb...
Autori: Ana-Daniela Georgescu, Lucian Georgescu, Maria Apostolescu, Nicolae Apostolescu, Ovidiu Georgescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Effect of vanadium replacement by zirconium on the electrochemical behavior of Ti6Al4V alloy in Ringer´s solution
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe electrochemical behaviour of Ti6Al4V and Ti6Al4Zr alloys has been evaluated in Ringer's solution at 250C. The effect of the substitution of vanadium in Ti6Al4V alloy has been specifically addressed. The evaluation of the corrosion resistance was carried out through the analysis of the open circuit potential variation with time, potentiodynamic polarization curves, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests. Very low current densities were obtained (order of nA/cm2) from t...
Autori: Adrian Cailean, Daniel Mareci, Daniel Sutiman, Igor Creţescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of acid red 398 dye from aqueous solutions by coagulation/flocculation process
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractThe removal of Acid Red 398 (AR398) dye from dye-containing solution using coagulation/flocculation process with polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and Alum was investigated. The effect of different parameters involving pH, dosage of coagulant, initial dye concentration, and bentonite as a natural coagulant aid was examined. According to the obtained results, the optimum pH, at which the maximum removal occurred, was about 4 and 5 for PAC and Alum, respectively. However, PAC performed efficient...
Autori: Maryam Hasani Zonoozi, , Mokhtar Arami
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Investigations on the possibility of natural hemp fibers use for Zn(II) ions removal from wastewaters
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractNatural hemp fibers have been evaluated for Zn (II) ions sorption from diluted aqueous solutions. In order to establish the optimum conditions, the effect of initial pH of solution, hemp dose, Zn (II) concentration, temperature and contact time of phases on the Zn (II) sorption by natural hemp has been studied. To model the Zn (II) sorption at three different temperatures the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms have been used. The Langmuir maximum sorption capacities were determined as bei...
Autori: Carmen Paduraru, Lavinia Tofan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

An integrated assessment of the suitability of domestic solar still as a viable safe water technology for India
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractImproving access to safe drinking water can result in multi-dimensional impacts on people’s livelihood. This has been aptly reflected in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) as one of the major objectives. Despite the availability of diverse and complex set of technologies for water purification, pragmatic and cost-effective use of the same is impeding the use of available sources of water. Hence, in country like India simple low-energy technologies such as solar still are likely to ...
Autori: , Nanda Kumar, Santosh M. Avvannavar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Determination of organic compounds from different types of coffee by Hplc and Gc-Ecd analysis
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
A study was conducted to investigate the organic compounds residues in different types of coffee from market inThe detection limits ranged from 0.02 ng/kg to 0.04 ng/kg and quantification limits were 0.2 ng/kg. Calibration and recovery studies gave satisfactory results. Concentrations of OCPs in coffee samples varied from 0.001 mg/Kg to 0.007 mg/Kg. The methods provide a rapid and accurate determination of these organic compounds in coffee samples....
Autori: Gabriela Stanciu, Mariana Popescu, , Simona Dobrinas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
- Artificial intelligence applications in the atmospheric environment: status and future trends- Kernel methods and neural networks for water resources management- Environmental decision support systems based on models and model-based reasoning- Towards an intelligent tutoring system for environmental decision makers- SBC-MEDIU: A multi-expert system for environmental diagnosis- Fast and accurate residential fire detection using wireless sensor networks- Validation of a knowledge-based risk mode...

Composite membranes with cross-linked matrimid selective layer for gas separation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
AbstractIn the present work, composite membranes were developed for separation of hydrogen from its mixtures with other gases. The composite membranes were characterized by single gas permeation and scanning electron microscopy. Gas transport properties have been determined for four gases (H2, CH4, N2, CO2). The influence of cross-linking on transport was measured. H2/CH4 selectivity values up to 115 were obtained. The resulting membranes have a selectivity of H2/CH4 close to intrinsic selectivi...
Autori: Carmen Nistor, Marcel Popa, Sergey Shishatskiy, Suzana Pereira Nunes
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 7 Nr. 6
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 7Nr. 6
Include urmatoarele articole:� Composite membranes with cross-linked matrimid selective layer for gas separation� Determination of organic compounds from different types of coffee by Hplc and Gc-Ecd analysis� An integrated assessment of the suitability of domestic solar still as a viable safe water technology for India� Investigations on the possibility of natural hemp fibers use for Zn(II) ions removal from wastewaters� Removal of acid red 398 dye from aqueous solutions by coagulation...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Adsorption of N-hexane vapors onto non-functionalized hypercrosslinked polymers (hypersol-macronet TM) and activated carbon: Equilibrium studies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractTwo non-functionalized hypercrosslinked polymeric resins type Macronet (MN 202 and MN 250) were employed to remove nhexane vapors from gas phase. A comparison of the equilibrium behavior of these hypercrosslinked resins and a bituminous granular activated carbon was made. The initial n-hexane concentration in the air stream ranged from 2100 to 4500 ppm and the adsorption temperatures were 30oC, 40oC and 50oC. The results showed that the MN 250 presents the higher adsorption capacities of...
Autori: Adela Marilena Buburuzan Haleta, Cezar Catrinescu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A computing model for optimal sizes of protected areas considering animal bioindicators
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThe authors propose a calculation example of the optimal sizes regarding the protected areas, taking into account the biological, ecological and behavioral needs of the animal species which are situated in the top of the trophic pyramid. Carnivores and great herbivores are considered the best bioindicators for the Romanian ecosystems....
Autori: Corneliu Maior, Petru Aurel Darau, Viorel Soran
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Impact of human activities on the soil in Vaslui county
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThe soil is a fundamental component of both urban and rural environment, the main reason behind the fact that the protection of soil and subsoil is a matter of national importance. By its position and characteristics, the soil is, in fact, the convergence area of all the pollutants, of which the most are airborne. The present paper, which presents the sources of heavy metals as well the impact of those on the soil from Vaslui county, is part of a series of papers published as preparation...
Autori: Mihaela Budianu,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of some environmentally relevant heavy metals using low-cost natural sorbents
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract        The sorption of metal ions from aqueous solution plays an important role in water pollution control and in recent years there has been considerable interest in the use of low-cost adsorbents. Many researchers have tried to exploit naturally occurring materials as low-cost adsorbents, for removing of heavy metals. In this article the removal performance of various low-cost adsorbents derived from agricultural waste or natural material is evaluate...
Autori: Raluca Maria Hlihor, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

An overview of decision support systems for integrated water resources management
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractIntegrated water resources management requires planning and management activities, as well as adequate information and communication within a structure that groups different stakeholders (industry, agriculture and other types of water users, civil society representatives, university and research institutions, water authorities and waterworks companies), being thus characterized by a high level of complexity, and requiring the involvement of numerous decision-makers operating at different...
Autori: , , Luminita Lupu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Numerical modelling of longshore currents in marine environment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThe present work carries out a parallel analysis between the performances and, on the other hand, of the restrictions of two different model systems designed to assess the nearshore circulation. These are SHORECIRC, which is a widely known general prediction system for nearshore circulation and ISSM (the Interface for SWAN and SURF Models). SHORECIRC is a quasi-3D model that combines a numerical solution for the depth-integrated 2D horizontal momentum balance equations with an analytical...
Autori: Eugen Rusu, Silviu Macuţă
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Titanium dioxide extraction from paint sludge of automotive industry Case study: Paint sludge of Saipa paint shop
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractPaint sludge of automotive industry contains heavy metals and other toxic substances. Due to this matter, it has a high pollution potential. Incorrect disposal of paint sludge led to kinds of environmental pollution. Recycling and reusing of wastes can be one of the best solutions for decreasing of pollutant entrance to environment. The purpose of this study was to present a new method of extracting the main components of paint sludge, for determining concentration of elements in paint s...
Autori: Azadeh Akhavan Bloorchian, Seyed Mostafa Khezri
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Research in the engineering of complex systems safety
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractAn efficient design and development of the occupational health and safety managing system in a working system involves a suitable tailoring of occupational health and safety state in relation to the risk level associated to the conditions for the occurrence of general and specific hazards all through its length of operation.This paper presents a methodological approach for the analysis and for a likelihood estimate of industrial risks identified inside complex structures of the working s...
Autori: Constantin Baciu, Gabriel Dragoş Vasilescu, Tiberiu Attila Csaszar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Survey on the dynamic of urban air pollution in the municipality of Craiova, Dolj county
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractUrban air pollution is responsible for the highest burden of environmentally related diseases in Europe. Air pollutants with strongly indicated respiratory health effects are particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. The retrospective ecological survey has taken into account the urban air pollution with sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ammonia (NH3) and particulate matter (PM10). The analyzed data show that after applying the European regulations regarding the ...
Autori: Catalin Adrian Petrisor, Dorin Petrişor, Lucreţiu Radu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Socio-environmental impact of idol immersion: dimensions and directions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractIndia possesses a diverse and rich cultural heritage and is renowned as a 'land of festivals'. These festivals attract massive community involvement paving way to new materials such as 'Plaster of Paris' being used for 'modernizing' the representation of idols with very little thought given to the issues of toxicity and environmental impacts. Another dimension to the whole issue is the plight of the artisans and the workers involved in the trade. Owing to the unorganized nature of the in...
Autori: Nanda B. S. Kumar, Raghunath Babu Are, Santosh M. Avvannavar, Shrihari Surathal
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

National Environmental Guard Institution in Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThe central authority for environmental protection fulfils, by specialized organism, the attributions regarding the environment supervision, prevention and contravention penalty as well as the intimation of the legal authorities in case of offences committed in this domain as a result of the activities carried out by civilians or legal company representatives within the limits of our country....
Autori: Ionel Bostan, Petru Condrea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The Algae Blooms phenomenon - A mathematical model
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
Pollution with sources from towns and industrial centres affect considerable the ecosystem waters. An accumulation of nutrients favourable to the growth of certain tiny marine organisms called phytoplankton stimulates their rapid reproduction in the water.These plankton blooms appear as patches on the surface of the water. The consequence of this process is the diminishing of the amount of oxygen from water (in the process of decompose the algae), the decease of aquatic animal and the multiply o...
Autori: Laura Stefanescu, Laura Ungureanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental impact assessment induced by an industrial unit of basic chemical organic compounds synthesis using the alternative method of global pollution index
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThe technological process of basic chemical organic compounds synthesis is included among the economic activities that can affect the environment quality. The environmental impact of chemical organic synthesis is evaluated using the alternative method of global pollution index that considers the concentric circles graphical methodology proposing a scale of the arithmetic mean values for the evaluation scores of each environmental components (e.g. water resources, gaseous emission, soil a...
Autori: Carmen Zaharia, Ilie Murăraşu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Solid waste management practices in Penang state: A review of current practices and the way forward
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractSolid waste management problems proved to be complex in origin and in solution. The rapid economic development and population growth experienced by the State of Penang, Malaysia have resulted in a tremendous increase in the quantities and types of solid wastes generated. Domestic solid waste is the most visible consequence of this economic development. However, considerable amounts of this waste could be recycled and reutilized if separated. This paper reviews the current status of solid...
Autori: Abdelnaser Omran, Abdelsalam O. El-Amrouni, Abdul Hamid Pakir, , Latifa K. Suliman, Mahyuddin Ramli
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Radiolytic output of hydrogen as environmentally friendly energy vector
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThis study deals with the radiolytical decomposition of water molecules, in the presence of some catalysts, getting out hydrogen as unpolluting and cheaper energy vector. Instead of the spent nuclear fuel elements taken out from nuclear power plants, as irradiation source it was used the 60Co radionuclide having a specific activity of 1.1.105 Ci. It was observed that the radiolytic yield of resulted molecular hydrogen from water radiolysis in the presence of used catalysts decreased as:N...
Autori: Ada Macovei, Alexandru Cecal, Dumitru Ganju, , Oana R. Haută
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

GHG emissions evaluation from fossil fuel with CCS
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractA present challenge for research is to determine how to use the combination of oil, gas and coal most efficiently with the minimum environmental damage. In this paper the authors have compared technologies to produce the electricity using natural gas and coal. The objective of this paper consists in evaluation of the life cycle assessment of the natural gas and coal in order to compare their greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. In this way, three systems with and without CCS were examined: ...
Autori: Adrian-Alexandru Badea, Cristian Dincă, Gheorghe Lăzăroiu, Tiberiu Apostol
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sonic solution for the reduction of weight of the wind tower nacelle
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThe paper presents an original method, as well as a calculus mode of the main hydraulic parameters, for the transfer of the aeolian power from the nacelle of the tower to its base. The system proposes the existence in the nacelle of a two-, three- or poly- phased sonic generator, from which the obtained energy is transferred by some pipes to the base of the tower, where this can be easily  transformed in electric energy. The paper treats the two-phase variant. An important consequen...
Autori: Ioan I. Pop, Ioana Denes-Pop
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Monitoring of PAHs in refinery effluents
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractA study was fulfilled concerning the source and the distribution of PAHs in the effluent proceeding from an oil refinery. The monitoring of the PAHs concentration in the refinery’s effluent also was performed during a year long. The practical goal of the work was to observe the complying with the limits imposed by the current legislation and to identify the potential risks of exceeding these limits in the future. For this study, gas chromatographic and HPLC methods were used. The metho...
Autori: Anca Iuliana Birladeanu, Claudia Irina Koncsag, Mariana Popescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

An experimental three-stage hybrid constructed wetland system for removal of organics and nutrients from domestic wastewater
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractAn experimental three-stage subsurface flow constructed wetland system was investigated for the removal of nutrient and organic matter from primary-treated domestic wastewater. Built in the Turkey Scientific and Technical Research Council-Marmara Research Center, Gebze, Turkey (Istanbul), the system consisted of a vertical flow-gravel filtration in the first stage, a horizontalsubsurface flow bed vegetated with Iris in the second stage, and a vertical-subsurface flow bed vegetated Phragm...
Autori: Bilal Tuncsiper
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Glucose oxidase - vanadium substituted anionic clay as bionanocomposite formulations for biosensors applications
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractChemical sensors utilizing immobilized enzymes and proteins are important for monitoring chemical processes and biological systems. Glucose oxidase (GOx) from Aspergillum Niger is a flavoenzyme that has been used to determine glucose. Among the conventional methods of enzyme deposition the main strategy consists in its entrapment in an inert matrix adsorbed on the electrode surface. We report here the synthesis and physical – chemical characterization of a new bionanocomposites obtaine...
Autori: , Gabriela Ciobanu, Ion Balasanian, Simona Ratoi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Residues of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different stages of Capsicum annuum (pepper) and Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) growing
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are included in the European Community (EC) and in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) priority pollutant list due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. PAHs emissions from automobile traffic and industry activities were shown to influence the PAHs levels and profiles in vegetables grown nearby. The levels of 15 PAHs were determinate in samples of pepper (Capsicum Annuum) and tomato (SolanumLlycopersicum) in different stages of plan...
Autori: Alina Soceanu, Dan Tiberius Epure, Gabriela Stanciu, Simona Dobrinas, Valentina Coatu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Hydrodynamic modelling of pollution with LNAPL generated by waste dump from metal working industry
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractIn the present article, some models conceptually and mathematically applicable to the LNAPL transitory transport process through ground water were discussed. Subsequently, by using a personal computer program of pre-processing basis data combined with MOVER 2.0, the levigation process of oily dross/scale stored in the waste dump, which produces steel rolled tubes, was numerically simulated, in adequate scenarios. The results of the simulations will be useful at the evaluation of the impa...
Autori: Elena Doinita Carlig, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Pulsed high voltage discharge technology as a new method for killing Hepatitis C virus (HCV) cells
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractPulsed high voltage discharge technology is a newly developed method for knock out viruses in blood with various electrohydraulic discharge reactors. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of an electrohydraulic discharge treatment system on Hepatitis C virus (HCV) behaviour. The electrohydraulic discharge (EHD) reactor consist of high voltage point discharge electrode above blood surface and cylindrical ground copper electrode containing the blood (in the same time act as th...
Autori: Gamal M. El-Aragi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Electrochemical characteristics of Ti6Al7Nb alloy in Ringer’s solution
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractTitanium alloys show attractive properties for biomedical applications where the most important factors are biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, low modulus of elasticity, very good strength-to-weight ratio, reasonable formability and osseointegration. The aim of present study was to evaluate the electrochemical behaviour of Ti6Al7Nb alloy in Ringer’s solution of different pH. This evaluation was carried out through the analysis of the potentiodynamic polarization curves, and electr...
Autori: Daniel Mareci, Julia Claudia Mirza Rosca, Marina Garcia Falcon
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Analysis of distribution of oxygen transfer rate in stirred bioreactors for bacterial broths
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThe study on the distribution of oxygen transfer rate in a stirred bioreactor for Propionibacterium shermanii broths underlined the major influence of the presence and concentration of biomass on the interphasic transfer of oxygen. Owing to the bubbles surface blockage by the bacterial cells, the accumulation of biomass from 30.5 to 120.5 g/l d.w. led to the decreasing of kla for about 1.3- 2.4 times. Compared with the simulated broths without biomass having similar apparent viscosity, t...
Autori: Adina Segneanu, Anca-Irina Galaction, Dan Caşcaval
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Trend in exhaust emissions from in-use gasoline vehicles
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractThe main goal of this study is to determine the trend in exhaust concentrations during the last 12 years. Accordingly, a nondisperse infrared gas analyzer was used to measure the concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) emitted from vehicle exhaust. A total of 449 vehicles distributed across model years ranging between 1968 and 2005 were tested under idling conditions. The results indicated that there is a strong relationship between the age of the vehicle and the con...
Autori: Kamel Al Zboon
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

CsHSO4/mesoporous silica composites - new electrolytes for solid acid fuel cells
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
AbstractHigh proton conductivity of CsHSO4 opened new opportunities for applications as electrolyte in solid acid fuel cells (SAFC). Relatively recent, it was proved that the accommodation of this solid electrolyte by silica supports improves its proton conductivity. During this work, solid acid CsHSO4 and its composites with mesoporous silica of SBA-15 and MCF-types as host materials were synthesized and studied for the first time. Studies were mainly focused on the influence of mesoporous supp...
Autori: Adrian Ungureanu, Brindusa Dragoi, Emil Dumitriu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 8 Nr. 1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 1
Include urmatoarele articole:� CsHSO4/mesoporous silica composites - new electrolytes for solid acid fuel cells� Trend in exhaust emissions from in-use gasoline vehicles� Analysis of distribution of oxygen transfer rate in stirred bioreactors for bacterial broths� Electrochemical characteristics of Ti6Al7Nb alloy in Ringer's solution� Pulsed high voltage discharge technology as a new method for killing Hepatitis C virus (HCV) cells� Hydrodynamic modelling of pollution with LNAPL gene...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 8 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Include urmatoarele articole:� Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 8 Nr. 2� Bioengineering aspects of tissues culture bioreactors for medicine and environmental applications� Removal of bis (1-chloro-2-propyl) ether from wastewater using sonodegradation and biodegradation� A novel plasma reactor for toluene decomposition in contaminated air flow� Study of the copper (II) removal from aqueous solutions by chelating resin Purolite S930 � Analysis of some metal levels...
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 8 Nr. 3
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
� Bioremediation of contaminated air using a bioscrubber� Quality risk evaluation of the groundwater resources on the moldavian area� Electrochemical characterization of some dental materials in accelerated environmental testing� Preliminary study of simple and Fenton oxidation with hydrogen peroxide applied on final effluents from a zootechnical farm� The environmental impact assessment caused by the dykes failure� Revaluation of beer industry byproducts – medical implications� ...

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 8 Nr. 4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
� Photocatalytic properties of titania - fly ash thin films� Study of the viscosity of some biodiesel – diesel oil blends� Aspects refering to technical and leaching properties of the secondary aluminium slags - cement composites� Studies regarding phenol and 4-chlorophenol sorption by surfactant modified zeolites� Cu-Ni nanostructured electrocatalysts obtained by electrocodeposition� Molecularly imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) films for the selective absorption of glycyrrhizinic ac...

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 8 Nr. 5
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
� Photocatalytic properties of titania - fly ash thin films� Study of the viscosity of some biodiesel – diesel oil blends� Aspects refering to technical and leaching properties of the secondary aluminium slags - cement composites� Studies regarding phenol and 4-chlorophenol sorption by surfactant modified zeolites� Cu-Ni nanostructured electrocatalysts obtained by electrocodeposition� Molecularly imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) films for the selective absorption of glycyrrhizinic ac...

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 8 Nr. 6
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
� Physiological changes in seedling germination and growth plant under chemical stress conditions� Studies on sorption and transport processes of cadmium in soils� Assessment of the anthropogenic impact on water systems by fluorescence spectroscopy� Research on the effects of soil improvement by fertilization on the quality of winter wheat� Halotherapy: From ethnoscience to scientific explanations� Study regarding the sorption of erythrosine from aqueous solution onto soil� Hydroxy...
ISSN: 1582 - 9596

Application of inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) based analysis for water quality control
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe quantification of heavy metals presence in the environment is a very important aspect regarding water quality control. The limits for those metals are very well established by Romanian laws and the essence of every validation report is to prove that the method, the apparatus and the operator can reach the established limits. In the present paper such a validation report is presented, proving the appropriate use of Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AE...
Autori: Irina Dumitriu, , Ioana Raluca Bunghez, Rodica - Mariana Ion
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Survey of electromagnetic environment due to mobile communications
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThis paper presents an analysis of the levels of electromagnetic fields caused by cellular base stations or mobile phones, measured in some residential areas. A statistical processing of the data has also been done in order to estimate both the short-term and the long-term variability of the fields caused by cellular base stations in some apartments and on the terraces of the apartment buildings at tens or hundreds of meters distance from the antenna systems. In some places, comparative ...
Autori: Alexandru Salceanu, Ionut Nica, Valeriu David
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Minimization of cutting fluids ecological impact by near dry machining
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThis paper analyses a new technology for minimizing the use of metalworking fluids (MWF) during the machining process. Despite the fact that near dry machining (NDM) produces almost similar cutting performance to conventional flood supply machining while using much less MWF, for being fully utilized in industry is necessary to research ecological impact of these machining techniques. To take full advantage of minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) technique and expand its applicability, an u...
Autori: Domnita Florina Fratila
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Wind power systems with hydrostatic transmission for clean energy
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractWind energy is being used extensively in various areas as an economically and environmentally friendly type of energy. The number of wind farms is continuously developing and it is foreseen a three time increase in contribution of wind energy to European electricity consumption for next twenty years. A complementary trend, of large potential and expectations, is the revival of the small wind turbines (SWT) (<100 kW), suitable for operating in rural areas with moderate winds. In the ca...
Autori: Irina Tiţa, Doru Calarasu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Entrepreneurial capacity for sustainable development of economic environment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract Based on qualitative research conducted on teams of Romanian students in Engineering and Management that participated in transnational teams within the framework of an international simulation program on global technologies for sustainable development, specific features in relation with the development of entrepreneurship capacity (values, skills competencies) were identified and examined. It was found that specific cultural biases influenced the way the Romanian students approached var...
Autori: Aida Carmen Hutu, Silvia Avasilcăi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Optimization of a gas chromatographic method for acrylamide analysis applications for risk management
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe paper proposes a simple and less expensive gas chromatographic method for analyzing acrylamide in food and reveals comparative results regarding the acrylamide content in commercial and home toasted bread. Validation of the method has been achieved by establishing parameters linearity, limit of detection (LOD = 0.1 mg/L), limit of quantization (LOQ = 0.5 mg/L), precision, stability. Run-to-run precision was determined by carrying out five replicate determinations for three acrylamide...
Autori: Anca Irina Burlacu, Rodica Cuciureanu, Patricia Fitterman, Michel Larroque
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Improving the recycleability of printing paper by in-situ filler loading
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to analyze the recycling potential of printing papers, which are obtained by two different filler loading processes: conventional loading by direct addition of calcium carbonate to cellulose fiber suspension and in-situ loading by precipitating calcium carbonate within cell wall and lumen of pulp fibres. In order to evidence the influences of the both filler content and loading method, a reference sample for recycling was obtained without filler, but using th...
Autori: Maria Ciobanu, Elena Bobu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Materials processing using solar energy
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe main aspects refer to metals and refractory materials behaviour, at high temperature, to materials purifying and to achieve some chemical syntheses.The main technological parameter of the heating is temperature, heating obtained by focusing Sun's rays. The heating can be used inside the furnace to produce metallic material into a crucible, without any complementary power source.For the future, a bigger interest presents some other metals melting, more expensive than steel, such as ti...
Autori: Petrica Vizureanu, Cornel Samoila, Daniel Cotfas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Research on the use of environmentally friendly additives in the building industry
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe use of adhesives for floor covering have been deeply modified for longtime, by formulations of polymer-based products in aqueous dispersion as an alternative to organic solvents. These advances envisaged ways for obtaining nonpolluting products. Developing these adhesives required the parallel development of methods for monitoring and analyzing the emissions over time. This paper shows the results of some research devoted to identify the indoor presence of volatile organic compounds ...
Autori: Irina Ioniţă, Domnica Ciobanu, Monica Tulbure, Iulian Tanţoş
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The sorption of lead(II) ions from aqueous solutions on peat: Kinetics study
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe lead(II) ions sorption from aqueous solutions on three types of peat from Poiana Stampei (Romania) was studied. The peat was drawing from different deeps, such as 5-10 cm deep (peat 1), 0.5-1.0 m deep (peat 2) and from > 1.5 m deep (peat 3). The influence of several experimental parameters (initial lead concentration, contact time) was studied in batch experiments. The kinetics of sorption was followed based on the amount of lead(II) ions retained at various time intervals. The re...
Autori: Laura Bulgariu, Mioara Răţoi, Dumitru Bulgariu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Priority organic pollutants removal by ultrafiltration for wastewater recycling
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractUltrafiltration (UF) represents an important option for the advanced wastewater treatment as it offers good performances from both technical and economical points of view, for the removal of suspended solids, colloids and some of the organic compounds present in different effluents. The occurrence of priority organic pollutants in wastewaters streams and the environment has raised intensive scientific debates about their effects and the possible abatement technologies. As part of a broad...
Autori: George Barjoveanu,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Treatment and management of distillery fermentedfruit spent marc. I. Processing into compacted solid fuel
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe study presents the processing possibilities for marc resulted as still residue from the distillation of fermented fruits in view to obtain a compacted solid fuel. Initial marc composition (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen contents) determined by elemental analysis is evidenced, as well as technical characterisation (ash and moisture contents) and ash's qualitative composition, chemical characterisation of the liquid phase (pH, total phosphorus, acidity and conductivity)...
Autori: Daniela Simina Stefan, Anca-Ileana Penu, Mircea Stefan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

On electro-dewatering a cellulosic sludge
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe paper describes in brief the electro-osmosis process and reviews the possibility to use it in dewatering the pulp and paper waste sludge. The waste sludge main characteristics and dewatering methods from the Vrancart SA factory are revealed. After the experimental method and test bench description, some results from the preliminary laboratory tests on the Vrancart SA sludge are presented and discussed....
Autori: Dorin D. Lucache, Adrian Bulgaru, Dan Ioachim, Elena Danila
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Adsorption of n-hexane vapors onto non-functionalised hypercrosslinked polymers (HYPERSOL-MACRONETTM) andactivated carbon: Thermodynamic and kinetic studies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractThe adsorption characteristics of n-hexane vapors from gaseous stream onto two types of hypercrosslinked polymeric resins (MN 202 and MN 250), and a bituminous granular activated carbon (AC 20) was investigated. The n-hexane influent concentration ranged from 2100 to 4500 ppm and the adsorption processes were performed at 30, 40 and 50 ?C. Thermodynamic potentials ?H, ?S, and ?G and isosteric heats of adsorption were calculated from experiment performed at different temperatures (30-50?C...
Autori: Adela Marilena Buburuzan, Cezar Catrinescu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study of adsorption equilibrium of some wet aircomposite material systems
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractEquilibrium data of water vapor adsorption from wet air on several materials were experimentally determined at temperature values of 313 and 333 K and air relative humidity values ranged between 30 and 90 %. Experimental data were correlated with Langmuir and Freundlich models. The obtained results emphasize the significant difference between the water retained on the adsorbent materials impregnated with various salt solutions, and on classic adsorbents....
Autori: Ioan Mămăligă, Constantin Baciu, Stelian Petrescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Application of natural materials as sorbents for persistent organic pollutants
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
AbstractPersistent organic pollutants (POPs) are toxic chemicals that adversely affect human health and the environment around. This group of priority pollutants consists of pesticides, industrial chemicals and unintentional by-products of industrial processes. Natural materials, waste from industry and agriculture and bioadsorbents can be employed as inexpensive adsorbents to remove POPs from environmental components by sorption processes. The paper presents various natural sorbents and some ou...
Autori: Laura Carmen Apostol, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Heavy metals contamination of commercial fish foodstuff - potential health risks on human consumers
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract Human exposure to heavy metals requires special surveillance measures on these elements in human body in order to detect a relation between heavy metal exposure and adverse health effects. The aim of this paper is focused on biomonitoring contamination with heavy metals in fish foodstuffs and in blood, and corroboration of contaminant levels with immunotoxicological effects on target groups of consumers. The final goal is to establish some recommendations on human diet with fish food...
Autori: Aurelia Meghea, Alina Murariu, Cristina Tanase, Eleonora Codorean
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Optimization of process variables for cadmium removal from synthetic wastewaters by sphagnum moss peat
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract The efficiency of Cd (II) removal from aqueous solutions was investigated using Sphagnum moss peat as sorbent. A 23 orthogonal central composite design was successfully employed for experimental design and analysis of results. The combined effect of the initial solution pH, peat dosage and initial Cd (II) concentration was studied and optimized using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The optimum values of these variables were found to be pH = 4.72, 14.7 g peat /L and 13.64 mg Cd /L, ...
Autori: Catalin Balan, Corneliu Cojocaru, Petru Bulai, Doina Bilba, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Decontaminate effect of the functionalized materials with undoped and doped (Ag) TiO2 nanocrystals
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract This paper presents the preliminary results of photocatalytic oxidation of humic acid from water using two types of catalysts, i.e., TiO2 and Ag-doped TiO2 modified zeolite (TMZ and Ag-TMZ). TMZ and Ag-TMZ, with zeolite granulation of 315-500 ?¬m was synthesized by sol-gel method, and the morphology and composition of the unmodified/modified zeolite were characterized by BET (Brunauer–Emmet–Teller) method, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dis...
Autori: Cornelia Ratiu, Carmen Lazau, Paula Sfirloaga, Corina Orha, Daniela Sonea, Stefan Novaconi, Florica Manea, Georgeta Burtica, Ioan Grozescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Analysis of some metal levels in Danube river water
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract The concentrations of some metallic ions (chromium, iron and copper) in Danube River water were determined by molecular absorption spectroscopy. There were studied five sites from Constanta County, in winter, spring and summer of 2008 year. The results can be interpreted having in view the natural and anthropical factors. The highest concentrations of metallic ions, which proved that some of water samples are of 5th quality class, were determined in winter. The quality of Danube Rive...
Autori: Anca Dumbrava,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study of the copper (II) removal from aqueous solutions by chelating resin Purolite S930
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract This work examines the influence of experimental conditions on the copper (II) ions removal from aqueous solutions using chelating ion exchange resin Purolite S930. The influence of solution pH, initial metal concentration, contact time, temperature, ionic form of the resin and resin dose was studied in batch experiments. The percent of Cu (II) removal has a maximum at pH 5.0 (buffered solutions), and increases with the increasing of resin dose, of the contact time and of temperature...
Autori: Petru Bulai, Catalin Balan, Doina Bilba, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1582 - 9596

A novel plasma reactor for toluene decomposition in contaminated air flow
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract A new type of wire-cylinder plasma reactor, in which air flow shapes into gas torches is developed. The decomposition performance of toluene in contaminated air flow induced by pulsed corona discharge in the reactor is investigated experimentally under atmosphere pressure and room temperature. It is found that the decomposition efficiency is affected dramatically by air introduction way, and the ejection stimulates the decomposition of toluene compared with the conventional method. T...
Autori: Zhihui Xie, Lingen Chen, Fengrui Sun, Qizheng Ye
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of bis (1-chloro-2-propyl) ether from wastewater using sonodegradation and biodegradation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract The potential of using ultrasonic irradiation and microbiological treatment for the removal bis(1-chloro-2-propyl) ether from aqueous solutions has been investigated. Experiments were performed in a continuous bioreactor, 3500 mL volume, and in an ultrasonic bath respectively, using frequencies of 38+1kHz and applying a power of 30 W. Under these conditions, the sonochemical conversion of ether was found to be superior to the biological one. The ultrasound method was improved by air ...
Autori: Mihaela Iordache, Vasile Lucian Pavel, Lim Myunghee, Ioan Iordache
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Bioengineering aspects of tissues culture bioreactors for medicine and environmental applications
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 2
Abstract Development of industrial cell culture processes needs a good engineering practice and system expertise in achieving a successful integrated process using disposable components. The bioreactors for 3D tissues systems could be an advantageous alternative in terms of low contamination risk, easiness of handling and scaling-up. A careful and strategic design of these equipments provides a better process control and a safe and reproducible production of tissue construct. They can offer t...
Autori: Anca-Irina Galaction, Dan Caşcaval, Dan Zaharia, Radu Ciorap
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Plant protection products and their sustainable and environmentally friendly use
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Protection of plants from diseases, pests and weeds plays a decisive role in agricultural development, as an essential part in planning and policy of numerous countries. Since the plant protection products are mainly chemicals and may be not only poisonous for humans and fauna, but they may also pollute water bodies, ground water and soil with hazardous pollutants, their use have to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. The paper discuss some aspects of benefits and risks con...
Autori: Manuela Olga Pogăcean, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Methodology for real estate appraisal of green value
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Green buildings are considered a quick and effective approach to protect the environment by slowing down the consumption rate of primary energy resources and by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In Europe, appraisals of properties should take into consideration this new feature of buildings by implementing data from Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) into real estate assessment. With this respect, a methodology is proposed and analyzed to be considered in the sales comparison rea...
Autori: Daniela Popescu, Emilia Cerna Mladin, Rodica Boazu, Sven Bienert
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Treatment and management of distillery fermented fruit spent marc. II. Processing by composting
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract This paper presents a comparative study of natural and mechanically mixed composting processes of marc resulting as a byproduct during the production of alcohol obtained from fermented fruits. Moisture, temperature, pH values, soluble fraction, total organic carbon, Kjeldahl nitrogen and ash content were monitored for 60 days. During this period the atmospheric temperature varied from 18Â?C to 21Â?C. The composting process could be considered a combination of three stages: mesophilic...
Autori: Anca-Ileana Penu, Daniela Simina Stefan, Mircea Stefan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Research on the treatment of wastewater in the textile industry
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Taking into account the statistical data gathered in two previously published papers concerning the pollution sources in the production sector, namely Finishing section, various solutions are proposed for wastewater treatment. Bearing in mind the results obtained through the sampling method on different types of water in the urban sanitary sewer system, the conclusion was that the most convenient alternative, besides the source control is the treatment in wastewater treatment plants...
Autori: Irina-Isabella Savin, Romen Butnaru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study on the multi-annnual variability of particulate matter PM10 in Suceava City
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Fine particulate matter and ground-level ozone are now generally recognized as the most significant in terms of health impacts. This study shows that concentrations of particulate matter up to 10 microns in diameter (PM10) in Suceava city exceeded EU limits set to protect human health during 2004-2007. In order to design effective PM10 air quality management programmes, it is essential to identify the sources affecting PM10 background levels. For this, PM10 data series were analyzed ...
Autori: Lacramioara Gina Ursul, , Doina Carmen Manciuc
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental monitoring of co emissions: Statistical character of acquired data
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract A set of experimental data resulted from environmental monitoring and its informational content has to be revealed and checked for its statistical character. As a result in this paper the aim was to verify if the environmental monitoring data obtained for a specific air pollutant monitored during three years presents statistical properties. Based on the results obtained by applying statistical requirements such as fixed location, fixed variation, randomness and fixed distribution, a ...
Autori: Irina Meghea, Mihaela Mihai, Ioana Lacatusu, Tiberiu Apostol
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Assessment of some heavy metals in soils, drinking water, medicinal plants and their liquid extracts
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Pollution with toxic metals is a serious concern, because once these elements enter in the soil they can be present for a long time, with the potential contamination of drinking water sources. Certain metals in soil may be taken up by plants which are subsequently harvest for human consumption. Our objective was to study the presence of heavy metals in soils, groundwater sources, some medicinal plants from areas of the water sources and in its watery extracts. All of the samples, af...
Autori: Diana Diaconu, Victor Nastase, Mara Mihaela Nanau, Ovidiu Nechifor, Elena Nechifor
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Preparation and characterization of sodium alginatechitosan microparticles for controlled release of ibuprofen in a sustainable way
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The preparation of microspheres containing chitosan, sodium alginate and ibuprofen and the pH dependent drug release were investigated. The microspheres were prepared by two experimental routes: the first one starting with a chitosan/ibuprofen core subsequently coated by an alginate shell (S1) and the second one based on an alginate/ibuprofen core, later coated by a chitosan layer (S2). The physical-chemical characterization was done by using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Atomic Fo...
Autori: Luminiţa Elena Balău, Nicolae Aelenei, Marcel Ionel Popa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Iron containing anionic clays supported with iron and cerium oxides as catalyst precursors for NOx reduction
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract A facile and straightforward synthesis route, based on the anionic clay structural â€?memory effect??, has been used to obtain Fe2O3 or CeO2 supported on iron substituted hydrotalcite-like clay (FeLDH). The surface properties of the metal oxide / anionic clay ensembles were studies by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). After calcination at 550°C the derived mixed oxides were tested as new catalysts in the process of the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx using NH3...
Autori: Gabriela Carja, Sofronia Dranca, Elena Husanu, Irina Volf
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A study concerning diesel biodegradation in liquid medium, by bioaugmentation, using a Pseudomonas sp. strain
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The paper presents the capacity of biodegradation of selected microorganism, cultivated on liquid culture media to which diesel was added in different amounts, to determine petroleum products and process efficiency. The optimum necessary conditions for development of microbial strains (pH, temperature, the quantities petroleum product / inoculum) have been established with the help of an experimental optimization program, SIMPLEX....
Autori: Dana-Camelia Cocut, Cornel Cojocaru, Mariana Diaconu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Researches on possibility to recover and reuse the Iron(II) sulphate from etching of rolled steels
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The etching of iron materials in sulphuric acid solutions allows the dissolution of the iron oxides with formation of iron sulphates. The relatively low solubility of the formed sulphates imposes their separation for avoiding the contamination of the etching bath, as well as for preventing the environmental pollution through the wastewater. Within the flow sheet of the processing of the hot or cold rolled steel, a stage of separation by crystallization of iron sulphate is foreseen. T...
Autori: Liliana Lazar, Ion Balasanian, Florin Bandrabur
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Numerical simulation of pollution with anion SO4 2- for the aquifer inside a metallurgical waste hall
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The current paper describes the concept and the mathematical models axed upon flow transport and transport of pollutants in the aquifer inside a metallurgical waste hall. Then, using a complex of basic data related to a representative case study - several information being achieved by systematic measurements, for long period, throughout ten drillings - and the pack of FEFLOW 5.1 programmes, the dispersion of an uppermost pollutant (the anion SO4) has been numerically simulated, for t...
Autori: Elena Doinita Carlig, Esmeralda Chiorescu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Phytoremediation technology for remediation of radiostrontium (90SR) and radiocaesium (137CS) byCatharanthus roseus (L.) G. don in aquatic environment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Phytoremediation is an eco-friendly, cost effective, in situ treatment technology. In the present research study, phytoremediation technology has been employed for remediation of radionuclides namely 137Cs and 90Sr by using living green plant Catharanthus roseus. C. roseus plants were exposed to different activity levels of 137Cs and 90Sr in aquatic condition to assess the efficiency of plants for remediation of radionuclides. C. roseus plants have been found to remediate 70%, 52% an...
Autori: Singh Anamika, Susan Eapen, Madhusudan H. Fulekar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Exploratory investigation of bioprocesses sustainability improvement by multicriteriamultilevel optimization
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Up to the present days, the bioprocesses were designed and operated with the aim at achieving some economic, environmental, and social criteria. Sustainability based optimization has to be the next step towards the improvement of the economical, environmental and social parameters of bioprocesses. In this work, sustainability will be treated as an optimization task where the objective function(s) is/are either a performance index or a set of performance indices, subject to economic, ...
Autori: Alexandru Woinaroschy, Dana Irina Ofiteru, Vasile Lavric
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Utilization of coal fly ash from power plants II. Geopolymer obtaining
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Study of geopolymer is a developing field of research for capitalizing solid waste and by-products in the view of new materials achievement having characteristics necessary for using as cement substitute. Also, it provides a solution to many problems regarding environment, such as reduction of gaseous emissions and particles matter resulted from cement industry and raw materials economy. In this paper, the experimental conditions for obtaining new materials on the basis of fly ash f...
Autori: Maria Harja, , Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Reactive dyes removal from wastewater by combined advanced treatment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Textile industry is one of the most pollutant and water consuming industries. Large quantities of water are required in materials preparation and dyeing, so consumption and waste generation have become serious concerns for textile manufacturers and finishers. Textile effluents are characterized by high values of quality indicators such as BOD and COD, suspended solids and heavy metals. A serious environmental problem and also an aesthetic problem is the color of the effluent. Reactiv...
Autori: Daniela Cailean, George Barjoveanu, Corina - Petronela Musteret, Liliana Rozemarie Manea, Nicolae Sulitanu,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sustainable development research perspectives in EU documents as seen by researchers from â€?Gheorghe Asachi?? Technical University of Iasi: A case study
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Knowledge-based society, sustainable development, and digital technology as concepts of the contemporary times that stem from the responsibility towards the future of mankind, are the results of intense scientific research. As a consequence of its commitment of turning Europe into the world's most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy, and aware of the role played by research in the development the human society, the EU has defined at Lisbon in 2000 the framework of action ...
Autori: Carmen Cătălina Ioan, Maria Ileana Carcea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Evolution of emissions of heavy metals in Vaslui County
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Elaboration of the inventory of the pollutants emissions in atmosphere constitutes the basis for elaboration of the strategies and reglementations, assessment of the trends in evolutions of emissions, modeling of the pollutants dispersions, analysis of new sources, establishment of emission taxes, compliance with legislation, as well as review of existing reglementation and standards regarding the air quality. The current paper describes both the evolution of the emissions of the he...
Autori: Mihaela Budianu, Mihai Nicu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

From the risks evaluation to the health and safety preservation at work
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract As the prevention of the risks is one of the major stakes of any industrial activity, a priori, the evaluation of these risks constitutes one of the principal progress levers of the risks prevention step at a company. It is an opportunity to engage a prevention step in order to preserve health and to improve the employees' safety at work. However, as the companies are increasingly concerned of hygiene and quality, health at the work should be taken into account with the same interest...
Autori: Ghania Chaib, Rachid Chaib, Ion Verzea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Research on the combustion of crude vegetable oils for energetic purposes
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The paper highlights the combustion possibilities of crude vegetable oils as fuels for stationary application. This is an opportunity of a new utilization in Romania of tee vegetable oils, for electricity production and heating systems, instead of the current situation of using in transportation as biodiesel fuel. The research focuses on crude vegetable oils obtained from some indigenous cultures: rape, soy, sunflower. An overview of the agricultural potential of oleaginous plants is...
Autori: Ion Oprea, Ionel Pisa, , Tudor Prisecaru, Gheorghe Lazaroiu, Gabriel Negreanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Involvement of legal responsibility for severe acts of pollution and noncompliance
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract According to several factors, the infringement of environmental regulations can be considered a simple contravention or a crime. The present approach aims to discuss the conditions for involving criminal responsibility according to the nature of environmental crimes. Our considerations related to serious noncompliance that harms the environment focus on pollution crimes and legal infringements, in relation to the personal characteristics of criminal law responsibility. ...
Autori: Ionel Bostan, Aurel Burciu, Petru P. Condrea, Gheorghe Durac
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Experimental technique for saving energy in oval furnaces
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Changing the working space by introducing some radiant panels has the purpose of intensifying the heat transfer by convection and radiation. By centralizing the experimental results, has been obtained an energetic saving of 28.67 – 32.74 % by using radiant panels; the heating speed of the charge raises with almost 50 % and the heating time of the charge decreases. In conclusion, changing the working space by introducing some radiant panels inside the furnace leads to important ener...
Autori: Alina Adriana Minea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Impact evaluation within strategic environmental assessment: The case study of the waste management. Regional plan for Kolubara region in Serbia
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) represents one of the most important instruments for implementation of the sustainable development strategy in planning. The paper presents methodological framework and method used for SEA impact evaluation of the Waste Management Regional plan for Kolubara region in Serbia. The methodological approach and method are based on planer’s approach that has results in practice. The method is found after the multicriterion evaluation of the plan s...
Autori: Bosko Josimovic, Tijana Crnčević
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A theoretical analysis of the economy - ecology - environment system
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract This paper aims to analyze theoretically events in the economy - ecology - environment (natural resources) mega - system. This analysis includes methodologies making use of the first and second thermodynamic principles (for approaching the waste role in technological processes contour toward environment and the entropy variation importance in the main environmental segments), the application of systems theory and theories relating to emergy. The obtained results allow us to propose, ba...
Autori: Avram Nicolae, Cristian Predescu, Maria Nicolae, Mirela Gabriela Sohaciu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The local storage coefficient of a layered soil
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Analytical equations for the variation of soil moisture content and for the local storage coefficient for a layered soil with a relatively shallow water table were developed in this study, based on a linear distribution law of the moisture retention on soil's profile, and the van Genuchten-Mualem parametrical model for the moisture-suction curve. By considering this mathematical model, an original computer code was written in MATLAB to determine and then to graphically represent the...
Autori: Dan Prepelita, Stefan Popescu, Esmeralda Chiorescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Photocatalytic oxidation process of sulfamethazine. Modeling based on neural networks
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The photocatalytic degradation of sulfamethazine, a sulfonamide drug, has been investigated experimentally, in aqueous heterogeneous solutions containing n-type oxide semiconductors as photocatalysts, and by simulation, using neural network modeling. Through direct neural network modeling, the evolution of the photocatalytic oxidation process is evaluated as function of illumination time and type of catalyst. Inverse neural network modeling is a particular optimization that gives inf...
Autori: Ciprian George Piuleac, Ioannis Poulios, Silvia Curteanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sustainable use of vegetal fibers in composite materials. Sources of vegetal fibers
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract Transition to a more sustainable economy and the consequences of the Kyoto protocol on global climate change, includes a shift of feedstock for energy and chemical industries from fossil fuels and petrochemicals to renewable resources. The use of vegetal fibers as major source of renewable resources represents a valuable alternative both from economical and environmental points of view. Traditionally, vegetal fibers are widely used in textile industry, paper manufacture, and packagin...
Autori: Dan Gavrilescu, Bogdan Marian Tofanica, Adrian Catalin Puitel, Puiu Petrea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Revaluation of beer industry byproducts- medical implications
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract One of most important concern for the food specialists is to solve the sociologically impact problems in parallel with the decrease of the pollution degree through the advanced capitalization of byproducts from the food industry. The paper debates the capitalization of beer industry byproducts known as malt radicles, and their use in the bakery industry, for the obtaining of dietetical bread. Along the malt radicles, KCl and Prima Pan improver were added to the bread’s dough, and...
Autori: Monica Tulbure, Domnica Ciobanu, Adrian Gabriel Feraru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The environmental impact assessment caused by the dykes failure
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The paper presents a risk analysis and assessment of the defence linear systems failure (dykes) in case of accidental flood. Also, breach scenarios and hydrographs computation for the corresponding accidental high waters are provided. The impact assessment is highlighted through a global matrix model for costs quantification. It is also presented the flooding computation model for different versions of the linear defence systems and in a correspondent way the Inundation Accidental D...
Autori: Codruta Badaluta-Minda, Gheorghe Creţu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Preliminary study of simple and Fenton oxidation with hydrogen peroxide applied on final effluents from a zootechnical farm
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The paper presents the preliminary experimental results performed at laboratory scale set-up for different combined mechanochemical treatments of final effluents from a zootechnical farm from the central Moldavian region of Romania. Because of the high content of pollutants into wastewaters, the soil can be polluted and also the ground waters. To avoid this soil pollution episode, some combined mechano-chemical processes were studied and applied into a specific technological order as...
Autori: Carmen Zaharia, Mioara Surpăţeanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Electrochemical characterization of some dental materials in accelerated environmental testing
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the electrochemical behavior of a three casting non-precious dental alloys: Vera PDI (Co-Cr based), Heraenium (Ni-Cr based) and NPG+2 (Cu-Al based) three test solutions: artificial saliva (AFNOR, pH = 8), acidified saliva (pH = 2.5) and fluoridated acidified saliva (1000 ppm F-, pH = 2.5). Open circuit potential (EOC) measurement; potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) are the electrochemical proce...
Autori: Daniel Mareci, Daniel Sutiman, Adrian Cailean, Julia Claudia Mirza Rosca
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Quality risk evaluation of the groundwater resources on the moldavian area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract The analysis over the underground water monitoring system and the collected data from survey drilling show that the underground water has an unsatisfactory quality due to some physical and chemical characteristics. Along with these, factors like the surface water pollution, the hydrodynamic exchange between surface and underground waters and the reintroduction in the agricultural activities of nitrates and phosphorus based fertilizers lowers, as well, the quality that it has been tal...
Autori: Ioan Crăciun, Catrinel-Raluca Giurma-Handley, Ion Giurma
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Bioremediation of contaminated air using a bioscrubber
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 3
Abstract This study examined the effect of hexane concentration in the inlet gas stream on the treatment performance of a concentric tube internal loop airlift bioreactor with a 7 L capacity, inoculated with a strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The experiments were conducted employing hexane-contaminated air, in 0.62, 1.26, 2.15 and 4.5 g/m3 concentrations at 29 ± 1°C. The 100% hydrocarbon removal was verified when effluents containing 0.62 and 1.26 g/m3 of hexane were employed. Under contin...
Autori: Fernando Jorge Santos Oliveira, Leonardo Vazquez, Francisca Pessoa de Franca
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Options for the valorization by recirculation of powder material for steel manufacture in EAF
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract This paper aims to propose a new solution for rational valorization of the secondary powder materials from steel makingin electric arc furnaces. The elaborated steel quality as well as the economical advantages represented by secondary powdermaterials recirculation were studied. A good correlation between the proportion of brickets loaded into the melt and the melting ofcarbon has been found. The proportion of the EAF dust brickets can grow even at 5-7%. Zinc presence could havenegat...
Autori: Mirela Gabriela Sohaciu, Avram Nicolae, Cristian Predescu, Stefan Velicu, Gheorghe Gh. Calea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Opportunities for valorization of steel slags
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Using slag in steel making represents a challenge for road construction industry and decreasing environment interactions also.Steel making slag wit granulations of < 10 mm, which today have not a sure solution, represents the research object. The technological research solutions have aimed reducing CaO free content in these slugs, and reducing slug fraction with granulationof ...
Autori: Florian Zaman, Mirela Gabriela Sohaciu, Ecaterina Matei, Cristian Predescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Trends in selective collection of the household waste
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper presents actual trends concerning the selective collection of the household waste. The collecting methods used in the EU countries and the results obtained by the Romanian municipalities in the last two years are also exposed. The results show thedynamics of household collection and the expectations for the next years. It is known that a town of 100 000 inhabitants collecting 100% of its household recyclable packaging waste could recycle 780 tonnes of steel, 200 tonnes of a...
Autori: Liana Baltes, Camelia Draghici, Camelia Manea, Dan Ceausescu, Mircea Tierean
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Magnetic density separation of diamonds from gangue
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract In view of the predicted diamond shortage in 2010, a number of innovative processes have been proposed recovering ...
Autori: Frederike Weijmans, Erwin Bakker, Peter Rem
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Carbon dioxide emission associated with the production of plastics - A comparison of production from crude oil and recycling for the dutch case
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Literature data show that in general, plastics produced through the mechanical recycling route involve less carbon dioxide emission than when produced from crude oil. A review of readily available data shows that road transport of untreated waste plastics account for a significant portion of the carbon dioxide emission generated during recycling. Therefore, much carbon dioxide emission can be saved by optimizing the logistics in the recycling of plastics. On the example of polyolefi...
Autori: Peter C. Rem, Stig Olsen, Jan-Henk Welink, Norbert Fraunholcz
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Recycling of mixed polyolefin wastes
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The mass of usage of secondary plastics are mostly determined by their quality and price. Therefore it was essentially to collect and evaluate the related aspects and expectations from the potential secondary-plastics users. To enable this in the frame of the W2Plastics EU7 project (Magnetic Sorting and Ultrasound Sensor Technologies for Production of High Purity Secondary Polyolefins from Waste) an adequate questionnaire was worked and sent out to automotive plastics end-product man...
Autori: Andrea Toldy, Brigitta Bodzay, Mircea Tierean
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

High-purity products from plastic waste: The w2plastics project
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The European annual consumption of plastic materials has increased from 24.6 Mtons in 1993 to 39.7 M tons in 2003 and it is likely to keep growing. Europe is faced with the challenge of managing millions of tons of waste plastics. At the same time, polymer recyclers and manufacturing industries do not find enough secondary polymers of consistent quality. Plastics production and use has a range of environmental impacts because of the considerable quantity of resources needed as raw ma...
Autori: Peter Rem, Venga Solaria, Francesco Di Maio
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental friendly welding - An evolution from 3D (Dirty, Dusty, Dangerous) to 3C (Cool, Clever and Clean)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper approaches the environment issue in the context of welding fabrication processes. The introduction presents, synthetically, the place and dimension of welding in the manufacturing industry. Negative aspects regarding the image of weldingdue to the impact on the environment are identified. The driving factors and the main development trends of environmentalfriendly welding processes are analyzed. An action program to change the image of welding from the present "3 D - Dirty,...
Autori: Dorin Dehelean
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Nanocomposite materials based on polymers and alumina nanoparticles
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The synergistic combination of polymers and inorganic compounds via sol-gel process has attracted great attention, by manipulating structure at molecular level, for developing new materials with desired properties. These new hybrid materials could have a controllable combination of the benefits of polymers (flexibility, toughness, ease of processing) and those of ceramics or glasses (hardness, durability, thermal stability). The microstructures and the properties of hybrid materials...
Autori: Lucia Dumitrescu, Ileana Manciulea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Energy conservation and CO2 emissions reduction for clinker portland cement manufacturing process
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract At present, dangerous industrial wastes are a main source of environmental pollution because they are stored and deposited improperly. Besides, dangerous industrial wastes could also be a source of secondary raw materials which are not well capitalized. This fact causes substantial losses of secondary raw materials and energy and it is explained by the lack of certain technologies of treatment, capitalization and final removal that are technically and economically sustainable. To ide...
Autori: Neculai Mihailescu, Vasilica Daescu, Elena Holban, Mariana Nicoleta Badea, Jenica Paceagiu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Uncertainty estimation-Case study for phenolic compounds determination in municipal wastewaters
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The Romanian standard for the analytical method for phenols measurements in aquatic media was subject of internal validation procedure, adapted to the specific concentration domain of the laboratory. Method performance criteria were investigated on standard samples measurements: selectivity, linearity domain, precision, accuracy, limit of detection, limit of quantification androbustness. The validated method was further used on real samples of domestic and industrial wastewaters from...
Autori: Carmen Dima, Cristina Jelescu, Camelia Draghici
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Residues of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from refinery spent catalysts
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Spent hydroprocessing catalysts from petroleum refining industries have been classified as hazardous wastes due to their content in heavy metal and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The aim of our paper determine the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) residues contents in spent catalysts samples from four different units of the Romanian refinery Rompetrol Rafinare,Constanta: Hydrogen (H), Gas Desulfurization Sulfur Recovery (GDSR), Hydrofining Turbojet Kerosene (HTK) and Pet...
Autori: Camelia Draghici, , , Gabriela Stanciu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

New composites from solid waste
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The waste recycling done in order to obtain composite products with performant properties and also, with long life cycle is the main purpose for the sustainable development. The present paper describes the way in which, different kind of solid wastes are immobilised in an organic resin as a binder matrix. Composites with different proportion of waste as, rubber/plastic, glass and silica sand have been obtained. The physical-mechanical properties and chemical stability of such organic...
Autori: Ioan Ropota, Emilia Zamfirache, Marcela Muntean
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Case studies regarding the remediation of polluted soils from inactive industrial sites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The methods generally used for developing these studies are the assessment and investigation. Assessment – all methods used for measuring, reckoning, modeling, forecasting or estimating the presence of a pollutant in the environment. Investigation - the process of identifying the presence of pollutants in the environment, the spatial dispersion of these pollutants, the level of their concentration, as well as the analysis of the environment’s structure. The steps that were follow...
Autori: , Gheorghe - Viorel Cosara, Calin Baciu, Ileana - Codruta Stezar, Augusta - Diana Crisan, Camelia Costan, Cristina Modoi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Preliminary investigation aimed to ecological reclaiming by phytoremediation of a large flotation tailing dump in baia mare mining area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The flotation tailing pond Bozinta is located at 5 Km West from Baia Mare town. It is closed and is preparing for ecological reclaiming. Preliminary investigations have been made on the meteorological and climatologic indicators of the site. The temperature, air relative humidity, the wind speed, the rain values and the soil temperature have been measured during the vegetation period of 2008 year. The air temperature on the tailing pond is always 1?·2 0C higher than the values regist...
Autori: Vasile Oros, Mirela Coman, Monica Marian, Leonard G. Mihaly, Anca Mihaly
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Land degradation and desertification risk in Dobrogea region
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract It's well known the degradation of many Romanian (including Dobrogea) soils, both in hill and in plain environments, due to the increasing anthropic pressure on natural resources. Soil erosion and organic matter loss are recognized as the main processes responsible of such degradation and of the rising risk of desertification, to which land use changes and politics for agriculture not suitable for land specificities often contribute. The knowledge of land use impact on soil quality i...
Autori: Marioara Nicolaescu, Naliana Lupascu,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sludge recycling in ceramic matrix
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract In the new millennium to sustain a healthy life in harmony with nature, it will be extremely important to develop various materials and processes that minimize any harmful influence on the environment. The feasibility of sludge recycling in the brick manufacture was evaluated through laboratory testing. Several ceramic masses with clay, sand and various proportion of sludge have been synthesized and than characterized by their physical-mechanical properties. Sludge fineness also has ...
Autori: Ana - Maria Szoke, Marcela Muntean
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

On the influence of ETS - 10 porosity and surface properties in retention of some nanoions and nanomolecules
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Mesoporosity of about 7 nm in ETS-10 titanosilicate was generated by postsynthesis treatment with hydrogen peroxide under microwave irradiation, resulting in an increased external surface area of the materials (55 m2/g). The influence of titanosilicate porosity and its surface modification by phosphorus atoms (ET(P)S-10) on the retention of some nanoions (??-emitting radioactive U(VI) and Th(IV) ions) and biomolecules (the proteins cytochrome c, papain, and ??-globulin) was investiga...
Autori: Robert Gradinaru, Sorin O. Valu, Stefan Postolache, Claudiu C. Pavel, Ion Sandu, Karin Popa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Iron oxides from electrofilter ash for water treatment (arsenic removal)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Arsenic (As)-contaminated drinking water is a major problem around the world. The removal efficiency depends strongly on the size of Fe3O4 sorbents.Fe3O4 prepared in laboratory is more efficient in the removal of As and is also more easily recovered from column of magnetic separator than the commercial materials. This would be beneficial in a water treatment system because the As-contaminated Fe3O4 could be flushed from the column permitting reuse of the separator system. The dispers...
Autori: Ionel Balcu, Adina Segneanu, Marius Mirica, Mirela Iorga, Catalin Badea, Iuliana Firuta Fitigau
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Non-ferrous heavy metal metallurgy wastewater treatment by the electro-floto-coagulation method
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Electroflotocoagulation is used for the treatment of liquid wastes of various origins, containing suspended matter. The metal hydroxide formed by electrochemical metallic ions generation acts to aggregate the colloidal impurities, and the hydrogen bubbles evolved at the cathode allow flotation of foam containing the impurities. The aggregates formed (containing the impurities) and lifted above the solution can then be removed. Electroflotocoagulation (simultaneous electrocoagulation ...
Autori: Marius Constantin Mirica, Mirela Ioana Iorga, Adina Segneanu, Ionel Balcu, Doru Buzatu, Cristian Vaszilcsin
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Performances of biochemical treatment stage from municipal wastewater treatment plant
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper presents new studies about the removal efficiency of the biochemical treatment process of the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant from Constanta city, during 2008. Influent and effluent samples of biochemical treatment stage were collected and ammonium concentration, chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) and biochemical oxygen demand in five days (BOD5) were measured, aiming to study the evolution of the removal efficiency, during 2008. Additional analyses have been performed in ...
Autori: Elisabeta Chirilă, Camelia Draghici, Adriana Puhacel
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Mannich basis - Corrosion inhibitors in saline water
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract This paper presents the corrosion processes of steel samples with different composition, in aggressive corrosion solutions containing chloride ions. The inhibition capacity of two new Mannich basis: 2-aceto-4-morpholylmetyl-1-naphtol (BM1) and 1- (2'-hydroxynaphtyl)-3-(4-morpholyl)-1-propanone (BM2) was tested and compared. The corrosion tests were done in a potentiostatic installation and, based on the polarization curves, the Tafel plots were obtained. The kinetic and thermodynamic...
Autori: Ileana Manciulea, Cristina Bogatu, Eugenia Comanita, Anca Duta, Lucia Dumitrescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Adsorption of Cu2+ on White Poplar and Oak Sawdust
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The studies of Cu (II) adsorption were conducted by testing various sawdust types. Two biomass, oak sawdust wood (Querqus robur) and white poplar sawdust wood (Populus alba), have been compared considering their efficiency for copper removal from diluted water solutions. Raw sawdust proved no efficiency in adsorption. Therefore, pre-treatment processes were developed and optimized, to enhance the sawdust affinity for heavy metals adsorption. The optimized pre-treatment conditions are...
Autori: Dora Lucaci, Anca Duta
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Sorption removal of chromate in single batch systems by uncalcined and calcined Mg/Zn-Al - Type hydrotalcites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract This work investigated the sorption removal of chromate anion, in single batch systems, from aqueous solutions. The process involves the sorption of the chromate by a series of Mg/Zn-Al - type hydrotalcites, with four Mg/Zn/Al ratios, in two forms: uncalcined and calcined at 500 °C. The calcined Mg-Al (Mg/Zn/Al = 2/0/1) material showed the highest sorption capacity: 35.7 mg/g. The three-parametered Langmuir-Freundlich model approximated the experimental equilibrium data over the con...
Autori: Laura Cocheci, Rodica Pode, Eveline Popovici, Emiliana Dvininov, Aurel Iovi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Comparative study on surface water treatment using aluminium sulphate and polyaluminium chlorides as coagulant reagents
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper presents the comparative study regarding the turbidity removal using aluminium sulphate Al2(SO4)3*18H2O and polyaluminum chlorides, Aln(OH)mCl3n-m, commercial name, Sachtoklarr 39, in water treatment plant from Covasna City. The parameters that influence the treatment process and the efficiency of turbidity removal were studied. The water characteristic parameters of Basca Mare and Covasna rivers - the two sources of water alimentation for Covasna water treatment plant were...
Autori: Daniela Simina Stefan, Cristina Costache, Viorica Ruxandu, Monica Balas, Mircea Stefan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Noise pollution and health impact in urban Arges area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Economical development in the Arges district, in the recent years, presents some aspects regarding the compliance with noise environmental regulations. The noise and its impact on human health is one of the most important objectives of the health assurance policy. In this paper a comparative study of urban noise in the principal cities of the Arges district is performed. The data monitoring of noise polution were carried out by using of specific standard methods with a Sonometer Delt...
Autori: Ion Iosub, Silvia Iosub, Victor Grigorie, Aurelia Meghea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Clouds influence on the solar radiation for a mountain location
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract In designing an efficient photovoltaic system, the meteorological data of the system location must be considered. Field data registered over years prove the importance of the implementation site characteristics in the design and optimal exploitation of a PV system, because wetting and atmospheric gaseous and particulate pollution can strongly distort the incident solar radiation. Thus, in addition to the efficiency of the solar module, the tracking efficiency, the clouds crossing fac...
Autori: Dorin Valentin Diaconescu, , Ioana Sinziana Hermenean, Maria Monica Vatasescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Quantitative estimation of the solar radiation loss in Brasov area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Increasing the solar energy conversion into electrical or thermal energy represents an European and national priority, because it offers clean alternatives to the use of fossil fuels, in no pollutant systems, based on photovoltaic modules and solar collectors. The global solar radiation is the most important factor affecting the amount of energy produced by a PV module. In direct connection with the change in the solar energy conversion, the TR - Loss Coefficient (Tr??bungsfaktor) is...
Autori: , Dorin Valentin Diaconescu, Maria Valentina Dinicu (Popa), Bogdan Gabriel Burduhos
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The eco-impact of small hydro implementation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The development of energy from renewable resources is a very important action in the reduction of CO2 emissions. Hydropower is a renewable source able to reduce the CO2 emissions by more than 67 million tons / year. The paper analyzes a small hydropower plant to be implemented in Brasov region, from the environmental point of view. The reduction in the CO2 emissions brought by the small hydro is estimated by taking into account an ex-ante emission factor, based on validated and regis...
Autori: Codruta Jaliu, Dorin Diaconescu, Mircea Neagoe, Radu Saulescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Olt river monitoring and quality assessment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract This paper aims to present an assessment of Olt River water quality along Brasov county area, using data acquired during 2005- 2007. Olt River is an important river in Romania, and its basin is covering almost 10 counties, which main part of its middle section passes Brasov County. Olt River is providing water for industry, agriculture and human use, but is also collecting treated and not treated wastewaters from different sources. Two important sampling sites were studied: Feldioar...
Autori: Mihaela Sica, Dorina Dragan, Ramona Furnica, Camelia Draghici,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Using zeolite-modified electrode for the electrochemical determination of 4 -aminophenol from water
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Two types of zeolite-modified electrodes, e.g., Ag-doped zeolite-expanded graphite-epoxy (AgZEG) and Cu-doped zeoliteexpanded graphite-epoxy (CuZEG) composite electrodes were tested for the application of the electrochemical determination of 4-aminophenol (4-AP). The electrochemical techniques used for the electrochemical determination of 4-AP were cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA). Some aspects related to the mechanistic behaviour are discussed. The electrochemical ...
Autori: Cornelia Ratiu, Carmen Lazau, Corina Orha, Ioan Grozescu, Aniela Pop, Daniela Sonea, Florica Manea, Georgeta Burtica, Joop Schoonman
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Electrochemical degradation and determination of 2,4-dinitrophenol from water
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Certain conventional and alternative carbon-based electrodes, i.e., glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and, commercial boron-doped diamond electrode (BDDE) were investigated and compared for the electrochemical determination and degradation of 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP). The electrochemical behavior of electrodes in the presence of target pollutants was investigated using cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA), and multiple-pulsed amperometry (MPA). The duality of the electrode ...
Autori: Adriana Bebeselea, Cristina Proca, Florica Manea, Ciprian Radovan, Georgeta Burtica, Joop Schoonman
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Surface water pollution generated by mining activities. Case study: Aries river middle catchment basin, Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The Aries River, due to its geographic position and its significance in the Mures - Tisza Basin, has a major impact on environmental media, influencing their quality. In the Middle Catchment Basin the main industrial activity is mining, since the Roman times, when the first mines were opened. The mining operations in the region generated a severe pollution of all the environmental media. The paper identifies the risk areas in the middle Aries River in terms of surface water pollutio...
Autori: , Lucrina Stefanescu, Camelia Costan, Mirela Miclean, Cristina Modoi, Serban - Nicolae Vlad
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Enhanced heavy metal adsorption on dye-modified fly ash
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The use of fly ash (FA) in wastewater treatment received a lot of attention for the immobilization of heavy metal cations, mainly Cd2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Cu2+. For an up-scalable wastewater treatment process, the substrate must have good adsorption efficiency and relatively constant behaviour. Modifying the fly ash surface can be a solution for reaching both goals. The use of FA for heavy metals removal, from wastewaters resulted in the dye finishing industry, faces a supplementary p...
Autori: Maria Visa, Anca Duta
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Reactive organic carbonates with leaving group for biologically active dipeptides synthesis
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The aim of this present paper is investigation of the reactions of preparation of unsymmetrical reactive carbonates from the corresponding symmetrical carbonates and different type of alcohols. The asymmetrical carbonates represent alternative reagents (mild, efficient) for alkoxycarbonylation of amines and amino-acids. The synthesized compounds were characterized by spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. A general method for preparation of asymmetrical carbonates was develop fro...
Autori: Adina-Elena Segneanu, Ionel Balcu, Marius Constantin Mirica, Mirela Ioana Iorga, Marius Milea, Zoltan Urmosi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

New ecomaterials for wood preservation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Wood has been used as an engineering material because it is low in cost, renewable and strong and it requires low processing energy. Wood has many excellent properties that result from its exceptional combination of microstructural, ultrastructural and molecular features. The main drawback is its dimensional instability in the presence of moisture, which can affects also the biological stability. Wood is susceptible to degradation in a number of ways, including rot or decay, insect a...
Autori: Lucia Dumitrescu, Ileana Manciulea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Anti-inflammatory constituents from different plant species
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Herbs have been used as food and for medicinal purposes for centuries. In recent years, natural compounds such as phenolic acids, phenolic diterpenes and triterpenes, present in various plants, have been the subject of intense research due to their potential benefits for human health. It has been demonstrated that the antioxidant and radical scavenge activities are the main properties of these compounds. The main difficulties in using natural products as a source for pharmaceutical ...
Autori: Ruxanda Bodirlau, Iuliana Spiridon, Carmen Alice Teaca, Narcis Anghel, Maria Ichim, Svetlana Colceru , Alice Armatu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Membrane support of polyetheretherketone
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract A crucial stage which makes the other directions of development of membrane processes is getting new membrane materials, to meet increasingly stringent of selectivity and productivity. Polyetheretherketone shows high stability against chemical and physical agents but is poorly soluble in most common solvents. Present studies on obtaining the support of the polyetheretherketone membranes were limited by: solubility of polyetheretherketone in concentrated sulfuric acid and fast speed a...
Autori: Mihaela Emanuela Craciun, Aurelia Cristina Nechifor, Florin Aldea, Gheorghe Nechifor
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Characteristics of double jet imobilized membrane
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract This paper presents an experimentally study of the anionic iodide separation from a mixture with immobilized liquid membrane. The experiments were carried out in a double jet installation. In order to intensify the transfer of iodide ions from the source phase to the receiving phase, the both phases are dispersed as droplets in the membrane and the hydrodynamic parameters of the dispersed phases are measured with the photographic method. The photos of the droplets were taken with a C...
Autori: Mihaela Emanuela Craciun, Mihaela Mihai, Gheorghe Nechifor
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Anticorrosive protection system based on nanocomposites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Corrosion control, using inhibitors like, polymerisable porphyrins and multifunctional nanocomposites, is extremely useful in many environments. Phosphogypsum is a waste product resulted from the process of obtaining the phosphoric acid and it can be also used as corrosion inhibitor; in a mixture with other coating materials. Two types of modified porphyrin: Na4TFP Ac - dissolved in KOH and H2SO4 and H2TPP - dissolved in benzonitrile, were tested. The structure characterization of pho...
Autori: Ionel Balcu, Adina-Elena Segneanu, Marius Constantin Mirica, Mirela Ioana Iorga, Corina Amalia Macarie, Iuliana Popa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Immobilization mechanisms of chromium in cementbased solidified waste
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Knowledge of the binding mechanisms of heavy metals to cement minerals is essential for the prediction of the long-term leachability of cement-based solidified waste containing heavy metals. In this paper, the sorption of chromate ions onto calciumsilicate- hydrate (C-S-H) in equilibrated aqueous suspensions was investigated as a function of liquid-to-solid ratio. The hypothesis of super-equivalent adsorption was assumed to be involved in chromate ions immobilization. This hypothesis...
Autori: Constantin Bobirica, Ionel Constantinescu, Liliana Bobirica,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Wastewater treatment using optimized TiO2 photocatalytic properties
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper presents a comparative approach concerning the properties of TiO2 thin layers obtained via spray pyrolysis deposition (SPD) using hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers as additives. The influences of composition (X-ray diffraction), morphology (Atomic Force Mycroscopy, Contact angle) and optoelectric (electrical conductivity, absorption, band gap and photocurrent) properties on the photocatalytic activity of the layers were studied. ...
Autori: Alexandru Enesca, Luminita Andronic, Anca Duta
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on titanium oxide catalyst doped with heavy metals (cadmium, copper and nickel)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract In order to improve the photo-efficiency of the electronic process as well as the response into the visible part of the spectrum, TiO2 doping with heavy metal (cadmium, cooper and nickel) have been employed. The objectives of this work are: (a) to prepare doped Me(Cd, Cu, Ni) TiO2 by doctor blade (DB) and spray pyrolysis deposition (SPD) techniques, (b) to characterize the catalysts, (c) to study and compare the activity of the Cd-TiO2, Cu-TiO2 and Ni-TiO2 catalysts on methyl orange ...
Autori: Luminita Andronic, Bianca Hristache, Alexandru Enesca, Anca Duta, Maria Visa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Microwaves effect over biomass hydrolysis
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Changing fuel consumption to a more ecological environmentally alternative is replacing fossil fuels with fuels generated from renewable resources. Ethanol, a renewable fuel, can be produced mainly from crops, lignocellulosic biomass and different other environmental wastes. Although ethanol has been produced mainly from crops, there is a great interest in using cheaper lignocellulosic materials as a feedstock for ethanol production. The aim of this paper is study of dilute acid hyd...
Autori: Ionel Balcu, Adina-Elena Segneanu, Marius Constantin Mirica, Mirela Ioana Iorga, Corina Macarie, Raluca Martagiu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Nanoparticle-based materials for catalysis
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Highly dispersed nanoparticles of transition and noble metals are utilized for hydrocarbon reactions and rearrangements important to the chemical industry. The need to obtain 1 to 3 nm particles with narrow size distributions has prompted the development of alternative processing methods. Due to widespread speculation concerning the enhanced properties of nanoparticles over their bulk and atomic material equivalents, nanoparticle synthesis has become an active field of research withi...
Autori: , Irina Dumitriu,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

New materials for water ozonization
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Application of ozone is known to yield favorable results in purification of phosphate plant water from elemental phosphorus, in treatment of water of alkali aluminate solutions of aluminum plants, in decontamination of cyanide-containing waste water of enrichment plants, and so on. It has been proved that halogen-containing compounds, most of which have mutagenic properties, and some of which are carcinogenic to humans, are formed when water is treated with chlorine. Conclusions made...
Autori: Irina Dumitriu, ,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Gold nanoparticles for biological target conjugates
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Nanotechnologies may have properties of self-assembly, stability, specificity, drug encapsulation and biocompatibility as a result of their material composition. Nano-particles are being actively developed for tumour imaging in vivo, bio-molecular profiling of cancer biomarkers, and targeted drug delivery. These particles are stable, environmentally benign, and their chemical properties can be easily tailored by chemically modifying their surfaces. Conjugated with pharmacological a...
Autori: Simona-Florentina Pop, ,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The impact of regional development on the environment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Various specialists draw attention on the conflict between the industrial civilization and the environment and mention two aspects: 1. The tendency of depletion of natural energy resources, raw materials and food, or consumption of renewable into a rhythm superior to their capacity of regeneration 2. Physical damage and pollution of the environment: water, air and land. It can be said that a sustainable society is the one that shapes its economic and social system so that natural ...
Autori: Dan Duran, Irina Duran, Ciprian Costescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Quality assurance and languages in technical education
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The process of quality assurance in the study of foreign languages in Technical Higher Education builds and increases employers’ confidence in the graduates. Thus, acquiring technical and communicative competences becomes a â€?must?? when entering a competitive job market. The qualitative results of our research have revealed some of the factors sustaining students’ excellence performance in the study of foreign languages. In conclusion, the elaboration and implementation o...
Autori: Anca Greculescu, Gheorghe Solomon
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Research on eco-business training requirements
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The motivation of this paper derives from the lack of integrated research and structures for managerial training and consultancy regarding the environment responsibility for eco-business. Also, the research underline the need of training and consultancy for eco-business in industrial small and medium size enterprises (SME) from the West part of Romania. The main aspects that were investigated were: the most needed items regarding the training programs, details about the consulting it...
Autori: Anca Draghici, Monica Izvercianu, Mihaela Vartolomei, Vasile Duran
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Issues on costs and investment for environmental protection
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The concept of sustainable development has emerged in order to correlate the need to continue increasing the level of human and increasingly fragile â€?health?? level of environment. At the industrial level, things have moved more quickly. Thus, many companies use waste as fuel, and in some localities they are trying to implement systems for heating cottage on the combustion of waste. They are first to have acknowledged the eco-economical importance of recovery and reuse waste....
Autori: Dan Duran, Irina Duran, Adrian Diaconu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

East european particularities of the sustainable development
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper presents a case study developed within the Danube Environmental Center from the Romanian University â€?Gheorghe Cristea?? of Bucharest. This center is targeted toward linking the material science with the sustainable development concepts, in order to move the awareness of the community alongside sustainable development, as a leading concept of the European development, which becomes essential for the new members as well, in the environmental education field, the geopo...
Autori: Lidia Cristea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Utilization of waste materials in concrete production for sustainable development
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract In order to reduce the cement content used in concrete production utilization of waste materials for substitution of a part of cement can be considered. In this study, two pozzolanic-waste materials, silica fume and fly ash, are used as a part of cement up to 12% and 40%, respectively in concrete and compressive strength as well as permeability properties were determined. The test results were evaluated by using the response surface method. By keeping the cement content in concrete c...
Autori: Dogan U. Anil, Ozkul M. Hulusi, Ekincioglu Ozgur
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Density of ecological wooden briquettes obtained from woody biomass
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper proposes itself to present some aspects about woody biomass as renewable source of energy and about one of the main product namely wooden briquettes. There will be put the accent on physical features of wooden briquettes namely its density but there has be not forgotten the ecological influences. It is also stated the conditions of experimental, type of machine that is used in laboratory experiments, type and feature of raw material and wooden briquettes. Finally some condi...
Autori: Aurel Lunguleasa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Compression strength of branch wood as alternative eco-material to stem wood
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The evolution of the request in wood production leads to larger stem wood consumption, intensive harvesting and consequently the environmental impact increases. One of the most ignored secondary resources in spite of limited reserves, branch wood could be used in new added value products as an alternative to stem wood, providing its characteristics are known and understood. This paper is part of a larger research project, which here compares the compression strength parallel to the g...
Autori: Lidia Gurau, Marina Cionca, Cristina Timar, Alin Olarescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Ecological polymer used for macro-defect-free cements (MDF) production
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Macro-Defect-Free (MDF) cements are polymer-cement composites characterized by high value of flexural strength. Due to their thermal and electrical insulating properties, MDF cements could replace other insulators obtained by environmental non-friendlier technologies or being themselves toxic and non-biodegradable. MDF cements obtained by the use of an ecologic polymer (poly(vinyl alcohol)) shows high mechanical resistance in the initial state but also it’s dramatic decrease after ...
Autori: , Georgeta Moise, Hulusi Ozkul, Ozgur Ekincioglu, Catalin Croitoru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Field testing and microscopy - Important tools for a realistic long-term evaluation of wood improvement treatments
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper briefly presents the principle, methodology basics and the research opportunities offered by a modified L-joint test for a complex in-field evaluation of wood behaviour in outdoor above ground exposure, corresponding to the biological use class 3. A comprehensive and detailed examination of the tested samples, looking not only to the biological degradation of wood but also to wood cracking and coating performance (cracking, flaking, exfoliation, adherence), was performed an...
Autori: Maria Cristina Timar, Emanuela Beldean, Mihaela Porojan, Lidia Gurau
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Molecularly imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) films for the selective absorption of glycyrrhizinic acid from aqueous solutions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Molecular imprinting is a versatile and ecological method for obtaining polymeric materials with a lot of applications in the field of pharmacy, medicine and biosensor assays. In this work, a new method of alternative molecular imprinting to design imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) films has been proposed. Glycyrrhizinic acid has been used as template molecule. To demonstrate the obtaining of the molecular imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) and its selectivity, studies of glycyrrhizinic and...
Autori: , Catalin Croitoru, Georgeta Moise
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Cu-Ni nanostructured electrocatalysts obtained by electrocodeposition
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract A simple method to synthesize copper, nickel and Cu-Ni nanotubes in alumina membrane by direct electrochemical deposition technique is presented. This work is divided into three main parts: - elaboration of the nanostructured metals supported on Cu and Ni electroconductive support; - SEM - EDX characterization of nanodeposits; - electrochemical characterization of the nanostructured electrodes; Cu and Cu-Ni nanostructures were obtained by deposition through an alumina membrane (...
Autori: Maria Jitaru, Ana-Maria Toma, Mihaela-Claudia Tertis, Ancuta Trifoi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies regarding phenol and 4-chlorophenol sorption by surfactant modified zeolites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Phenols and chlorophenols are contaminants in soils, sediments, surface waters and groundwater, largely because of their worldwide utilization in the last 50 years as wood preservatives and general biocides in industry and agriculture. The toxicity of chlorophenols and their persistence in the environment require advanced treatment techniques for their removal. This study presents the results of a comparative evaluation of the adsorption of phenol and 4-chlorophenol from aqueous sol...
Autori: , Cezar Catrinescu, Roxana Elena Apreutesei
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Aspects refering to technical and leaching properties of the secondary aluminium slags - cement composites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The purpose of this work is to investigate the secondary Al slag (SAS) relating to its technical and environmental properties and, as consequence, to its compatibility with Portland cement matrix. This study may be a contribution to establish of SAS potential valorization as secondary raw material (SRM) in low strength cement matrix composites, as construction products. DRX mineralogical analyses revealed that SAS includes transition alumina compounds, especial boehmite. The hydrati...
Autori: Maria Gheorghe, Nastasia Panait, Romanita Teodorescu, Maria Roman
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study of the viscosity of some biodiesel – diesel oil blends
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract Biofuels represent a possibility for renewable resources conversion, storage and distribution. Today, diesel oil is commercialized only blended with biodiesel, and according to the 30/2003 Directive of the EU, 5.75% of the total fuels used in the transportation sector must be represented by biofuels by the end of 2010. Biodiesel can be produced from vegetable oils, animal fats and used oils. Viscosity is one of the most important characteristics of liquid fuels. The viscosity of liqu...
Autori: Irina Nita, Dan Mandalopol
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Photocatalytic properties of titania - fly ash thin films
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 4
Abstract The paper presents the results obtained when using thin films (doctor blade) of titanium oxide powder (Degussa P25) and fly ashactivated with NaOH, for advanced treatment of complex waters resulted in the textile industry. There are studied the heavy metal(cadmium, copper) adsorption and the dyes (methyl orange and methylene blue) photo-degradation using these novel substrates.The thin films crystallinity (XRD), morphology and roughness (AFM) were evaluated and no significant changes...
Autori: Anca Duta, Luminita Andronic, Maria Visa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Emerging processes for soil and groundwater cleanup - potential benefits and risks
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The cleanup of environmental pollution involves a variety of techniques, ranging from simple biological processes to advanced engineering technologies. Cleanup activities may also address a wide range of contaminants. Technologies to remediate contaminated soil fall into two principal clean-up approaches: in-situ (which is always done onsite), or ex-situ (which can be done on- or off-site). In-situ treatment deals with contamination without removing material from the ground, while ex...
Autori: Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The carbohydrates synthesis in Calendula Officinalis l. Leaves influenced by some mutagene substances
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract It is known that carbonhydrates are precursors of all bioactive substances we tried in thes paper work to do some investigation on these substances in the environmental area of Iasi. To observe the influence of some chemical mutagens substances on carbohydrates biosynthesis we conducted investigations on plant material (leaves) taken from the Calendula officinalis L species. We used this assay to examine the effects of the herbicide 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), etidium br...
Autori: Constantin Leonte, Roxana Vatavu, Teodor Robu, Irina Volf
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Passive biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution with heavy metals using native epigeic moss
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract It were investigated some atmospheric sediments of copper and chromium in mining areas of Dorna Basin by passive monitoring with six species of native epigeic moss (Mnium hornum, Mnium cuspidatum, Mnium punctatum, Polytrichum strictum, Thamnium alopecurum si Cephalozia bicuspidate) in two stages: April - September 2005 and October 2005 - March 2006. Thesedeterminations were achieved in 4 locations: Dealul Boambei, Saru Dornei, Sarisorul Mic, Neagra Sarului. In the same time was deter...
Autori: Catalin Dumitrel Balan, Ionela Mezdrea Cojocareanu Pata, Matei Macoveanu, Sandu-Marius Pata
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Agricultural soil mapping
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The recent results of technical development of low cost GPS systems, geographic information systems, equipment and sensors which are needed to identify the state of the crops and soils have shown a growing awareness in agriculture and related sciences. The actual demand for modern crop management is dominated by the economic pressure and by the social request to increase the transparency of environmental impact of agricultural land. Currently, worldwide there are the public policy a...
Autori: Vergil Marian Muraru, Cornelia Muraru-Ionel, Ion Pirna, Ion Tenu, Petru Cardei
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Evaluation of petroleum contaminants in soil by fluorescence spectroscopy
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Preliminary investigation of contaminated soil in the surrounding area of a petroleum tank has been carried out based on fluorescence techniques: excitation emission matrix (EEM) and synchronous fluorescence scan (SFS). A fluorescence fingerprints library containing several EEM and SFS maps for various dilutions of Romanian crude oil in methanol, was used to confirm the identity of the soil contaminant. A calibration curve was created to estimate the contamination level of soil sampl...
Autori: Dan Savastru, Elfrida M. Carstea, Gabriela Pavelescu, Luminita Cristescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The impact of mechanization technologies on soil
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
AbstractThe mechanization technologies of soil works have a major impact on physical state of soil. This situation is generated by the mechanical action of working parts which are involved in soil works and by the traffic of running systems of tractors and agricultural machines.These mechanization technologies have been tested to determine which of them correspond to the highest degree of sustainable agriculture concept and ensure protection, preservation and improvement of agricul...
Autori: Cornelia Muraru-Ionel, Gerard Jitareanu, Ioan Tenu, Petru Cojocariu, Vergil Marian Muraru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Monitoring of environmental low frequency magnetic fields
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
AbstractWith a view to make a long term survey of the magnetic fields generated by the power line sources, appliances or, generally, by the low frequency magnetic field sources, a tri-axis magnetic field meter was proposed. Referring to the magnetic field sensor, both the characteristic proportional of the field strength and proportional to the time derivate of the field strength were considered. Thus, two active magnetic field meters working in 40 Hz ? 200 kHz frequency range were designed. In ...
Autori: Alexandru Salceanu, Ionut Nica, Liviu Breniuc, Valeriu David
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study of copper and cadmium accumulation by bean
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil is one of the major concerns of our days. Phytoextraction has been lately utilized as an alternative of in situ remediation technology for polluted soils but is generally perceived to be too slow. Even so, phytoextraction is an efficient long lasting, accessible and environmentally friendly technique. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the phytoextraction potential of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in stress conditions induced by heavy me...
Autori: Alina Stingu, Irina Volf, Valentin I. Popa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Reducing of pollutants emissions and heavy liquid fuels consumption in boilers by using of additives
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The paper presents the experimental results, obtained using a pilot installation and hot-water boilers for reducing the pollutants emissions in combustion of heavy liquid fuels by using of additives for catalyzing of burning processes. The experiments were made using additives based on iron and cerium carboxylates. Experimental results, which are presented both in variant of heavy liquid fuels burning with additives and without additives, highlight the reducing of pollutants emissio...
Autori: Aurel Gaba, Stefania Iordache, Mircea Vladescu, Dan Ungureanu, Petrica Vizureanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Abiotic and biotic mitigation of volatile methyl siloxanes in anaerobic gas-phase biomatrices
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract This paper presents preliminary results of a batch-scale study assessing the contribution of the multiple phenomena involved in siloxane removal in three-phase biomatrices. Batch scale experiments were undertaken in shaken flasks containing acclimatised culture medium, solid media and siloxane vapours (octamethylcylotetrasiloxane and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, respectively) under anaerobic gas-phase conditions. Abiotic and biotic phenomena, considered to be possible siloxane remov...
Autori: Gabriela Soreanu, Patricia Falletta, Michel Beland, Kara Edmonson, Peter Seto
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The product's anticipated success ratio on the turbulent markets: A genuine tool for the agile enterprises
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract To become "flexible" is the equivalent of becoming successfully for almost any firm - the activities based on old and traditional product "recipes" are, obviously, excluded. But, in the framework of a global economy crisis, the statistics seems to prove that flexibility is no longer enough in order to avoid troubles. At the same time, another statistics prove that almost 80% of the products are failing at their first release on market. The paper presents a genuine marketing aggregate...
Autori: Gabriel-Petru Luca, Ion Verzea, Irina Cozminca
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The analysis of alternative investments for sustainable agriculture
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The rationality of allotting the resources for investments in sustainable agriculture needs the selection of alternative projects depending on numerous factors. The decision analysis process allows the identification of one variant with the highest utility that corresponds to the exigencies of economic, social and environmental impact efficiency. The integrated approach of the objectives specific for sustainable development actually leads to the selection of the investment portfolio ...
Autori: Camelia Burja
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The advertising efficiency ratio: A marketing aggregate indicator modeling for a noisy and turbulent market
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract This paperwork is trying to achieve some of theoretical and practical objectives concerning the "agility" concept: to make the differences operational, and to ensure the present surviving and the future development of economical activities in a, more and more, turbulent business environment. Also, the paperwork comes to display a genuine aggregate indicator "Advertising Efficiency Ratio", special developed to help the market players to face - throughout their advertising process - th...
Autori: Gabriel-Petru Luca, Ion Verzea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Numeric simulation of air pollution due to naval engines
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract This paperwork tried to simulate the combustion inside the naval engines using the newest computer methods and technologies with the result of a diverse and rich palette of solutions, extremely useful for the study and prediction of complex phenomena of the fuel combustion. The paperwork is contributing to the theoretical systematization of the area of interest bringing into attention a thoroughly inventory of the thermodynamic description of the phenomena which take place in the co...
Autori: Nicolae Buzbuchi, Liviu Constantin Stan, Daniela-Elena Mitu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Methods for evaluating packaging sustainability
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract There are different parameters, which may affect packaging and its sustainability. Up to date, several methodologies and tools have been developed not only to quantify but also to assess the environmental impacts from packaging. Different criteria and indicators have been used depending on the objectives, scope and nature of the evaluation. One of the software tools developed is that one that assesses the packaging sustainability according to the Sustainable Packaging Alliance (SPA) ...
Autori: Jose Jorge Espi Gallart, Jose Luis Vivancos Bono, Mercedes Hortal Ramos, Susana Aucejo Romero
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Bioavailability processes for contaminants in soils and their use in risk assessment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The individual physical, chemical, and biological interactions that determine the exposure of plants and animals to chemicals associated with soils are of great importance in the assessment of contaminants bioavailability. Understanding of bioavailability processes is at last needed to improve the scientific basis of risk assessment and is the purpose of the present research. Since bioavailability processes are embedded within existing human health and ecological risk frameworks, so...
Autori: Brindusa Mihaela Robu, Camelia Smaranda, Florentina Anca Căliman, Laura Carmen Apostol, Lucian Vasile Pavel, Maria Gavrilescu, Raluca Maria Hlihor
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Innovative solutions creates environmental advantages
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract This paper is a study about the symbiosis between the environmental aspects – innovation and competitive character of an industrial organization in our modern and sophisticated world. In actually global market and in conditions of world sever recession, for any organization or economic sector, the chance for surviving and development is given by adopting an innovative culture. This work contains case studies about the necessary steps for developing an innovative organization, a deb...
Autori: Florin Negoescu, Eugen Axinte, Gheorghe Nagit, Adrian Iosub
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Alignment of the manufacturing technologies of automotive metallic component to the environment european directives
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Alignment of the manufacture technologies to the environment European directives requirements represents a modern approach of the environment issues considered as integrant part of the lasting development which will represent one of the connecting ways of the Romanian economy to the globalization process. In the present work a pertinent study is made regarding the harmonizing into the limits imposed by the environment European directives (Dir. 99/13/CE, Dir. 76/464/CEE and Dir. 2000/...
Autori: Stefan Velicu, Petrica Corabieru, Dumitru Zait, Anisoara Corabieru, Dan Dragos Vasilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Economic and environmental sustainability of project effects
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Economic viability depends upon the sustainability of project effects. The economic analysis of projects should include an analysis of the financial sustainability of project agencies, and the environmental sustainability of outputs and inputs. Practical experience of project effects has drawn attention to the way in which financial and environmental effects impinge on benefit sustainability. Postevaluation experience also shows that, unless such factors are taken into account, econo...
Autori: Luminita Horhota
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

European frame for sustainable agriculture in romania: policies and strategies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The idea of sustainable farming relies on raising its yield along with a safe and constant gain with minimum environmental impact and by ensuring the population’s food security. Sustainable agriculture is a large concept that encompasses the complexity of this production system, the biological stability of farming plants and varieties, the conservation and protection of natural resources, but also the implementing and generalization of high-output modern technologies. Sustainable a...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, Carmen Cătălina Ioan, Edinel Robu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Risk assessment and measurement of hazards in estonian enterprises
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The paper focuses on occupational hazards and the determination of risk levels. Indoor climate, lighting, noise, chemicals and dust are examined. A simple/flexible risk assessment method is provided. The results of measurements of occupational hazards in six industries (mechanical, printing, wood, plastic, clothing and water purification plants) in Estonia are presented. The overall purpose of the paper is to draw the attention to the importance of measurements of occupational hazard...
Autori: Piia Tint, Marina Jarvis, Karin Reinhold, Onnela Paas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Impact of landfill leachate on soil quality in Iasi county
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Waste management hierarchy has as priorities waste recycling and energy recovery. Unfortunately, Romania is in the situation so as the waste landfilling is still considered as a suitable solution for waste management. European Union imposed a number of regulations and programs in the field of waste treatment and management that Romania must comply. The paper describes some aspects regarding characterization of the leachate originating from the Tomesti landfill (situated in Iasi County...
Autori: Ana-Maria Schiopu, Brindusa Mihaela Robu, Ion Apostol, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Tendences and perspectives regarding the recycling of automotive waste
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The work studies the orientations regarding the recycling of the products from the industry of auto-vehicles parts and components, orientations that can provide solutions which permit to the enterprises producing auto components the efficient management of the related products and services during the whole life cycle of the products, from the conception phase to that of recycling. The new way of approaching the development of metallic auto products promoted in Romania will contribut...
Autori: Petrica Corabieru, Stefan Velicu, Dumitru Zait, Anisoara Corabieru, Dan Dragos Vasilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Wastes used in obtaining polymer composite
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract In the paper is analyzed the possibility of using some industrial wastes for obtaining new building materials. From the industry or from the power station a lot of by-products or wastes have resulted and their storage is a big problem for the environment. In the building material industry a part of these wastes can be used in different ways: for replacing the cement, as addition in concrete, as component of cements, in the mixture of polymer concrete, etc. In the present investigati...
Autori: Marinela Bărbuţă, Nicolae Taranu, Maria Harja
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A new technology to obtain ecological steels
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract A friendly technology with the environment which consists of the elaboration of carbon steels through specific proceedings to powder metallurgy has in view the contribution of methane gas in iron powders at the same time with sintering. This technology is advantageous from various points of view: the final product is a part which does not need afterward processing with solid waste result and therefore the specific energy consume is lower, the wear and corrosion behavior is similar to...
Autori: Olimpia Ghermec, Cristian Ghermec, Traian Popescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Leaching of copper from cement-based waste materials
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The use of appropriate leaching tests and leaching models can help to predict the hazardous components release from cementbased solidified waste during either utilization or disposal. Numerous parameters influence the leaching rates such as grain size/specimen size,ccc liquid-to-solid ratio, pH value of the leachate, leaching time etc. This study evaluates the effect of initial liquid-to-solid ratio of cement paste on the release of copper from cement-based solidified waste. Dynamic ...
Autori: Constantin Bobirica, Liliana Bobirica, , Ionel Constantinescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Driving forces and barriers for sustainable use of recovered paper in papermaking
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Recovered paper is a valuable raw material for the paper industry at global level. Paper made from recovered paper reduces the demand on forests, uses less energy, water and chemicals, produces less toxic releases and reduces solid wastes that must be landfilled or incinerated. This paper is mainly aiming to analyze the driving forces for sustainable use of recovered paper and to discuss the benefits of recovered paper use on paper and board production, as well as on the environment....
Autori: Dan Gavrilescu, Elena Bobu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Economical and social assessments approach on paper recycling
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCC) and Social Life Cycle Analysis (SLCA) are available methodologies for the economic and social assessment of a product or process along its life cycle. Different approaches regarding LCC and SLCA have recently emerged and several hypotheses are currently on testing and discussing. This paper shows existing LCC and a SLCA approaches as well as the methodology applied in the particular case of a paper recycling process. This study gathers part of the Europ...
Autori: Beatriz Ferreira Pozo, Antonio Dobon Lopez, Carlos Lopez Lopez, Maria Calero Pastor
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Governing sustainable tourism: the relevance of boundary judgments
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Worldwide, tourism is the fastest growing major industry, but not all consequences are positive. This has lead to a growing attention for �sustainable tourism’. Compared to international guidelines, the current governance for sustainable tourism in the Netherlands proves to be very weak. Is this just because of stakeholders’ interests and their motivation to protect and conserve, on the one hand, or just encourage growth, on the other? We find some support for this, but also fi...
Autori: Hans Bressers, Valentina Dinica
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Equilibrium and kinetic studies of copper (ii) removal on Purolite S930 resin
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The presence of heavy metals in the environment is a major concern due to their non-biodegradability, bioaccumulation tendency, persistence in nature and toxicity to many life forms. Different treatment techniques for wastewater laden with copper have been developed in recent years to decrease the amount of wastewater produced and to improve the quality of the treated effluent. All techniques have their advantages and limitations in application. One of the most used techniques to rem...
Autori: Petru Bulai, Catalin Balan, Camelia Scripcariu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Using of industrial waste materials for textile wastewater treatment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Sorption is one of the several methods that have been successfully utilized for dyes removal. A large number of materials have been used as suitable sorbents for decolourization of industrial effluents: activated carbon (the most common but expensive adsorbent), polymeric resins, various low-cost adsorbents (agricultural and industrial by-products, peat, chitin, silica, bentonite, other clays, fly ash). Our paper is a review about our researches regarding different types of industri...
Autori: Daniela Suteu, Carmen Zaharia, Augustin Muresan, Rodica Muresan, Alina Popescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Adsorption characteristics of Co(II) ions from aqueous solutions on romanian peat moss
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Peat moss has been widely used as low-cost adsorbent to remove a variety of pollutants, including organic compounds and metal ions from aqueous effluents. Various functional groups allow such compounds to bind on active sites of peat moss. The adsorbent used in this study was Romanian peat moss sampled from Poiana Stampei (Romania). The adsorption of Co(II) ions from aqueous solutions on Romanian peat moss was studied in batch experiments, in order to establish the influence of initi...
Autori: Corneliu Caramalau, Laura Bulgariu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Influence of soil particle size onto sorption of tartrazine from aqueous solutions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Tartrazine, (CI 19140) is an azo dye widely used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and foodstuff, as well as for coloring the textiles, hence it can be easily found in municipal wastewaters or wastewaters originating from textile, food, drugs and cosmetic industry. In this work, the capacity of a Romanian soil to retain Tartrazine from aqueous solution by sorption onto soil particles of different size has been investigated. The sorption kinetics was studied by applying five kinetic model...
Autori: Florentina Anca Căliman, Laura Carmen Apostol, Dumitru Bulgariu, Laura Bulgariu, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Nitrogen adsorption of shale for use as media in constructed wetland
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The constructed wetlands are considered as a low-cost alternative system for nitrogen removal. Shale was selected as a media in constructed wetlands, on the basis of adsorption capacity and suitability for plant growth. The specific objective of this study was to evaluate nitrogen adsorption capacity for using as a media in constructed wetlands. Shale was sieved into 5 particle sizes Shale A-E. The physical and chemical characteristics of shale showed that it is suitable to be use as...
Autori: Amara Daothaisong, Jareeya Yimrattanabovorn
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Reorganization of water and waste water management in Romania: From local to regional water governance
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Romania’s drinking water and wastewater sector is currently going through a process of regionalization. This process involves a replacement of a local-focused governance structure by a regional-focused governance structure. The objective of this paper is to explore and explain this regionalization from a governance perspective. In two case studies, the situation before and after the regionalization are investigated. Analyses of the case studies show that the local-focused governanc...
Autori: Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf, Valentina Dinica, Denie C.M. Augustijn
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of 4-chlorophenol by surfactant modified zeolites and surfactant modified alkali-treated natural zeolites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Chlorophenols are contaminants in soils, sediments, surface waters and groundwater, largely because of their worldwide utilization in the last 50 years as wood preservatives and general biocides in industry and agriculture. The toxicity of chlorophenols and their persistence in the environment require advanced treatment techniques for their removal. Surfactant-modified natural zeolites (SMZs) represent an important class of sorbents for water treatment. This work presents a comparat...
Autori: Roxana Elena Apreutesei, Cezar Catrinescu, Adrian Ungureanu,
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies regarding advanced processes used for reactive dyes removal from textile effluents
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract In the textile finishing and dyeing industries, the total volume of water consumed is around 150 millions tons/year, and thus very large quantities of water are processed and produced as wastewater by textile plants. Quality indicators of textile wastewaters, like BOD and COD, have values which, in some cases, exceed 5 times the maximum concentration value (allowed by the national quality standards). One of the greatest concerns in wastewater treatment of a textile effluent is the co...
Autori: Daniela Cailean, , Florin Brinza
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Adsorption of humic acids and of some metal ions from aqueous solutions on activated carbons
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract This paper is the investigation concerning the removal, from surface water, of humic acids and of some cations (Cu2+, Al3+) on activated carbons AG-3, BAU, CASO-16 from individual solutions as well as from their mixtures both in static and dynamic conditions. The conclusions of the paper are that, when humic acids are adsorbed from micellar solutions, semiassociates are formed on the surface of activated carbon BAU (in its porous structure), while humic acids adsorption on activated ...
Autori: Tudor Lupascu, Mihail Ciobanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies regarding the potential of biodiesel production in the north-east development region of Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract It is well known that the conventional fuels are responsible for environmental pollution. On the other hand, the unconventional sources for energy and biofuels are more environmentally friendly with a lower pollution degree than the conventional ones. Following the European Union Directive 2003/30/EC regarding the use of biodiesel in mixture with conventional diesel and its gradual replacement, Romania has either to produce its own percentage of biodiesel for the mixture or to import...
Autori: Teodor Robu, Alexandru Dragos Robu, Aurel Chiran, Elena Gindu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A green route to synthesize CeO2 nanoparticles
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract The paper presents the surfactant-assisted solvo-thermal route to synthesize nanoparticles of cerium oxide with different shape and morphology. The precursor was calcined at 400°C for 4 h in order to obtain CeO2 nanoparticles. The obtained samples were characterized by means of thermal analysis and FTIR spectroscopy. The UV-Vis analysis was used to study the optical properties. The morphologies and nano-structures were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and XRD. It...
Autori: Nicolae Apostolescu, Gabriela Carja, Gabriela Apostolescu, Elena Husanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study of morphology for geopolymer materials obtained from fly ash
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Geopolymerization is a continuous developing field of research for utilizing solid waste and by-products. It provides a solution to many problems where hazardous residue has to be treated and stored under critical environmental conditions. Consumption of fly ash in the manufacture of geopolymer is an important strategy in making materials more environmentally friendly. Fly ash has been chosen as a base material in order to utilize this industrial waste. Previous researches have show...
Autori: Maria Harja, Marinela Bărbuţă, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

New carbonic adsorbents for industrial sorting purification in vodka production
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Modern requirements for activated carbons utilized in the refinement of water/alcohol mixtures are discussed. It is demonstrated that activated carbons obtained from coconut shells and apricot and peach stones are very similar in terms of durability, physicalchemical and adsorptive properties, providing high quality sorting. Utilization of novel stone-derived carbons allows 2,5 fold enhancement of filtration rate, as well as 3 fold enhancement of working resource of carbon columns. ...
Autori: Viktor Mihailovici Mukhin, Natalia Alexandrovna Shubina, Irina Mihailovna Abramova, Inna Dmitrevna Zubova, Tudor Grigore Lupascu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Self-bonded ets-10 pellets containing iron
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract In this work the experimental conditions to synthesize, by direct hydrothermal synthesis, self-bonded pellets of ETS-10 phase containing iron were studied. The following gel composition was used: xNa2O-0.6KF-1.28xHCl-yFe2O3-0.2TiO2-1.49SiO2-39.5H2O with 0.8Â???xÂ???1.4 and 0.015Â???yÂ???0.08. The products obtained were characterized through X-ray diffraction on powders (XRD), thermal analysis (TG, DSC, DTG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis (EDS). The data obtai...
Autori: Pierantonio De Luca, Danilo Vuono, Monica Filice
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmentally friendly industrial technologies: Case studies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 5
Abstract Nowadays the global climate change is one of the most significant questions from environmental, social, political and economic point of views. Global warming caused by green house gases emitted into the air is a result of the human activities (Energy Revolution, 2005-2007). The majority of the industrial processes has significant impact to human life and deteriorates the natural environment. In this paper different technologies (three industrial technologies) will be dealt with spec...
Autori: Zsofia Kovacs, Orsolya Kakucs, Janos Lako, , Tamas Fulop, Tatiana Yuzhakova, , Endre Domokos
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Assessment of heavy metal contamination and impact on surface waters in IaÂ?i city, Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The paper makes qualitative and quantitative analyses of heavy metal contamination of surface waters in Iasi City. The examination of data acquisited from the specific sections of the rivers Bahlui (upstream section, Iasi water treatment plant, Holboca section, downstream section, Iasi water treatment station), Nicolina (quarterly data from the established monitoring system) was performed, based on data provided by the Environmental Protection Agency of Iasi District and Prut Water D...
Autori: Corneliu Horaicu, Florea Cornel Gabrian, Irina Grozavu, Catalin Constantin Calu, Monica Horaicu, Brindusa Robu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Assessment of the environmental impacts generated by rubber processing activity
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract This work presents a global approach of the impact generated in the environment by rubber processing activity. The objective analyzed as a case study is a company that produces rubber tires for trucks and industrial vehicles. The experimental part includes the determination of quality indicators for each environmental factor (air, water, soil) and the evaluation of environmental impact on these factors. Determination of the environmental quality indicators was done by sampling and a...
Autori: Aurica Grec, Florin Dumescu, Corneliu Maior
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Behaviour of persistent pollutants and risks associated with their presence in the environment - Integrated studies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The paper describes the complex research developed within a national research project. The proposed studies and researches are according to the thematic frame of the program cooperation-environment of FP7, whose fundamental objective is related to the natural and anthropogenic environmental problems and resources. Under this context, the project proposes a coherent, conceptual framework for integrated environmental risk assessment and management, generated by the presence of persiste...
Autori: Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Contributions to the improvement of ambiental comfort in residential buildings
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The aim of the study is to outline new opportunities of improving buildings ambient comfort and thus to determine energy consumption cut down. The second half of the XX century witnessed the development of society disregarding the extent to which environment was affected by the industrial production; pollution was triggered by the widespread industry which made use of technologies whose main target was the increase of production output at any cost, an aggressive industry with respect...
Autori: Vladimir Corobceanu, Răzvan Giuşcă, Raluca Giusca
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Plasma chemistry and the environment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract Plasma is often called the fourth state of matter. It is distinct from other lower-energy states of matter, most commonly solid, liquid, and gas, although it is closely related to the gas phase in that it also has no definite form or volume. Plasma technique may use any gas or gas mixture, within equipment limitations. Each gas or mixture of gases produces distinctive plasma, making possible a very diverse range of chemical environments. Besides the recombination mechanisms developed...
Autori: Marian I. Totolin, Ghiocel E. Ioanid, Iordana Neamtu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Improvement of buildings ambiental comfort by using environmental friendly materials and methods
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract Starting from the disadvantages of the polystyrene system – the most important being that they are not biodegradable and their life cycle is relatively small, up to fifteen years – there were conceived several structures for outside walls made of perforated bricks vertically disposed and filled with granular materials. In this manner the thermal resistance is improved knowing that in gaps bigger than twenty millimeters there appear convective streams which substantially decrease ...
Autori: Răzvan Giuşcă, Vladimir Corobceanu, Raluca Giusca
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Recycling of waste from the grinding operations
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract This paper introduces and analyses the results of some research regarding the recovery of fine chips from the slurry resulted from the finishing operations (grinding) of the parts used in automobile industry. Little chips, in the form of slime, represent a very important source of raw materials when preparing the powders and at the same time it can be appreciated that the volume of these chips in the form of slurry is high enough so that its use can substantially diminish the product...
Autori: Olimpia Ghermec, Cristian Ghermec, Marin Didu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Evaluation of corrosive effects in co-firing process of biomass and coal
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The paper examines the effects of high temperature corrosion of the surfaces of heat exchange due to corrosive components formed in the co-combustion of biomass and coal. High temperature corrosion of the surfaces of heat exchange becomes a priority in the combustion of biomass with high chlorine and alkali metals, as alkali chlorides formed deposited on the surfaces of heat transfer, leading to serious consequences for them. Forms of manifestation of corrosion are numerous, the most...
Autori: Ionel Pisa, Corina Rădulescu, Lucian Mihăescu, Gheorghe Lăzăroiu, Gabriel Negreanu, Simona Zamfir, Danut Vairenu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Public management and local policy regarding city environment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract In the last decades human society came to realize that pollution and irrational use of resources diminish the capacities for future generations to satisfy their needs. That is why policies regarding environment protection start being implemented at city level with the participation of local authorities and the support of citizens. Moreover, such policies are beginning to have results, at environmental level. The example of the city of Ploiesti is commented upon in this paper. The cit...
Autori: Augustin Mitu, Catalin Popescu, Daniela Uta
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A social inquiry assessment of new water and wastewater disinfection devices
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract This paper aims at developing a study concerning a prototype production opportunity and its use for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as polluters and consumers, as well as for household consumers. The technical impact can be assessed through introduction of a new and low polluting technology which does not change the taste and smell of water, does not need chemical additives and uses a series of small and easy maintainable equipments with low costs. The method called �documenta...
Autori: Daniela Suteu, Irina Volf, Luminita Lupu, , Carmen Ioan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Water footprint and challenges for its application to integrated water resources management in Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract: This paper analyses and discusses the concept of water footprint, developed in order to have an indicator of water use in relation to consumption of people. The water footprint of a country is defined as the volume of water needed for the production of the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the country. The use of water resources comprises water use in the agricultural, industrial and domestic sectors. The overall objective of water management, which adopts integrate...
Autori: , Simona-Andreea Ene Popa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Link between environmental and economic efficiency
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The study contains a theoretical and methodological examination of the relationship between the environmental and economic efficiency of firms. It reframes the crucial question, not whether, but when environmental efficiency improvements are profitable for firms? The paper develops the novel concept of eco - profit and try to identifies three gaps in the previous knowledge: (1) the relationship may not be constant across environmental efficiency levels, which means that it needs to b...
Autori: Luminita Horhota
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Strategic environmental assessment for plans, programs, policies in Romania: multi-criterial method
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The purpose of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is to ensure that environmental considerations inform and are integrated into strategic decision-making in support of environmentally sound and sustainable development. In particular, the SEA process assists authorities responsible for plans and programs, as well as decision-makers. The main benefits of SEA consist in: providing high level of environmental protection, improvement of the quality of plan, program or policy making,...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Assessment of human and natural impacts over water quality in the prut river basin, Romania
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) concept evolved over time, the focus on river basin management, consultation and coordination with all water users, and the use of the â€?polluter pays?? principle being all included in the EU Water Framework Directive (EC Directive, 2000), which forms the basis of water management undertaken in Europe. The role and significance of water resources for sustainable development, as well as the water crisis experienced nowadays are ...
Autori: , Claudia Cojocariu, Corina - Petronela Musteret, Ioana Gabriela Dascalescu, Ionut Caraene
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Inter-cities transfer of a transportation project
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract Transferability process identifies the transportation projects which could be implemented successfully in different cities in order to encourage the good practices. This paper proposes a method to evaluate the environmental efficiency of a project by using a hybrid approach based on utility theory and data mining techniques. Transferability principle is applied to show the environmental efficiency of an access controlled area in the hyper centre of two different cities. COPERT III te...
Autori: Catalin Popescu, Luminita Ion, Tatiana Cucu, Jean-Marie Boussier, Augustin Mitu, Daniela Uta
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Modeling the extraction process of oil from seeds of white mustard (Sinapis alba)
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract White mustard (Sinapis white) is an annual plant of the Cruciferae family originating from the Mediterranean region and is cultivated in Europe and Asia, mainly for its seeds, but also for animal feed or crop rotation. White mustard seed is also an important source of vegetable oil that can be used as fuel. The chemical composition of mustard seed (Sinapis alba) includes glucosinolate (sinalbozida, sinapina free), essential oils, fatty oils (glycerides of oleic acid, linoleic, linole...
Autori: Camelia Ciubota-Rosie, Rodica Diaconescu, Irina Volf, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Modeling and simulation of quality indicators of surface water
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The efficient understanding and application of mathematical models in the study of environmental phenomena keep up with the latest results in the mathematical domain which could provide solutions for controlling, analyzing, predicting and study of risk phenomena. This paper presents a browsing through some mathematical categories of interpreting statistical data, examples and their analysis in connection with the degree of polluting the water down the Danube River with the help of qu...
Autori: Valerian Antohe, Constantin Stanciu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Optimization of process variables to maximize the copper loading capacity of Purolite S930 resin
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The practical capacity of an ion exchange or chelating resin depends on various process variables, such as initial solution pH, initial metal ion concentration, metal/resin ratio, contact time and temperature. This work presents the optimization of process variables to maximize the copper loading capacity of chelating resin Purolite S930. To study the combined effect of the initial solution pH, initial Cu (II) concentration and resin dosage were used a 23 orthogonal central composi...
Autori: Petru Bulai, Catalin Balan, Corneliu Cojocaru, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Particulate matter pollution in university area: Traffic flow analysis
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract University campuses can be seen as �small cities’ due to their high population (students, professors, employees) and corresponding high traffic flow, which may have a significant impact on both environment and people health. The objective of this work was to analyze particulate matter seasonal trends in the university area of Cosenza (University of Calabria). The relationship between sources emission, meteorological parameters and particle properties was defined. Sampling was co...
Autori: Monica Filice, Pierantonio De Luca, Giuseppe Piero Guido
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

SnO2-CeO2 oxidation catalysts
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The aim of this work was to obtain ceria-based catalysts with improved oxidation properties by adding tin dioxide (5, 10 and 20 wt %) and using the co-precipitation method of preparation. The samples were characterized by BET, ESEM, and DRIFT spectroscopy. The activity of SnO2-CeO2 catalytic systems in CO oxidation was studied between room temperature to 673 K. It was found that the increase of SnO2 content obviously increases the low temperature CO conversion. However, at 673 K all ...
Autori: Tatiana Yuzhakova, , Monica Caldararu, Jozsef Kovacs, Anca Vasile, Georgeta Postole, Cristian Hornoiu, Endre Domokos
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

An investigation of the sorption of acid orange 7 from aqueous solution onto soil
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The goal of the study was to investigate the sorption behavior of Acid Orange 7 (C.I. 15510) onto soil collected from Iasi area (Romania). The sorption isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic studies were performed by batch mode. The effects of experimental parameters such as contact time, pH value (2-12) and temperature (20 - 400C) have been studied. Also the influence of initial dye concentration (10 - 100 mg/L) and sorbent dosage (from 5 g L-1 to 150 g L-1) were studied. It was found ...
Autori: Camelia Smaranda, Dumitru Bulgariu, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Costs evaluation for ballast water treatment applying the advanced oxidation technology
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract Ballast water is used to supply stability on ships that have no load. It is loaded on before departure and often carries stowaways in the form of tiny organisms. To avoid that, the ballast water can be treated on board. Treating ballast water to free it from potentially harmful invasive species is a challenging problem. Alfa Laval in cooperation with Wallenius Water has been developed one system that cleans ballast water during ballasting and de ballasting operation. The paper presen...
Autori: Liviu Constantin Stan, Nicolae Buzbuchi, Feiza Memet
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Arsenate removal by Withania frutescens plant from the south-western Morocco
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract Withania frutescens plant from the south-western Morocco was used as an environmentally friendly material for the removal of As(V) ions from aqueous solutions. This work presents the characteristics of the adsorption and the desorption processes of As(V) using the dried W. frutescens plant as an environmentally friendly adsorbent. The mass of the adsorbent, the As(V) concentration, the contact time and the pH of the tested aqueous solutions were used as controlled variable parameters...
Autori: Mohamed Chiban, Gabriela Lehutu, Fouad Sinan, Gabriela Carja
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Application of several aluminium prehydrolysed coagulants in surface water treatment for potabilization
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract A prehydrolyzed aluminium chloride (PAC), commercial product selected from a previously studied series, and the electrochemically obtained PAC (E-PAC) were tested as coagulants, comparatively with the classical aluminium sulfate (alum). A new method for producing E-PAC has been applied. The level of turbidity, the amount of total organic carbon, the UV-254 absorbance and the residual aluminium were evaluated, for determining the efficiency of the coagulation process in all situations...
Autori: Adina Pacala, Ilie Vlaicu, Ciprian Radovan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Textile wastewater treatment by homogeneous oxidation with hydrogen peroxide
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract The textile wastewaters have a diverse composition depending both on the used raw materials and applied manufacturing technologies. These wastewaters may contain various pollutants such as organic compounds (e.g. residual dyes), suspended solids, metal ions etc. Most of dyes are synthetic compounds with aromatic molecular structures and non-biodegradable. The oxidative destruction via homogenous oxidation processes with hydrogen peroxide (simple chemical oxidation with H2O2 or advanc...
Autori: Carmen Zaharia, Daniela Suteu, Augustin Muresan, Rodica Muresan, Alina Popescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Kinetic study of cobalt(Ii) adsorption on peat activated by simple chemical treatments
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract In this study the adsorption of cobalt(II) from aqueous solutions on peat (from Poiana Stampei, Romania) activated by simple chemical treatments, was investigated from kinetic point of view. The chemical treatments suppose the mixing of peat with aqueous solutions of common chemical reagents (H2SO4, NaCl and NaOH), without the addition of supplementary additives. An increase of adsorption capacity of peat was obtained in case of treatments with NaCl and NaOH respectively, and this is...
Autori: Corneliu Caramalau, Laura Bulgariu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Hydroxyapatite/polyurethane composite membranes for lead ions removal
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract This work describes the preparation of a hydroxyapatite/polyurethane composite membrane and their characteristics. The porous hydroxyapatite/polyurethane composite membranes were made via solvent casting process. The deposited hydroxyapatite layers were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The data suggest that the method utilized in this work can be applied to obtain deposition of coating of crystalline hydroxyapatite on porous polyurethane...
Autori: Gabriela Ciobanu, Dorina Ignat, Gabriela Carja, Constantin Luca
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study regarding the sorption of erythrosine from aqueous solution onto soil
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract In this paper, the capacity of a soil to retain the dye Erythrosine B from aqueous solution by sorption has been studied. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted to investigate the sorption of the dye from aqueous solutions onto soil with particles of different size. Different models were used to describe the kinetic data, to calculate the corresponding rate constants and to predict the theoretical capacities of soil for dye sorption. ...
Autori: Florentina Anca Căliman, Laura Carmen Apostol, Dumitru Bulgariu, Laura Bulgariu, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Halotherapy: From ethnoscience to scientific explanations
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract This article presents the use of salt water springs in the Moldavian Oriental sub-Carpathians for treating certain diseases, based on archaeological discoveries and ethnographical surveys, correlated with known facts from the literature in the field. Nevertheless, what differentiates it from other similar area in Europe is the intense, unexpected continuity of traditional, nonindustrial water supplying coming from salt springs. Among the uses of salt water and halite in the area, th...
Autori: Ion Sandu, Marius Alexianu, Roxana-Gabriela Curca, Olivier Weller, Constantin Pascu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Research on the effects of soil improvement by fertilization on the quality of winter wheat
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract Some doses of compost obtained in farms were tested during 2004-2006, comparative to chemical fertilization, at S.C. Soimul S.R.L. from Vacareni Plain, Jijila village, Tulcea district. It was found out that fertilization with 30 t/ha of compost had established the highest production of wheat Dropia variety, 6512 kg/ha, with 40.7% higher than unfertilized variant and 16.8% higher than N160P80K80 fertilized variant. The highest protein content of 15.21% has been obtained in the case o...
Autori: Mihail Axinte, Teodor Robu, Marius Zaharia, Costel Moglan, Carmen Ghitau
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Assessment of the anthropogenic impact on water systems by fluorescence spectroscopy
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract Organic matter is ubiquitous in every type of aquatic system and due to the influence that it has on their ecological health, can be used as a useful water quality indicator. Fluorescence spectroscopy has been efficiently used in the past decades to determine and characterize organic matter, and its link to function and chemical water quality. In this paper, fluorescence fingerprints are presented in order to evidence the anthropogenic influence on different aquatic systems. Using f...
Autori: Elfrida M. Carstea, Luminita Ghervase, Gabriela Pavelescu, Dan Savastru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on sorption and transport processes of cadmium in soils
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract Heavy metals produced and released by anthropogenic activities generate serious environmental problems. Ions of toxic metals can bind to the mineral surface in a number of ways, including absorption, adsorption, precipitation, ion exchange. The paper shows that the fate and migration of heavy metals in soils strongly depend on the physical properties and chemical and mineralogical composition of such environments. Cadmium is one of the most toxic metals with carcinogenic and teratog...
Autori: Vasile Lucian Pavel, Dumitru Bulgariu, Laura Bulgariu, Raluca Maria Hlihor, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Physiological changes in seedling germination and growth plant under chemical stress conditions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 8Nr. 6
Abstract When plants are exposed to heavy metals influence, the processes of growth inhibition, ion leakage of all membrane, distribution of pigment and even more death of plants are produced. The physiological and biochemical changes in germinating seedling and cultivation in plastic pots experiments of different plant species (maize, bean, oat, and spinach) were investigated under the influence of copper ions as stress agent. Differences between tolerances against copper excess in the case ...
Autori: Alina Stingu, Irina Volf, Valentin I. Popa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Overview on paper and board recycling in Europe
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract In Europe, recovered paper is a valuable raw material for the paper industry already since the early 20th century, actually corresponding to half of the total use of fibres for paper and board production. The aim of this paper is to describe the present status of paper recycling in Europe and thereby to create a data basis for evaluation the results of the FP7 project ?Recovered Paper Sorting by Innovative Technologies ? SORT IT. The overview is based on specific questionnaires addre...
Autori: Dan Gavrilescu, Elena Bobu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Management of the northern-eastern region of romania viewed from the perspective of ecotourism development
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract Tourism and services are important components of any developed European society. The Northern-Eastern Region of Romania (NER), which comprises six counties with various problems, is lacking of good promotion and there are major gaps between the component counties. The failures of the communication and promotion system are caused by an insufficient development of the domestic network of tourist information offices within the towns and villages. The limited financial resources of the l...
Autori: Florin Alexandru Luca, Igor Creţescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Enhancement of separation performances of a new azoic derivative from industrial water and the posibility to recover its complex as nanomaterial
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract In order to obtain new complexes of Fe(III) with multiple uses, their characteristics, important applications and also the obtaining conditions are studied. The obtaining conditions consist in mixing solutions of the same concentrations of ligand 2 amino-6-methoxy-benzothiazole sulphonic acid??†’1-naphtol-4-sulphonic acid with FeCl3. The solutions are mixed in molar ratios of 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 (ligand to central metallic atom). For determining the molar ratio ligand:central metall...
Autori: Daniela Zavastin, Doina Sibiescu, Igor Creţescu, Ioan Roşca, Mihaela Dana Tutulea, Mihaela Vizitiu
ISSN: 1843-3707

Valorization of plaster molds waste from fine ceramic industry
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The Environment Action Program foresees the development of a Thematic Strategy concerning the sustainable use of natural resources and waste management (Report EUR 21002 EN, 2004). In this context, the activities regarding the research and industrial development related to waste valorization through recycling and reusing have been grown. The wastes resulted from the fine ceramic technological process (scraps, used molds etc.) may be valorized. The used molds can be valorized in other...
Autori: Ion Balasanian, Liliana Lazar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A new real-time monitoring technique of the biochemical constituents of the environment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract As a result of the global climatic changes generated by the alteration of the environment through polution, the ecosystems' natural ressources are incontrollably distributed, generating unforseeable effects at the level of the subsequent evolution of the natural balance factors. One of the greatest challenges of the science concerned with environment protection, is that of real time monitoring of the biochemical constitution. The real time monitoring of a great number of biochemical ...
Autori: Andrada Pretorian, Bojin Dionezie, Gabriel Epure, Ion Savu, Lucia Mutihac, Mihaela Muresan, Nicoleta Petrea, Petrisor Zamora Iordache, Razvan Petre, Rodica Lungu, Vasile Somoghi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Comparative study of the adsorption-desorption cycles of hexane over hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbents and activated carbon
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract In this work, the behavior of n-hexane vapors in the adsorption-desorption cycles of non-functionalized polymeric adsorbents (MN 202 and MN 250) and granular activated carbon (AC 20) was studied. The adsorption experiments were performed in a fixed bed column, under dynamic conditions, at 30?C and atmospheric pressure. The inlet concentration of n-hexane in the air streams was 0.115 mg/cm3 (32500 ppm) and the space velocity was 2.75 s-1. Also, desorption experiments were performed in...
Autori: Adela Marilena Buburuzan, Cezar Catrinescu, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

New complexes used to increase the dying process efficiency of the textile materials in the context of sustainable development
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract This work presentes a study of preparation and stability in aqueous medium of complexes obtained by the reaction between Fe(III) with 2-amino-6-methoxy-benzothiazol-sodium sulphonate ??†’1 naphtol-4-sodium sulphonate. In this purpose, the investigation methods applied were as follows: pH-metry, conductometry, and the UV-VIS spectrophotometry. The molar combination ratio of ligand to central metallic atom, and the stability constants for new obtained compounds were determined usin...
Autori: Doina Sibiescu, Gabriela Carja, Ioan Roşca, Laura Chirila, Mihaela Vizitiu, Romen Butnaru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Chelating sorbent containing two types of functional groups hydroxamic acid and amidoxime for lead (II) ions effluent management
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The removal efficiency of Pb(II) from aqueous solutions by sorption on a bifunctional acrylic ion exchange resin with groups of hydroxamic acid and amidoxime is presented. It was found that Pb(II) sorption potential varies as function of solution pH, initial metal concentration, contact time and temperature. From aqueous solutions with Pb(II) initial concentration of 82.96 ?ŽÂ?g/mL the sorption percentage is 98.64%. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to model the Pb(II) ...
Autori: Anca Ceica, Carmen Paduraru, Igor Creţescu, Lavinia Tofan, Violeta Neagu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Removal of dunkel blau dye from aqueous solutions by fungal and peat biomass in batch mode
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract Wastewaters of textile and leather dying industries contain significant quantities of water-soluble dyes. Moreover the temperature and pH of these wastewaters may be controlling variables affecting the biosorption performance. In this study the sorption of dark blue dye by Aspergillus biomass and peat was studied as a function of temperature, initial dye concentration, and initial pH values. In addition, the effects of sorbent dosage on the sorption processes were systematically stud...
Autori: Cornel Cojocaru, Cornel Pohontu, Igor Creţescu, Mariana Diaconu, Roxana Elena Benchea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The treatment and minimization of metallurgical slag as waste
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The slags are an important waste and by-products of metallurgical industry. The present paper summarizes results obtained from physical and chemical analyses on metallurgical slag provided from S.C. ?Mittal Steel Galati? S.A. The physical structure and gradation of granulated slag depend on the chemical composition of the slag, its temperature at the time of water quenching, and the method of production. The following mineralogical components were noticed through bypowder X-ray diffr...
Autori: Maria Cioroi, Licuta Nistor Cristea, Igor Creţescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Integrated treatment of leachate from municipal waste solid landfill
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The present paper proposes an integrated-treatment process of leachate from a municipal landfill, which involves two treatment steps. The first step consists in diminishing the organic content through an advanced oxidation process using ozone and hydrogen peroxide. The second step is performed in order to diminish the content of heavy metals through a sorption process on a natural low-cost biosorbent, thus the traces of organic substances remained after oxidative degradation or oxida...
Autori: Carmen Paduraru, Corneliu Pohontu, Igor Creţescu, Lavinia Tofan, Marius Sebastian Secula, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Analysis of factors determining the behaviour of chromium in some romanian soils
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract Chromium (Cr) is one of the most common metal contaminants in soil because of its use in ore refining, production of steel and alloys, metal plating, tanneries, wood preservation, and pigmentation. In soil environment, the most stable oxidation states of chromium are Cr (III) and Cr (VI). While Cr (III) is considered an essential trace element for the functioning of living organisms, Cr (VI) is toxic and carcinogenic to humans via inhalation for long exposures, since it is easily sol...
Autori: Dumitru Bulgariu, Laura Bulgariu, Maria Gavrilescu, Raluca Maria Hlihor, Vasile Lucian Pavel
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

In vitro corrosion study by electrochemical and surface analysis techniques of a ti50ta alloy for dental applications
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract Commercial pure titanium (Cp-Ti) and titanium alloys are used on large scale in restorative dentistry due to their advantages as compared with other similar materials: chemical inertia, low density, high strength, high corrosion resistance in biological media and increased biocompatibility.The effect of fluoride and pH on the corrosion behaviour of Cp-Ti and a new Ti50Ta alloy were examined by open circuit potential (EOC) measurement, linear polarization, potentiodynamic polarization...
Autori: Daniel Mareci, Daniel Sutiman, Georgiana Ciurescu, Igor Creţescu, Romeo Chelariu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmentally friendly techniques for chemical pulp bleaching
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract In the last decades there has been a rapid evolution of techniques for production of bleached pulp. Much of these processes have been environmentally driven. New techniques have been developed in order to replace chlorine-based reagents in producing bleached pulp. Reducing the environmental impact of pulp production can be attain by using non-pollutant bleaching reagents like oxygen and related compounds. This paper deals with present findings and general trends in environmentally-s...
Autori: Adrian Catalin Puitel, Alexandru Botar, Dan Gavrilescu, Gheorghe Dutuc, Grigore Craciun
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Biosorption of malachite green from aqueous solutions onto biomaterials
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The use of biomaterials as biosorbents for treatment of wastewaters will provide as a potential alternate to the conventional treatment methods. The main advantages of biosorption are high selectivity , cost effectiveness and good removal performance. World wide numerous low cost bio materials have tried for biosorption of dyes. In this present investigation, the dead biomass of Penicillium sp. fungus and wood sawdust was used as biosorbents and their capacity to removed malachite gr...
Autori: Cornel Pohontu, Florin Luca, Igor Creţescu, Manea Liliana, Mariana Diaconu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Equilibrium and kinetic studies of acid dye sorption onto soils from Iasi area
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the Congo Red (CR) sorption behavior onto six soils from Ia?…?¸i area, with different characteristics. The rate of sorption of Congo red dye molecules from aqueous solution by soil was studied in batch conditions. The rate of sorption was very rapid in the first 5-10 minutes and reached a maximum in 20 minutes. Kinetic modeling analysis of the pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, intraparticle diffusion and Elovich equations reveals that t...
Autori: Camelia Smaranda, Dumitru Bulgariu, Maria Gavrilescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Device for rapid preparation of samples for detection and identification of the toxic compounds
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract This paper presents a portable device for rapid preparation of samples, in situ, in order to facilitate the detection and identification of toxic substances. This product is for research and provides increased sensitivity NBC detection equipment (ion mobility spectrometers, indicated tubes), and decreasing the time needed for preparation solid and liquid samples to identify toxic substances by spectrometric techniques (gas chromatography with mass spectrometry). It is used especially...
Autori: Alexandru Bobes, Aurica Dumitrescu, Doru Alexe, Gabriel Epure, Liliana Rece, Nicoleta Petrea, Petrisor Zamora Iordache, Razvan Petre, Vasile Somoghi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

A case study of industrial water polluted with chromium (VI) and its impact to river recipient in western Serbia
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract In this work the method for the treatment of industrial waste waters effluents containing hexavalent chromium in three companies during process of treating metal surface with chromic acid is described. Industrial water polluted with hexavalent chromium is collected in separate sewage system. Polluted water is collected in precipitation tanks which are directly connected with neutralization reservoirs. The treatment process includes pre-neutralization by lime-milk, sedimentation, floc...
Autori: Igor Creţescu, Mirjana Cvijovic, Predrag Djurdjevic, Slavica Cvetkovi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Ecological education for sustainable tourism in Romania?s North-East region
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The paper tackles the issue of ecological tourism in Romania?s North-East Region. This region offers some opportunities such as low costs for tourist operators and highly qualified local hosting personnel that can make it attractive. The concept of sustainable development is presented and its features are discussed in the context of tourism. Ecological education is presented as a collateral effect that naturally derives from developing a sustainable tourism, especially in Romania?s N...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, Carmen Cătălina Ioan, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Impact of chemicals on derivatives with important therapeutic activity in Calendula Officinalis L. flores
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract In the study, the accumulation of secondary metabolites present in Calendula officinalis L. flowers with importance in therapeutics was examined, after the treatment with some substances considered being mutagens. The effect of substances appliedat different concentrations and different times of action was studied, qualitatively and quantitatively, considering various methanol extracts, obtained from the inflorescenses of Calendula officinalis L, which contained polyphenolic fraction...
Autori: Brindusa Robu, Constantin Leonte, Elvira Gile, Roxana Vatavu, Teodor Robu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Calendula officinalis L., diclorphenoxiacetic acid (2,4 D), mutagenic, polyphenolic acids
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The former Arad Chemical Fertilizer Plant had an important polluting effect on environment and, although it was shut down in 1990, its environmental heritage still exists. The paper contains a short description of the former plant and its impact on the environment, mainly on the quality of water and soil and emphasizes the effects of polluting heritage that still exists. Today, one of the major problems on the platform of the former Fertilizer Plant is the existence of all concrete b...
Autori: Aurica Grec, Florin Dumescu, Ladislau Klein
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Researches on the negative effects assessment (slugging, clogging, ash deposits) developed at the biomass-coal co-firing
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract Using biomass in combustion, as a renewable source of energy, from ecological and economic considerations, sets special demands for control of the co-firing process. The paper aimed to study the problems like slugging, clogging and ash deposits formed on heat exchange surfaces during the co-firing process of agricultural biomass with coal. There are identifies the main factors that influence the formation of flying ash deposits and corrosion process. Most problems of co-firing proces...
Autori: Corina Rădulescu, Danut Vairenu, Elena Popa, Gheorghe Lazaroiu, Ionel Pisa, Lucian Mihăescu, Simona Zamfir, Tudor Prisecaru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Catalytic wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation of 4-chlorophenol over iron-exchanged clays
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract Chlorophenols were selected for this study because most of them are toxic and difficult to biodegrade. They represent a particular group of priority toxic pollutants listed by the US EPA in the Clean Water Act and by the European Decision 2455/2001/EC. The efficiency of advanced oxidation processes for degradation of chlorophenols has been extensively documented. The catalytic wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation process, involving oxidation with H2O2 and solid catalysts in mild reaction ...
Autori: Brindusa Dragoi, , Cezar Catrinescu, Daniela Arsene
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Kinetics considerations concerning the oxidative degradation by photo-fenton process of some antibiotics
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 1
Abstract The aim of this study is the evaluation of photo-Fenton as a suitable advanced oxidation process to degrade ampicillin and streptomycin antibiotics. The degradation was studied by monitoring the organic substrate concentration changes in aqueous solution as a function of reaction time using COD analysis. The oxidation process follows two successive stages. In the first stage (I) the oxidation of the antibiotics takes place with high reaction rate, leading to intermediate oxidation pr...
Autori: Cristina Orbeci, Daniela Simina Stefan, Ion Untea, Madelene Dancila
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Industrial district revitalization through sustainable development policies
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract Despite their success, the so-called Italian Industrial Districts (IIDs) have to face the crisis caused by the phenomenon of globalization. The paper presents the interventions carried out in two industrial districts, tannery district of Arzignano and artistic glass district of Murano, in order to help the public administrations to improve the environmental situation. Introducing strategic and social considerations in environmental initiatives and implementing ?radical? environmenta...
Autori: Flaviano D'Amico, Giulio D'Amico, Ion Tanase, Marian Mihai Buleandra, Mihaela Buleandra
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Monitoring of several radioisotopes in soils and plants from uranium mining areas
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract A five-year survey of gross ?ŽÂ±+?ŽÂ?, 226Ra, and 137Cs in soils and selected spontaneous plants (Hypnum cupressiforme, Urtica dioica, Dryopsteris filix-mas, and Cirsium arvense) in the Crucea and Lesu Ursului mining areas is presented. The maximum activities in soils were fond to not exceed 0.257 Bq/g for gross ?ŽÂ±+?ŽÂ?, 0.35 Bq/g 226Ra, and 0.05 Bq/g 137Cs. All plant species shown similar capabilities for gross ?ŽÂ±+?ŽÂ? and 226Ra accumulation. The soil-to-plant transfer coeffi...
Autori: Alexandru Cecal, Catalin C. Nica, Dan T. Costin, Danut G. Cozma, Karin Popa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

GIS analysis of wetland covered by Natura 2000 sites
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can be used in biological conservation as decision support systems, integrating the spatially referenced CORINE land cover and using data to assess whether natural protected areas cover particular types of ecosystems and/or biogeographical diversity. This study analyzes whether the Natura 2000 sites, which are Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation declared in Romania cover the diversity of wetlands and coastal areas habitat...
Autori: Alexandru-Ionut Petrisor
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Analysis of distribution of oxygen transfer rate in stirred bioreactors for fungus broths 1. Suspensions of P. Chrysogenum free mycelia
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract Unlike the P. shermanii and S. cerevisiae cultures, the study on the distribution of oxygen transfer in stirred bioreactor for P. chrysogenum free mycelia broths indicated that this process is controlled mainly by the high apparent viscosity of broths, and less by the presence of fungus biomass. For this reason, the influence of fungus accumulation on the reduction of kla is attenuated compared with that obtained for bacterial or yeasts broths. The lower influence of fungus biomass i...
Autori: Anca-Irina Galaction, Dan Caşcaval, Marius Turnea, Stefanica Camarut
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Energy consumption estimation in water distribution systems using fuzzy techniques
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract This paper applies a fuzzy method for the estimation of the daily electrical energy consumption of the fresh water hydrophore stations of a water distribution system. Based on the uncertainties of the water distribution system, the fuzzy logic was used to simulate a correlation between water and electrical energy quantities. Thus, the proposed method is proven as a useful tool for estimation of the daily electrical energy consumption considering the flow and the pressure growth of th...
Autori: Gheorghe Grigoras, Marcel Istrate
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Optimization by NN ? GA technique of the metal complexing process. potential application in wastewater treatment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract Some samples consisting in silica functionalized in different degrees with dihydroxy-azomethine groups have been tested as sorbents for copper (II) ions from aqueous solutions in different conditions. An indirect monitoring procedure for the complexing process was approached: UV-VIS absorption intensity ? time variation for the metal-containing solution in which complexing silica was soaked. In order to find the conditions in which the maximum efficiency in the metal absorption can b...
Autori: Ciprian-George Piuleac, Maria Cazacu, Silvia Curteanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Adaptive neuro-fuzzy approach for sand permeability estimation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract Characterization of soil permeability is of great importance for several geotechnical analyses. In common practice, because of the difficulty in sampling of granular material, constant head permeability tests are usually employed on specimens having similar relative densities to those in the field. An alternative approach to permeability tests for granular soils is the prediction of permeability levels by means of empirical equations depending on several particle size distribution an...
Autori: Alper Sezer, Burak A. Goktepe, Selim Altun
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Validation of a knowledge-based risk model for biological foaming in anaerobic digestion simulation
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a complex biological system which can be affected by several operational problems. Among them, biological foaming is one of the most difficult to deal with. It has many effects, such as causing gas pipe clogging and probe failures, and it can affect mixing devices, etc. Since the mechanisms involved in biological foaming development are not fully understood, it is not included in standard anaerobic digestion models. For this reason, a knowledge-based risk ...
Autori: Eric Latrille, Ignasi Rodriguez-Roda, Jean-Philippe Steyer, Joaquim Comas, Jordi Dalmau
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Fast and accurate residential fire detection using wireless sensor networks
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract Prompt and accurate residential fire detection is important for on-time fire extinguishing and consequently reducing damages and life losses. To detect fire sensors are needed to measure the environmental parameters and algorithms are required to decide about occurrence of fire. Recently, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been used for environmental monitoring and real-time event detection because of their low implementation costs and their capability of distributed sensing and pr...
Autori: Majid Bahrepour, Nirvana Meratnia, Paul J. M. Havinga
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

SBC-MEDIU: A multi-expert system for environmental diagnosis
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract An efficient environmental management system needs some air, water and soil pollution analysis software tools. The paper presents a multi-expert system, SBC-MEDIU, developed for environmental diagnosis. The system has three modules: SBC-AIR, the module for air pollution analysis and dispersion assessments, SBC-WATER, the module for surface water pollution analysis, and SBC-SOIL, the module for soil erosion risk assessments. The experimental results obtained so far are also discussed....
Autori: Daniel Dunea, Mihaela Oprea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Towards an intelligent tutoring system for environmental decision makers
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract The paper presents a novel approach which aims to support the training of decision makers in maritime environmental pollution policies via an intelligent tutoring system that focuses on the automatic generation of self-assessment material. More specifically, the paper reports on the automatic construction of multiple-choice question tests from knowledge bases i.e. domain ontologies, instances, if-then rules, and multimedia objects. The reported work has been conducted with a prototyp...
Autori: Andreas Papasalouros, Konstantinos Kotis, Nikitas Nikitakos
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental decision support systems based on models and model-based reasoning
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract Decision trees and rule-based systems including variants based on propositional and fuzzy logic have been the method of choice for knowledge representation in many applications of environmental decision support systems. Reasons are the ease of use, the capability of representing uncertainty, and the fast computation of results at runtime when using decision trees, rule-based systems, or other similar means for knowledge representation. Unfortunately there are drawbacks related with t...
Autori: Franz Wotawa, Ignasi Rodriguez-Roda, Joaquim Comas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Kernel methods and neural networks for water resources management
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract This paper offers a hybrid approach, for the effective estimation of the maximum water supply and the special water flow in the watersheds of Thasos Island. This modeling effort was carried out by employing both artificial neural networks (ANNs) and kernel algorithms. Moreover support vector machines (SVMs) were used for the optimization of the ANNs. Support vector machines were applied to determine the loss of the developed ANN and to enhance its ability to generalize. As a matter o...
Autori: Lazaros S. Iliadis, Stavros Tachos, Stefanos I. Spartalis
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Artificial intelligence applications in the atmospheric environment: status and future trends
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 2
Abstract The Air Quality Management problem calls for detailed, case-specific knowledge and requires, due to legal mandates, the development of operational, environmental parameter related, incident forecasting. Both targets can be met by applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, and by employing relevant computational algorithms that are capable of producing reliable results. The current paper provides with an overview of the problem domain, identifies goals and proposes methods that ma...
Autori: Kostas D. Karatzas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Stability factors and control strategy for biogas production from sludge
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract A method based on measuring substrate depletion rate was developed to evaluate the denitrifying activity of activated sludge in suspension and in biofilm form in anoxic serum flasks. The adapted activated sludge inoculum was grown as biofilm in an anoxic rotating biological contactor (RBC). Acetate was used as external carbon source to obtain a carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) of 2. The results showed that the specific activity of cells in biofilm form was higher than in planktonic for...
Autori: Elba Vivanco, Juan Carlos Ruiz, Paola Poirrier, Rolando Chamy, Yves Lesty
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Nitrate removal from aqueous solution using MgCl2 impregnated activated carbon
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess nitrate removal using impregnated activated carbon (AC) with MgCl2. After impregnating of AC using heat treatment, the MgCl2 is converted to efficient MgO. The denitrification was conducted at pH 6.2, 25?C, and initial concentrations of 20 mg/L nitrate-N. The effects of the operating parameters including AC dosage, pH, and contact time have been investigated. Experimental data show that AC modified by MgCl2 was more effective than virgin AC for nit...
Autori: Abbas Rezaee, Hatam Godini, Sahand Jorfi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

The characterization and the synthesis of a new coordination compound for removal of Cr(III) from wastewaters
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The Schiff base N,N??(salicylidene)-methylenediamine, known as Salmen in combination with Cr(III) forms at pH = 4.5 a greenish precipitate, which is stable at room temperature but decomposed on heating. The study of the Infrared spectra, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetry has pointed out that the precipitation form is a complex, while the molar ratio showed that the combination rate of Cr(III): N,N?-bis(salicylidene)-methylenediamine is 1:1. The new...
Autori: Doina Sibiescu, Ioan Roşca, Irina Spatarescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Disinfection reagents in prut river treatment for drinking water production
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The chlorine is the reagent of the widest application in disinfection processes of drinking water but it shows the short coming of reacting with the organic substances therein giving trihalomethanes with possible cancerous action. For this reason the tendency is noticed of replacing chlorine by reagents with higher disinfecting properties and lack of final toxic products. The chlorine dioxide could be used to this purpose. A comparative study on the effects obtained by treating the P...
Autori: Corneliu Oniscu, Dan George Popovici
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Study on removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions by adsorption on bael tree leaf powder
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The adsorption behavior of bael tree (BT) leaf powder for cadmium ions from aqueous solutions has been investigated as a function of appropriate equilibrium time, adsorbent dose, adsorbate concentrations and pH using a batch system. Studies showed that the pH of aqueous solutions affected cadmium removal as a result of the fact that removal efficiency increased with increasing solution pH. The maximum adsorption was 93.56% at solution pH equal to 6.0, contact time of 30 min and initi...
Autori: Ponnusamy Senthilkumar, Rangasamy Gayathri
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Integrated management and control system for water resources
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract This paper presents an integrated system of management and control for water resources, designated to improve the process of finding sustainable solutions for the problems of water pollution according to EU regulations. It is known that, regardless of the type of the source of pollution, punctual or diffuse, the water quality for both surface and underground waters can be severely damaged. Consequently, measures have to be taken in order to reduce/suppress the water pollution. In ord...
Autori: Aurelia Caldararu, Lucian P. Georgescu, Mirela Voiculescu, Virgil Olaru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Utilization of two artificial neural network methods in surface water quality modeling
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are capable of learning the relationships between the dependent and predictor surface water quality variables and have a high ability to predict from the new data set. In this study, two different ANN methods, the feedforward network (FFN) and the cascadeforward network (CFN) were applied to predict two surface water quality variables such as chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and fecal coliform (FC) using twelve other variables as an input to the models. Both me...
Autori: Hasan Merdun, Ozer Cinar
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Aerobic sequencing batch reactor system with granular activated carbon for the treatment of wastewater containing a reactive dye
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract In this study, the effect of adding granular activated carbon (GAC) to aerobic sequencing batch reactor (SBR) on possibility to treat a wastewater containing a reactive dye (Brill Blue KN-R) was investigated. Experiments were performed in four cylindrical Plexiglas reactors for 68 days (5 days for acclimatization of sludge and 63 days for normal operation in two separate phases). Initial dye concentrations were adjusted to 20, 25, 30 and 40 mg/L in the reactors R1, R2, R3 and R4, res...
Autori: Amir Asadi Vaigan, Hossein Hashemi, Mohammad Reza Alavi Moghaddam
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Strategies for the aerobic biological treatment of the dairy wastewaters in controlled conditions
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the capacity of certain bacterial and fungal strains - isolated from the dairy industry wastewater - to biodegrade the organic compounds such as casein, lactose and lactic acid similarly to those which determine the organic pollution. The strains able to rapidly biodegrade organic compounds were identified and screened for the inoculum preparation which is afterward tested for the aerobic biological treatment of the simulated dairy-processing was...
Autori: Gabriela Bahrim, George Ifrim, Marian Barbu, Mihaela Palela, Sergiu Caraman
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental hazards and anaerobic treatment of wastewaters generated in alcohol industry
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract Finding solutions to the waste problems generated by human activity represents a high concern of authorities and environment specialists for many years. Furthermore, energy conservation and reduction of the dependency from fossil fuels represents a top priority of governmental organizations at world level. The developments in alcohol industry have resulted in the increase of wastewaters which are highly polluted with organic substances, causing environmental pollution hazards. A wide...
Autori: Carmen Mateescu, Ionel Constantinescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Assessment of Jajrood river watershed microbial pollution: Sources and fates
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The Jajrood River watershed is one of the main drinking water resources of Tehran, the capital city of Iran. In addition it provides many recreational usages. However, a variety of microbial pollutions is commonly perceived in the Jajrood River, among them a high concentration of coliform group bacteria that has caused strong concerns. In this article, different aspects of microbial pollution as well as the main microbial pollution sources in the region are discussed. Coliform group ...
Autori: Mahdi Jamshidi, Mahdi Maghrebi, Masoud Tajrishy
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Chemical - analytical characteristic of marine environmental pollution in the ports of northern Black Sea Basin
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract As a result of the chemical-analytical studies of the marine environment of the water area of some Black Sea ports it was found that the water content of standardized components - toxins do not exceed their maximum allowable concentration, and the corresponding sediment significantly contaminated with cadmium, lead, phenols, petroleum products....
Autori: Anatoliy Andrianov, Eugeniy Malinovsky, Inna Bezlutskaya, Inna Chebotarskaya, Oleg Nedostoup, Tatyana Kovalchuk, Valeriy Antonovich
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Reduced water consumption in recovered paper plant for sustainable development
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract Regardless of the production branch, advanced closing of water circuits in an industrial unit is a today?s requirement. To fulfill this, an advanced treatment of residual water is needed. Use of both specialized devices and specific chemicals leads to clear water that can be further reused. In this paper, the obtained performances with a unit, which uses dissolving air flotation principles for treating the residual water from a recovered paper de-inking plant, are presented....
Autori: Emanuel Poppel, Nela Dumea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Modeling and simulation of an ultrafiltration process for the removal of suspended solids and colloids from wastewater
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract Mathematical modeling of the ultrafiltration (UF) process is motivated by the complexity of retention phenomena that occur during the UF in conjunction with the complexity of wastewater matrices submitted to ultrafiltration, as well as by the need to predict the process behavior in extreme conditions, such as high pollution loads for UF-membrane cleaning cycles optimization or for automated control of the process. Thus, series of laboratory-scale ultrafiltration experiments were perf...
Autori: , George Barjoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Chemical oxidation of treated textile effluent by hydrogen peroxide and fenton process
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract In this study the possibility to apply the oxidation process for treating textile effluents, by using hydrogen peroxide and Fenton process was evaluated through determining the color and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal. The experimental variables studied include the dosages of hydrogen peroxide and iron salts, oxidation time and pH value. The result showed that oxidation process using hydrogen peroxide alone is inefficient in COD and color removal, since only 25 % of COD removal...
Autori: Abdelnaser Omran, , Marniyanti Mamat Noor
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Equilibrium and kinetic modeling of Zn (II) sorption from aqueous solutions by sphagnum moss peat
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract Equilibrium and kinetics of sorption of Zn (II) ions from aqueous solutions of pH 5 on indigene (Romanian) peat moss were investigated in batch system. The experimental equilibrium sorption data at three temperatures were analysed by Freundlich, Langmuir, Tempkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich sorption isotherm models. Results indicate the following order in to fit the isotherm equations: Langmuir > Tempkin > Dubinin-Radushkevich > Freundlich. The equilibrium sorption capacity determine...
Autori: Angelica Kicsi, Doina Bilba, Matei Macoveanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Studies on the biosorption of Terasil dye by Aspergillus Niger dead biomass
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract Textile dyeing process is an important source of contamination responsable for the continous pollution of the environment. Control of water pollution has importance for both organisms, which live in water and those who benefit from water. Many dyes reaching the water source are difficult to decompose and cause many problems due to their carcinogenicity. Consequently, it is important to remove these pollutants from wastewater before their final disposal. This paper reports the resuls ...
Autori: Alina Dughila, Alina Stefanache, Cornel Pohontu, Igor Creţescu, Mariana Diaconu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Influence of innoculum acclimation in the biodegradation rate and estimated biodegradbility of cow manure, food waste and oil
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract Two different inocula - acclimated and non-acclimated to fat- were used to evaluate the methane production of cow manure, food waste and oily waste in batch assays. The inoculum adapted to fat had a better performance in the methanisation of substrates with significant lipids content. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that an increase in the ratio inoculum/substrate can enhance the initial methane production rate of oily waste when using a non-adapted inoculum, improving also the ultim...
Autori: Lucia Neves, Maria Madalena Alves, Raquel Ferreira, Rosario Oliveira
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Olive mill wastewater as a renewable resource
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The olive mill wastewater (OMW) is a stable emulsion composed by water, olive pulp and residual oil. An approach for using this waste as a renewable resource is of greater interest. Several authors have been studding physicochemical treatment methods. However, the biological treatments allow not only the treatment, but also the effluent valorization, by producing several valuable products. This effluent is also a source of natural antioxidants and its extraction is economically attra...
Autori: Carina Pereira, Cristiana Goncalves, Isabel Belo, Madalena Alves
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Identifying anaerobic digestion models using simultaneous batch experiments
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract Mathematical models have become a valuable tool to study the anaerobic digestion process, to guide plant design and optimize operation strategies. Models require accurate and significant parameter values for being useful. Although the identification problem is an issue of concern, often is neglected. The described method for model calibration consists on the performance of simultaneous batch experiments (SBE), which requires simple and usually available equipment, and is based on the...
Autori: Belen Fernandez, Jordi Palatsi, Josep Illa, M. Angels Colomer, Xavier Flotats
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Biosorption of hexavalent chromium based on modified Y zeolites obtained by alkali-treatment
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The structural modification of external surface of NaY was investigated in order to enhance efficient biosorption systems consisting of a bacterial biofilm, Arthrobacter viscosus, supported on that zeolite, for removing hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions. The supported bacterial biofilm reduces Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and this cation is then retained in the zeolite by ion exchange. NaY zeolite was modified by alkali-treatments using NaOH 2.0 M, with two different contact periods of...
Autori: Bruna Silva, Cristina Quintelas, Hugo Figueiredo, Isabel C. Neves, Manuel F.R. Pereira, Teresa Tavares
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Denitrifying potential of an activated sludge derived consortium
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract The aim of this work was the evaluation of the denitrification potential of a consortium of activated sludge adapted to anoxic conditions. As the carbon source is the main parameter influencing the denitrification process, in the first stage three carbon sources (acetate, citrate and glucose) were assayed in batch activity tests. The highest denitrification efficiency was ttained with acetate, being nitrate and nitrite completely reduced. The adapted sludge was then used as a potent...
Autori: Joana Azeredo, Pilar Teixeira, Rosario Oliveira, Zelia Fernandes
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Denitrifying activity of activated sludge in suspension and in biofilm
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 3
Abstract A method based on measuring substrate depletion rate was developed to evaluate the denitrifying activity of activated sludge in suspension and in biofilm form in anoxic serum flasks. The adapted activated sludge inoculum was grown as biofilm in an anoxic rotating biological contactor (RBC). Acetate was used as external carbon source to obtain a carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) of 2. The results showed that the specific activity of cells in biofilm form was higher than in planktonic for...
Autori: Manuel Mota, Pilar Teixeira, Rosario Oliveira, Susana Cortez
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 5
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 5
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 4
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 6
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 6
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 7
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 7
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 8
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 8
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 9
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 9
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 10
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 10
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 11
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 11
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 9 Nr. 12
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 9Nr. 12
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 10 Nr. 1
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 1
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 10 Nr. 2
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 2
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 10 Nr. 4
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 4
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 10 Nr. 5
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 5
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 10 Nr. 3
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 3
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Biosorption of lead (II) onto the biosorbent, represented by untreated S. cerevisiae and NaOH-treated S. cerevisiae was examined and the effects of contact time were investigated. The lead (II) biosorption was fast and equilibrium was attained within 90 mins. The maximum removal ratios of lead (II) for untreated S. cerevisiae and NaOH-treated S. cerevisiae after 3 h were 48.6% and 92.5%, respectively, with initial lead (II) concentration of 40 mg/L and optimum pH of 5.0. Data obtained from batch...
Autori: Ying Zhang, Yingjie Dai, Baiyin Liu, Fang Ma, Ru Zheng, Limin Dong

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Temperature distribution in the vacuum directional solidification system influenced seriously on the impurities concentration andmicrostructure in Polycrystalline Silicon. In this study, a numerical model for the transient global heat transfer for directionsolidification process has been developed by the finite element method (FEM). A two-dimension numerical simulation fortemperature distribution of directional solidification process was carried out using software Multi-physics Comsol 3.5a. Ther...
Autori: Guoqiang Lv, Wenhui Ma, Hua Wang, Xiangyang Mei, Kuixian Wei

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Carbon issue is becoming more important all over the world. Plate glass is a typical kind of building materials and the life cycle carbon emission of plate glass is a big contributor, resulting from the energy consumption in the stages of its life cycle which includes four aspects: raw materials acquirement, materials transportation, production and embodied consumption of energy carriers. Based on the relevant data calculation from China’s condition, the life cycle carbon emission of plate gla...
Autori: Meng Liu, Wenlong Li, Qunying Cheng, Yueer He, Xinyun Cao

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
The combustion process plays the important role to improve performance and emission of diesel engine. To improve the rate of combustion process, the fuel-air mixing process should be accelerated. In this paper, based on the Double Swirl combustion chamber, from the macroscopic characteristics and simulation analysis, the effect of the incylinder forced swirls on performance and emission of diesel engine was studied. The results indicated that due to the incylinder forced swirls, the distribution...
Autori: Chang-Yuan Wang, Fu-Shui Liu, Xiang-Rong Li

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
The removal efficiency of p-xylene from gas stream was experimentally investigated in a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor, which was combined with catalyst, MnO2/Al2O3 pellets, in the discharging and the afterglow area, respectively. The CO2 selectivity of the two kinds of structure was also discussed. The results showed that in both the situation, the synergetic removal efficiency of p-xylene by the DBD-catalyst hybrid system increased with increasing the discharge power and decreasing...
Autori: Hongxia Liu, Yun Liu

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
The main phenomenon of coagulation is that particles aggregate to form floc. The formation of floc and cluster was simulated with computer in two-dimensional space using particle-cluster aggregation model and the properties of floc were analyzed using fractal theory. The effect of sticking probabilities on floc structure, density and porosity were analyzed. With the sticking probability increases, the simulated floc structure is gradually loose, floc density is gradually lower, the porosity is g...
Autori: Wanchun Tan, Yunbo Wang, Changbo Jiang, Shiquan Sun, Hong Chen, Xiaobao Nie

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Material Flow Analysis (MFA), as a method of Industrial Ecology (IE), is a useful tool to measure and analyze the material metabolism or physical dimensions of a society’s production and consumption at various scales. However, there are different MFA frameworks and points corresponding to different researching scales. This paper proposes to introduce a physical Input- Output Table (PIOT), as means to establish the Eco-industrial parks MFA model (EIPs-MFA) and indicator systems, for analyzing t...
Autori: Yao Shi, Rusong Wang, Jingru Liu, Jianxin Yang, Tianzhen Ju

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
As one of the very few countries using coal as its dominant energy resources, China has the coal production exceeding one thirds of in the world, added to it are the problems of environmental damages and soil resource destructions result from the solid waste, such as mining waste discharged in the process of coal production and fly ash deserted from the electric power plant etc. In this paper, the mineral ingredient of waste and fly ash was tested by X-ray Diffraction. Meanwhile, the deformation...
Autori: Yanli Huang, Jixiong Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Shoujiang Nie

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
The variation of acidity and the wet deposition fluxes of rainwater in Nanning City were analyzed based on the local acid rain monitoring data provided by environmental protection authorities from 1991 to 2004. The result shows that the annual value of pH is less than 5.6 in the past 14 years and the wet deposition has been getting more and more severe in Nanning. The ratio of SO42-/NO3 - has decreased. NO3 - has played an increasingly large role in acidity, though SO4 2- remains a key player. T...
Autori: Feng-qin Zheng, Guo-liang Liao, Hai-hong Huang, Yu-chun Mo, Shen-xian Wu

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Rhizobag incubation experiments were conducted to study microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), soil respiration and enzyme activity (urease and phosphatase) in the rhizosphere soil of three different wetland plants and its influence on the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN). MBC, MBN, soil respiration and enzyme activity were higher in the rhizosphere than in the non-rhizosphere soil of the wetland plants. Microbial activity in the rhizospher...
Autori: Defu Xu, Hua Fang, Xianghua Xu, Xiaoli Zhao, Yingxue Li

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Human activities can considerably change water resources of river basins. This is particularly true in Laohahe River Basin (LRB) located in upper Xiliaohe River in northern China, where intensive irrigation has resulted in almost full cessation of the water inflow, as well as the drastic drop in underground water level. The impact induced by climate change effects and human activities on stream flow changes in LRB was weighed up and distinguished by using Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Simulati...
Autori: Hao Lu, Zhang Xiaoyu, Gao Jingmin

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
This study was aimed to explore root spatial distributions on the different sizes of belt spaces in the caragana-grass compound system in Siziwangqi county, Inner Mongolia. The root spatial distributions were observed at selected typical sample plots within the 5m, 10m and 16 m belt-space caragana - grass compound systems. The area of roots spatial distributions were highly correlated with the caragana-grass compound system belt space. Root distribution area was found to decrease with soil depth...
Autori: Yongjun De, Huijun An, Qiuju Guo, Dongmei Ye, Liansheng Guo

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
A multi-stage filtration system located next to Lushan River in Gaofeng Town of Chongqing, P.R. China was built to indicate the impact of loading rate on agricultural runoff purification performance. The experimental system was proved to be effective in the removal of agricultural non-point source pollutants, and it was adapted to the changes of influent quality and quantity. The average removal rate of chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia (NH4 +-N), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP...
Autori: Lei Huang, Xu Gao, Wei-dan Xie, Jun-hong Chen, Xiao-xia Ma, Ming-guo Chen, Jin-song Guo

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
PM10-2.5 and PM2.5 samples were collected from December 2007 to January 2008 at six sampling sites in Urumqi Xinjiang, China. The concentrations of seven kinds of water-soluble ions––SO4 2-, NO3-, Cl-, NH4 +, K+, Na+, and Ca2+––were analyzed using ion chromatography. The concentrations of heavy metal elements, Cr, Co, Cd, Pb, and Hg were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results indicated that, in PM2.5 and PM10-2.5, the average mass concentration ...
Autori: Talip Dilnur, Tursun Yalkunjan, Manabu Igawa, Yimit Abulizi

COLONIZATION AND Chlorpyrifos DEGRADATION OF STRAIN Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila lux-β IN SOIL
Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
A chlorpyrifos-degrading strain of Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila, lux-β was chosen for research object, and the survival and chlorpyrifos-degrading activity of strain lux-β in the soil with different treatments have been investigated in this study, so as to provide technique support for monitoring the colonization and degrading activity of chlorpyrifos-degrading bacteria in natural environment. The result indicated that the quantity of lux-β in the soil rose first and decreased ...
Autori: Dao-Sheng Wang, Ri-Mao Hua, Xin-Yun Tang, Rui-Xue Li, Jun Zhang, Yun-Lu Wang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Treatment of mustard wastewater with high salinity and organic concentration by electrochemical degradation was studied. The influence of the critical parameters of electro-oxidation such as pH, current density, salt concentration and energy consumption on the removal efficiency of COD and NH3-N was studied using porous carbon electrode. It was found that the COD and NH3-N removal efficiency could be enhanced by increasing pH, current density and salt concentration. The current density of 0.032A...
Autori: Hainan Ai, Qiang He, Hongxiang Chai, Xuebin Hu, Tengrui Long

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans plays an important role in the pyrite oxidation process and has been widely studied in order to determine the kinetics of the reactions, but the details of the oxidation processes on the surface of pyrite keeps poorly known. In this study, the bio-oxidation process of pyrite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was studied by comparing with abiotic oxidation by Fe3+. The attachment of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans on pyrite surface was found by using Scanning Electro...
Autori: Lei Jiang, Huiqun Yang, Yuruo Tao, Jinyan Yang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
An increasing recognition of tillage erosion processes has shown that soil redistribution by tillage directly contributes to soil loss in mechanically and nonmechanically agricultural areas worldwide. Soil translocation by tillage is normally measured by means of tracers, with which a volume of soil is labeled, and therefore yielding tillage erosion rates in a field. Two tracer methods for estimating tillage erosion rates were appraised to understand the adaptability to local conditions in the h...
Autori: Jianhui Zhang, Fucheng Li

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Mass and energy balance calculation is the premise and key of the SCR (Selective Catalyst Reduction) DeNOx system design. However, the traditional calculation method is too complicated. In this paper, the author designed E-R data model for DeNOx system, simulated mass and energy transfer process, and developed visual calculation software based on VCL (visual component library) after studying the principle of SCR and data structure of DeNOx system. Comparing the ammonia demand and flue gas volume...
Autori: Yungui Du, Qirong Wu, Xiu Yang, Yu Yu

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
It is a promising way for CO2 capture and sequestration by hydrates crystallization. In this study, the characteristics of CO2 hydrate formation are investigated in a small scale dynamic reactor under pressure conditions from 2.0-3.5 MPa and temperature varied between 0.5-4.0Â?C. The effects of supercooling degree and pressure on hydrates formation were discussed. Hydrates formation can be completely finished within 150 min and the final pressure-temperature points of system are just located on ...
Autori: Ni Liu, Xiaobo Xuan, Daoping Liu, Yingming Xie

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
The abundant and inexhaustible solar energy has been widely considered a viable solution to the energy-shortage problem as well as the pollution of the environment. Therefore, it is an urgent need to perform detailed and reliable estimation of available solar resource in order to shift from traditional fossil fuels to the rich solar energy. However, such a scientific action has been often taken simply from the theoretical reserves, with few regards for the specific using scenarios. This paper in...
Autori: Guangxu Liu, Wenxiang Wu, Quansheng Ge, Erfu Dai, Zhiwei Wan, Yang Zhou

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 6
Our investigation in 2007 revealed that the concentration of microcystin (MC-LR) in Miyun reservoir was 0.224 μg L-1, below the safety limit of surface drinking water in China (1.0 μg L-1). The phytoplankton community in Miyun reservoir was composed of 8 divisions and 84 species (including genera and varieties). The density of phytoplangkton was 393.71?—104 cells L-1 including 24.6% of Chlorophyta, 32.5% of Cyanophyta and 15.3% of Bacillariophyta. The toxin-producing cyanobacteria incl...
Autori: Huimin Li, Guisen Du, Yumei Wu, Dianwei Wu, Jingshi Wang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is widely used as disinfectant in tertiary sewage treatment process. In order to identify the impact of disinfection with ClO2 on treated water quality, secondary effluent pretreated by coagulation was disinfected by ClO2, and the characteristic of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the biological toxicity of the water before and after disinfection were investigated. The results showed that ClO2 could remove part of DOM and the removal rate of hydrophobic (HO) component b...
Autori: Lihua Cheng, Xuejun Bi, Aihua He, Changqing Liu, Qi Wang, Zuliang Liao

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Hydrogen production via biomass steam gasification and partial oxidation is analyzed from exergy aspect. Based on cypress sawdust gasified from 800°C to 1200°C, the exergy value of H2 from steam gasification rises from 1410.80 kJ kg-1 to 7922.89 kJ kg-1, while that from partial oxidation increases from 988.30 kJ kg-1 to 3097.81 kJ kg-1. The exergy efficiency of H2 from biomass also increases for both steam gasification (6.42–36.08%) and partial oxidation (4.50–14.11%). However, the exergy ...
Autori: Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Hongtao Li, Bo Zhang, Hui Liu

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Considering the membrane fouling problem in submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactors, a set of submerged double-shaft rotary anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SDRAnMBR) was constructed by applying a double-shaft rotary module to submerged anaerobic bioreactor, and the theoretic analysis of the characteristics of hydraulics dynamics in SDRAnMBR has been performed. The membrane fouling performance for treatment of synthetic brewery wastewater was investigated by SDRAnMBR. The results of a theoretical...
Autori: Ling Bai, Chao Liu, Weiguang Lan

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
A series of sodium bentonites as raw material were prepared to the modified inorganic iron-nickel montmorillonites and organic composite montmorillonites. The structural characterization and morphology of the iron-nickel crosslinked modified bentonites were observed by means of IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy. The effects of the amount of bentonites, adsorption time and pH change on the adsorption of Cr(VI) have also been studied. The results indicated that the a...
Autori: Shao Hong, Cao Ning

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Ecological adaptation of heavy metal polluted environments is significantly enhanced through plants inoculated with plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB), and the cost of phytostabilization in metal tailings can be reduced. On the basis of the systematic investigation of manganese tolerant plants which grew on Xiangtan manganese tailings, rhizosphere soils of th Chenopodium album Linn. were collected. One yellow manganese-resistant strain named XZL01 was isolated from the rhizosphere of fresh p...
Autori: Shengguo Xue, Yameng Ma, Xiaohua Zhou, Xiyan Zhou, Fenghao Liu

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
A submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) was employed to treat wastewater containing different content of seawater in this work. During the process, the operating conditions were as follows: COD was 800-1000 mg/L, ammonium-N was 80-100 mg/L, pH was 7.5-8.5, mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) was around 7000 mg/L, dissolved oxygen (DO) was 2-4 mg/L. The results showed that the ammonium-N removal was better than COD removal. Sludge settling property was good in saline wastewater treatment, and the ...
Autori: Jin Li, Deshuang Yu, Dan Wang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
The solubility and sorption behavior of naphthalene in the presence of dissolved organic acid was studied. The presence of dissolved organic acids at lower concentrations had only a little effect on naphthalene sorption. However, when the concentration exceeds a certain concentration, a significant inhibition was observed. Moreover, the inhibition enhanced with the increasing concentrations of dissolved organic acids. The change trend on solubility is similar to the sorption of naphthalene, that...
Autori: Jin hua Li, Bao xue Zhou, Qing Zheng, Wei min Cai

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Many regions are facing formidable freshwater management challenges. In this research, the Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) was used to simulate water demand and supply under planting structure adjustment scenario in Laohahe River Basin (LRB), China. The effects of planting structure adjustment on alleviating the water resources vulnerability were simulated by defining scenario for changes in crops sown area inputs to WEAP model. The results show that compared with the Reference, plan...
Autori: Lu Hao, Lingling Huang, Wenbin Wang, Huiyuan Zhang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Calcium zincate as an active material in Zn/Ni secondary battery has been successfully synthesized by microwave method. The sample was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM), chargedischarge test (CT) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) analysis. The results show that the chemical composition of sample is Ca(OH)2·2Zn(OH)2·2H2O with regular spherical shapes. The results from CV and CT measurement indicate that the battery has very high d...
Autori: Mengliang Tong, Xuanyan Liu

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
This study investigated the effectiveness of using anaerobic effluent as a nutrient supplement for cultivation of green algae Chlorella sp. Different concentration of 0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, 75%, 90% and 100% which were raw (group �r�) as well as autoclaved (group �a�) were applied to the anaerobic effluent and algae growth. They were compared in terms of growth rate and final algae biomass production. In the initial cultivation days, slower growth rates with an increased anaerobic efflu...
Autori: Yubi Chen, Renjie Dong, Gaojun Peng, Zhu Yi, Shuhao Huo, Yupeng Liu, Changle Pang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
The paper analyses the removal efficiency and fluorescence spectroscopic characterization of landfill leachate dissolved organic matter (DOM) fractions in the combined stripping, fenton oxidation, sequence batch reactor, and coagulation process. The high contents of DOM of landfill leachate in each process unit were fractionated into HA, FA, and HyI. The result was the combined process availability for effective removal of DOM fractions. The removal rates for DOM, HA, FA and HyI were 91.9%, 97.1...
Autori: Zhiping Liu, Jin-song Guo, Fang Fang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Because the green building industry starts late in China, both the government and developers have a vague view on incremental cost conception, component and algorithm of water-saving projects for green building. According to the comparative analysis of the project and economic efficiency between green building and traditional building in water-saving and water resource utilization aspect, this material presents the conception, component, algorithm and calculating method of the incremental cost i...
Autori: Qiang He, You-Zhi Hao, Fang Zhao, Hong Xiang Chai

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Fuel injection system, intake system and the geometric shape of combustion chamber are the three key factors to the fuel-air mixture and combustion process for diesel engine. long with the need of high power density in diesel engine, the pressure of intake is higher increasingly. Together with the effect of high pressure fuel injection, the fuel-air mixture and combustion process is hard to spread as usual. In this circumstance, the performance of power, heat efficiency and emission in diesel en...
Autori: Shang Yong, Liu Fu-Shui, Li Xiang-Rong

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
With the enrollment scale of universities expanded because of the large population in China, the Chinese government gradually began to pay attention to green campus’ construction. In order to guide the water conservation construction and operation management for the national universities and colleges, it was proposed the water conservation construction and operation management technology system for green campus. The main contents include perfecting water conservation management systems, popula...
Autori: Hong Xiang Chai, Ying Hua Wei, Hai Yan Xu, Qiang He

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:Drying wood requires a significant amount of thermal energy, in order to heat-up wood and evaporate the water inside it.Therefore, solutions to minimize this consumption are a topic of maximum interest for wood-processing industries. Employingsolar power for drying wood is not a novelty, considering that this possibility was already acknowledged at the end of the 17thcentury, but since then, kiln design was significantly improved, once with the progress of knowledge regarding the mechan...
Autori: Ion Marinescu, Mihaela Câmpean
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
The combination method of culture and PCR-DGGE technique is applied for a preliminary study of the diversity of the different contaminated soil. The bacteria DNA of the soil was extracted and used for PCR-DGGE analysis. The results show the plant height, total weight and florescence of two tested plant, inhibited by adding phenol or hexadecane in the soil. There are significant differences between test groups which add contaminants and control group, and no significant differences between test g...
Autori: Hai-Juan Ma, Guang-Ming Li, Ya-Lei Zhang, Ping Fang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
On the basis of spot investigation of dozens of cities and hundreds of towns and villages in different regions in China, combining with the fundamental methods of municipal solid waste management (MSWM), three development modes of MSWM were proposed according to the land area, economic level, nature condition and population distribution of various geographical units and urban systems. They were respectively for the city/district system, the city/town (district)/village system and the city/ count...
Autori: Haibin Chen, Li Zhang, Jingcheng Zhou, Yang Hu

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Slag-Fly Ash Based cementitious material materials with high volume of fly ash and slag and less cement clinker was prepared, with low water requirement, well fluidity and with high strength, and can be used to the preparation of High Performance Concrete (HPC). When the W/C is 0.36, the 28d compressive strength is 58.93 Mpa, 28d flexural strength is 14.26 Mpa. By XRay diffraction analysis (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis, the results show that main materials in grinded samp...
Autori: Chenghong Fu, Wen Ni, Hui Wu, Mingyang Tian

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
In this study, the application of freeze-concentration method to treat low-concentration polluted water was demonstrated. The effects of stirring, the temperature in a freezing cabinet and the volume of water involved in the freeze-concentration treatment of pollutants were investigated under laboratory conditions. The removal of pollutant by freeze-concentration treatment was also attempted. Results had shown that the ratio of pollutants removed was about 83% when the experiment was carried out...
Autori: Yingjie Dai, Ying Zhang, Baiyin Liu, Masahiro Teduka, Yongbo Lin, Shunitz Tanaka

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
The beneficial effect of urban plants in improving air quality is often mentioned in literature but is seldom quantified and valuated. Quantification and valuation of the benefits provided by urban plants allow direct comparison between plant species and help make more informed urban planning decisions. Based on fieldwork study and data processing, carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration, oxygen (O2) generation, transpiration cooling, sulfur dioxide (SO2) removal and dust interception are quantified ...
Autori: Qijiao Xie, Zhixiang Zhou, Fang Chen

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
This paper presents a study of the numerical simulation applied for unsymmetrical dimethylhrazine (UDMH) gas dispersion. This study considers an assumed UDMH store conditions and provides important data regarding the relation between the concentration distribution of UDMH and dispersion distance from the source based on the computation fluid dynamic (CFD) software FLUENT. The simulation results show that the ventilation vent and distance of dispersion play an important role in the concentration ...
Autori: Zhiyong Huang, Guofeng Jin, Xuanjun Wang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
The permanent magnet EDS train has been considered to be one of the most promising urban transportation vehicles due to its particular characteristics: simple configurations, low energy consumption, low noise, and suitable for high speed conditions. In order to study the characteristics of permanent magnet Electrodynamic Suspension (EDS) system, an experimental mechanism was established in this paper. The optimization of Halbach magnet array has been carried out and appropriate track for the EDS...
Autori: Zhiqiang Long, Guang He, Ning He, Zhizhou Zhang

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
For a better evaluation of the impact of road traffic about air quality, this paper considers the development of a new evaluation index system and methods. They address the assessment of the air quality around the areas with an intense road traffic, according to Chinese standards considering sulfur dioxide index (SO2), total suspended particles index (TSP), floating dust index (PM10), nitrogen oxides index (NOX) and carbon monoxide index (CO). A systematic air quality evaluation model was establ...
Autori: Zhao-hui Liu, Zhi-bin Qin

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Chemical composition data of coalbed produced water can provide information to determine the water sources, understand the evolution, select appropriate treatment processes and increase the utilization efficiency of water resources. Based on methods of hydrogeology, water chemistry and environmental chemistry, the characters of coalbed produced water in the Powder River Basin in the USA and Qinshui Basin in China have been analyzed. Conclusions have been drawn as follows: (1) The coalbed produce...
Autori: Guang Xu, Li Tong, Mei Yang, Yi-wen Ju

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 7
Semi-dry FGD with fabric filter has been extensively studied in recent years. After a series of industrial tests on 300MW boiler with semi-dry FGD and fabric filter, some operation notes were obtained. The test results show that CFB-FGD with fabric filter can be run longer and stable, and its actual performance is even higher than the design parameters. Moreover, the pressure drop of fabric filter after CFB-FGD is 600~800Pa (higher than normal). The fabric filter, which contributes to the desulf...
Autori: Tong Li, Han Yi, Han Xu, Reti Hai, Wang Wenxing

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:Under the circumstances of the deficit in total energetic resources of the Republic of Moldova, non-traditional sources as wind,solar and hydraulic energies are very opportune. Concurrently with the conventional energy resources (fossil fuels, atomic energyetc.), wind energy begins to regain its positions not only from ecological, but also from economical point of view. Also, the windenergy conversion systems could play a significant role in the production of mechanical, electrical ener...
Autori: Anatol Sochireanu, Ciupercă Rodion, Ion Bodnariuc, Ion Bostan, Ion Dicusară, Ion Sobor, Iulian Malcoci, Marin Guţu, Nicolae Trifan, Oleg Ciobanu, Radu Ciobanu, Radu Crudu, Valeriu Dulgheru, Viorel Bostan, Vitalie Gladîş
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:In spite of the large use of batteries throughout the years, both in photovoltaic systems and in other uses, there are still nocomprehensive analyses in ageing studies and, when they exist, statistics turn out to be limited. In this sense, this macro-grid is aunique experience, since the experiment is already composed of 1600 identical stand-alone photovoltaic systems and almost 10years of data taking on 10 minute interval for the main magnitudes.In this paper, it is proposed a method f...
Autori: Angeles López Agüera, Daniel Rey Rey, Iago Rodriguez Cabo
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:In the current work design and mathematical description of thermal performance analysis of solar dryer for agricultural andmarine products is presented. Proposed solar dryer includes two main subunits: 1) Solar PV-Thermal dehydrator (heat transferfluid is air), which is used as heat source for dryer; 2) Drying cabin with multistage trays. The pilot unit of proposed systemdeveloped in Renewable Energy Department of Physics Faculty of University of Santiago de Compostela. Investigations o...
Autori: Angeles López Agüera, Daniel Rey Rey, E. Virites Montes, Iago Rodriguez Cabo, Jasurjon S. Akhatov, Vicente Gándara
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The textile industry uses high quantities of water which in many cases are disposed to the environment with inadequate treatment.In this work the effluents from the polyamide textile industry containing Bemacid Gelb, Bemacid Rot and Bemacid Blau weretreated by heterogeneous photodegradation. Treatment performances have been evaluated in terms of conductivity, turbidity, totaldissolved solids (TSD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5...
Autori: Luminita Andronic
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:Point of zero charge (PZC) is defined as the condition at which the surface charge density of a material equals to zero and, formost of the solids it is strongly pH dependent. The PZC can be controlled by tuning the solid surface properties (crystallinestructure, morphology) and by a proper environment control, thus it is important to evaluate the PZC for a certain type of material,in given working conditions, for enhancing the efficiency in the targeted application (e.g. layer by layer...
Autori: Laura Maria Bertus, Radu Adrian Carcel
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:Under the circumstances of the total energetic recourses deficit in the Republic of Moldova appears the problem of non-traditionalsources utilization. An important source of renewable energy is the wind energy. This paper deals with two new concepts ofvertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) with helical blades, elaborated by the authors.The main element of the wind turbine is, certainly, the rotor. It is directly subdued to the action of the air flow and transforms thekinetic energy of the ai...
Autori: Ion Bostan, Ion Vişa, Rodion Ciupercă, Valeriu Dulgheru
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:An efficient conversion of kinetic energy of river waters into mechanical or electrical energy without building barrages isprovided by micro-hydropower stations. Increased efficiency is achieved by an optimum position of the blades withhydrodynamic profile. The formulation used to compute the hydrodynamic forces is an inviscid - boundary layer model. Microhydropowerstation provides kinetic energy conversion of river water into mechanical or electrical energy without buildingbarrages. In...
Autori: Anatol Sochireanu, Ion Bostan, Ion Dicusară, Nicolae Trifan, Oleg Ciobanu, Radu Ciobanu, Valeriu Dulgheru, Viorel Bostan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:This work concerns studies related to strategic development of products in which bio-based plastics are or will be applied, referredto as bio-based products. The studies cover (1) current and potential benefits of bio-based products in extended value chainsincluding activities after end-of-life of products, (2) value communication between stakeholders in extended value chains, and (3)creating an integrated development approach for optimized bio-based products. Most existing models for v...
Autori: J.W. Lin, Jarmila Kopecká, Kim Ragaert, Ludwig Cardon, Maarten De Groote, Rolf Koster
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:A method based on headspace and capillary gas chromatography with flame ionization detector technique was validated for thesimultaneous determination of five individual aromatic volatile pollutants: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m/p-xylene and oxylene.The validation took in consideration liniarity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection, limit of quantification anduncertainty estimation criteria and concluded that the proposed method is suitable to determine the pollutants of interes...
Autori: Camelia Draghici, Elena Paunescu, Elisabeta Chirilă, Gabriela Stanciu, Simona Dobrinas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:In order to comply with the 20-20-20 Directive, by which every EU member state has pledged to produce 20% of the energy byusing renewable sources, solar energy for heating became a much addressed to topic, as a viable and up-scalable option. Researchis devoted to increasing the efficiency while reducing the production costs and the development of novel solar thermal systemswith dish collectors can contribute with innovative solutions. Thus, the first step in the development process, the...
Autori: Daniela Ciobanu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The operation of solar air heat collectors consists in a sequence of transient regimes, being conditioned by the availability in timeof the solar resource. This paper presents the results of an experimental research on transient regimes of two types of solar air heatcollectors. The absorbers of the collectors have different configurations and are made of different materials. One collector is acommercial passage air collector with the absorber made of aluminum. The other collector is an ...
Autori: Adrian Ciocănea, Andrei Dragomirescu, Sanda Budea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:A specific topical issue both for small hydropower plants and wind turbines refers to the discrepancy between the relatively lowspeed of the water turbine/wind rotor and relatively high speed of the electric generator: the turbine/rotor has higher performancesat lower speeds, while the generator performances are increasing with the speed. Usually, this problem can be solved connecting aproper speed increaser between the turbine (increaser input) and generator (increaser output). Besides...
Autori: Codruta Jaliu, Oliver Climescu, Radu Saulescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The demand for new and high performance products in the automotive industry is increasing exponentially and this trend imposesinnovative concepts for cars. The future solutions for the automotive industry may find their answer in the fabricationtechnologies and also in alternative propulsion and energy production.The car design field cannot ignore the global economic crisis, imposing new approaches in terms of materials and cost effectivetechnologies and by the means of environmental pr...
Autori: Mihai Comşiţ
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:In this paper the study on the possibilities of converting chopped reed stalk biomass into briquettes is described, in the conditions of harvesting water reed plant from Danube Delta region in winter time and based on briquetting technology used for wood waste from production. The water reed tested in the research has been harvested from Tulcea reed bed, one of the largest in Romania, chopped in a veneer drum chipper and compacted into the hydraulic briquette machine. The paper focuses ...
Autori: Aurel Lunguleasa, Camelia Coşereanu, Constantin - Radu Gheorghiu, Dumitru Lica, Gavril Budău
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The article presents a method of monitoring the solar radiation components taking into consideration the isotropic model. Thewireless solar radiation monitoring system developed is innovative and original in comparison with the systems already availableon the market. The use of the wireless device, of the rechargeable batteries, of the sensors used for measuring the solar radiationcomponents and the temperature make this system an autonomous and a portable one. An experimental prototype...
Autori: Cornel Samoila, Daniel T. Cotfas, Doru Ursutiu, Paul Borza, Petru A. Cotfas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:In order to capture as much solar energy as possible, the photovoltaic converter has to follow the sun movement during a day; thiscan be achieved by a tracking system. Most tracking systems have complex and costly structures that can provide wide anglevariations. This paper presents a geared linkage that is build up by a planetary system of gears fitted on a linkage, and thus helpsin reaching wide angles. Starting from a patented linkage, which reaches ≈200° angular strokes, by a...
Autori: Dorin Diaconescu, Ioana Hermenean, Nora Creanga
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:In this paper, the influence of two types of imidazolium-based ionic liquids (ILs) on the properties of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) veneers, at 25 0C, 60 0C and 80 0C has been studied by using contact angle measurements and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis. The measurements showed that wood wettabillity is increased by IL treatment. It has been determined that the ILs decrease the crystallinity and improve the flexibility of the cellulose matrix. Also, it has be...
Autori: Attila Porzsolt, Catalin Croitoru, Christian Friedrich, Silvia Patachia
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The European countries have few fossil fuel reserves and the main goal of the Lisbon strategy is to promote the utilization ofrenewable energy sources. In Hungary, because of the huge amount of thermal water reserves, geothermal energy might be one ofthe energy sources which can help to raise the share of renewables in the energy market of the country. Beside the positive aspectsthe use of thermal water for energy purposes have some important physical, environmental and economical aspec...
Autori: Ferenc Kalmár, Imre Csáki
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:Incineration plants are used since the beginning of the twentieth century to transform the mixed municipal waste into thermalenergy and to convert the hazardous components of waste into harmless compounds. To minimize the environmental pollutionand maximize the energy efficiency of the produced energy, the control of the complex processes that occur into the waste toenergy conversion is of major importance. In this work, the system identification approach is used to determine the dynami...
Autori: Adrian Danila
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:A comparative analysis is drawn on the energetic responses numerically simulated for Brasov, Romania location, delivered bytwo mono-axial pseudo-equatorial STCs (solar thermal collectors): a flat plate STC and a STC with heat pipes; the two systemsare destined for future implementation on Transilvania University Campus. Accordingly, two tracking programs are consideredfor the diurnal motion: a) of 1h constant duration steps, for school courses interval (September-June) and b) 1-step pro...
Autori: Maria M. Vatasescu, Veronica E. Dombi
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:Composite manufacturing from plastic wastes of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) type, sand-blasting represents a materialrecovery of the wastes. This process can be achieved, with the purpose of reducing the material consumption which is in deficit,production costs, and the duration of the technological processes.Thermoplastics composites obtained by a melting process at 170-200 oC, wastes incorporation and solidification in forms replacesuccessfully the thermo rigid composites obtained...
Autori: Ioan Ropotă, Marcela Muntean, Mihai Bratu, Ovidiu Dumitrescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The national legal framework harmonization, including in areas concerning environmental protection, with the Europeanstandards in the field, is a goal of paramount importance with regard to Romania's accession to the EU structures. From thisperspective, all the organizations, agencies and individuals operating in this field must be acquainted with the European Union'sprograms of environmental action.In this context, the paper aims to provide an overview of the relevant trends and develo...
Autori: Constanţa Enea, Constantin Enea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The paper presents the influence of different WO3:TiO2 ratios on the photocatalytic and photoelectrolytic properties of the films.The investigations are focused on the morphological (Atomic Force Microscopy, Contact angle), compositional (X-raydiffraction), optoelectric (conductivity, photocurrent) and photocatalytic properties of titanium dioxide films mixed with tungstenoxide. The most important application of these layers is in wastewater purification and hydrogen production using ap...
Autori: Alexandru Enesca
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The paper presents the virtual prototype of a robotic system for spray pyrolysis deposition (SPD). To design of the mechanicaldevice model of the robotic system, the MBS environment ADAMS of MSC Software was used, while the MATLAB/Simulink ofMathworks was used for the dynamic analysis of the robotic system, according to the mechatronic concept. A control loop waschosen, composed by a multi-body mechanical model, connected to the dynamic model of each motor. The main objective is toverif...
Autori: Cătălin Alexandru, Monica Enescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The drying of biological materials plays an important role in influencing energy savings, quality of end-products and alsoenvironmental issues. Several new approaches in application of solar dryers and a great number of biological materials have beendeveloped. In the paper the background of solar drying, current solar drying arrangements, and some of the recently focusedbiological products such as grain, fruit, vegetable etc. are selected and discussed. Additionally an integrated energy...
Autori: Istvan Farkas
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 8
Abstract:The paper aims to present the new pattern of modular agriculture, as evolution of agri-food production in the coming decades aswell as to highlight the direct relation between this pattern and the massive energy support it requires.The paper basically deals with reactions to climate change, reductions of carbon emission, in addition to high quality and safetyrequirements for food production. The author envisages the PAC measures called for in order to ensure a sustainable developmentof ...
Autori: Romulus Gruia
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:This technical paper presents some aspects concerning the static finite element analysis of a wind turbine blade. For themanufacturing of the blades for a 10 kW wind turbine elaborated at the Technical University of Moldova composite materialsmade up of polyester matrix reinforced with fiber glass are being used. In order to determine the mechanical properties of theproposed composite materials 10 different samples of laminated composite plates were numerically simulated in ANSYS 11....
Autori: Marin Guţu, Viorel Bostan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:For the optimal working of the concentrating photovoltaic systems (CPV), these are usually tracked, and the accuracy required infollowing the sun path is much higher than in non-concentrating system. The paper focuses on the synthesis of the optimal steptracking program of an azimuth tracking system, used for accurate tracking of a CPV system. The paper presents the synthesismodelling algorithm and the numerical simulations for a CPV system, orientated with an azimuth tracking system, i...
Autori: Ioana Sinziana Hermenean, Ion Visa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:Films of CuxS with 430-700 nm thickness were deposited by robotic spray pyrolysis technique, at T = 300Â?C, using 90 sprayingsequences, from water:ethanol:glycerol = 7:2:1 (in volumes) solutions with a molar ratio Cu:S = 1:2.5-3.5. Relative dense,homogenous and uniform films of CuxS (x = 1.8-2), with Eg = 1.97-2.49 eV and exhibiting electric resistance behavior wereobtained. The as-deposited films were annealed in air or in sulfur atmosphere, at 300 Â?C, for one hour. Dense and uniform ...
Autori: Alexandru Enesca, Anca Duta, Ionut Popovici, Luminita Isac
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:One of the most complex aspects of water accounting is the assessment of point and diffuse source pollution. At present, thebuilding sector in European countries is responsible for 40% of the total energy consumption. To reduce the European Uniondependency on energy import, the strategy undertaken in Lisbon is to reduce as much as possible the energy consumption ofbuildings and to increase the share of renewable energy sources. As an average, house heating represents about 75% from the ...
Autori: Ferenc Kalmár, Tünde Kalmár
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:The concept of passive and low energy houses became fashionable in the last years and the European Parliament also initiated aproposal to build only near zero energy houses from 2018. The regulations already in force aim at low energy consumption (mostlikely influenced by the wide spreading of the �Passivhaus� concept in Europe) and by 2018 harmonized regulations andstandards will require the near zero energy building. According to the concept of the Energy Performance of Building D...
Autori: András Zöld, Tünde Kalmár
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:Methyl orange and methylen blue are two dyes resulted from the textile industry. They are not raising just esthetical problems, butthey are toxic and hence harmful to aquatic animals. The aim of this study is to test the capacity of three types of sawdust (oak,willow and white poplar) and mixed substrates, sawdust: fly ash (FA), to remove the methyl orange (MO) and methylen blue(MB) from wastewater. The influence of contact time, solution pH and initial concentration of dyes on the blea...
Autori: Anca Duta, Dora Lucaci
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:This paper aims to analyze two types of wooden briquettes made from different raw material, in order to determine thecompactness of the wood used, namely their compaction coefficient. This factor is a new feature of briquettes that defines moreprecisely the quality of them. The density of raw material and briquettes causes the compaction coefficient, namely the ratiobetween them. Relevance of research and scientific innovation results from the fact that European standard of wooden briqu...
Autori: Aurel Lunguleasa
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:The paper presents the results obtained when using one ketonic Mannich base BM (1-(2’-hydroxyphenyl)-3-(1-piperidinylamino)propan-1-one hydrochloride) as corrosion inhibitor in saline environment, for different types of carbon steels,with various alloying elements. The Mannich base was synthesized and used in corrosion experiments, in concentrations varyingfrom 0….1300 ppm. The corrosion experiments were performed by potentiodynamic polarization studies, with 50 mVs-1 scanrate. The ...
Autori: Andreea Milea, Cristina Bogatu, Ileana Manciulea
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:Hybrid nanocomposites may synergistically combine and enhance the properties of inorganic nanoparticles and organicmolecules.The objective of this paper is to examine particular nanocomposites films based on binary copolymers and inorganic TiO2nanoparticles from the structure and properties point of view. These nanoparticles were dispersed in maleic anhydride-styrene(MAS) copolymer by using elaidic acid, trans isomer of the oleic acid, as coupling agent in order to increase the compatib...
Autori: Alina Matei, Dana Perniu, Ileana Cernica, Irina Popescu, Lucia Dumitrescu, Vasilica Schiopu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:Energy mix used in "Solar House" is currently composed of about 50% renewable energy sources (geothermal energy) and 50%conventional sources of energy (mainly electricity from national grid and less than 10% natural gas). The geothermal energy isextracted by the mean of a ground coupled heat pump which assures the heating load of the "Solar House" and the preparation ofdomestic hot water. The peak load in heating period is covered by a natural gas boiler and the electricity to drive the...
Autori: Bogdan Burduhos, Ion Vişa, Macedon Moldovan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:It is of major importance that the mechanical structures and components of a photovoltaic (PV) system to have the same durabilityas the PV modules. The embodiment design process of the mechanical structure becomes significant as the results provide anoverall view of the PV system durability. The performance of the mechanical system must be attained based on functional andoperational requirements of the PV system. Therefore, the modelling and theoretical analysis of the mechanical behavi...
Autori: Bianca Butuc, Gheorghe Moldovean, Radu Velicu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:Hydrothermal synthesis was used to obtain nanostructured TiO2 based nanopowders. There were prepared pure and ZrO2 dopedcompositions consisting mainly of anatase phase with crystallite size up to 20 nm. The agglomerates of the as-synthesizedmaterials had dimensions ranging from a few hundreds nanometers to 200 microns. The investigations concerning the thermalbehavior revealed the presence of an exothermal effect at around 550oC which could indicate a possible phase transformation ofana...
Autori: Adrian Mihail Motoc, Anca Duta, Oana Raita, Radu Adrian Carcel, Radu Robert Piticescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to present an assessment of the importance of mobility in the context of lifelong learning in the field offuture human resources - students, in particular - in order to contribute to sustainable development. Developing, adapting andbroadening the range of skills of individuals to create and fill the jobs of the future are the most important contemporary Europeanaim. The process of improving workforce skills involves a mutual gain for both employers and companies...
Autori: Crina Radulescu, Madlena Nen, Radu Stoika
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:The paper presents a computer modelling and experimental validation for the thermodynamic performance of parabolic troughsolar collectors (PTSC) used in a micro-combined cooling,e heating and power (mCCHP) system. The thermal efficiency, fluidoutlet temperature, heat gain and heat and optical losses of the collector are calculated depending on the collector geometry,optical properties, fluid properties, fluid inlet temperature and flow rate, solar insolation, wind speed and ambient temp...
Autori: Ion V. Ion, Lizica Simona Paraschiv, Spiru Paraschiv
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:Hydropower exploitation has become a multifaceted task due to continuously increasing interest in all parts of the world but alsodue to inhomogeneity of framework conditions in the social, the political, the regulatory and the economic view. The final successof a plant is not only ensured by a good technical concept or design but additionally by a suitably model of financing, by selectingthe most reliable partners, by evaluating the environmental restrictions or the political stability ...
Autori: Bernhard Pelikan
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:The increasing of energy consumption and fossil fuel emissions (especially CO2, SO2 and NOx) and the limitation of crude oilreserves, determined a growing trend toward renewable energy technologies, like solar, wind, geo-thermal energy and biomass forbiofuels.From all the renewable energies sources, biomass attracts more and more interest being a renewable resource with economicpotential, which can be found all over the world, with positive environmental properties due to neutral emissi...
Autori: Anca Sauciuc, Angela Potetz, Georg Schlaub, Gerald Weber, Hermann Hofbauer, Lucia Dumitrescu, Reinhard Rauch, Ziad Abosteif
ISSN: 1843 - 3707

Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 10Nr. 9
Abstract:A thermodynamic model for accurately predicting the overall efficiency and power output of a solar assembly using a Stirlingengine is presented. It is based on the application of the First Law of Thermodynamics for Processes with Finite Speed and usesthe Direct Method. The proposed model could also be used to better design receivers that concentrate the solar radiation and toproperly size the receiver cavity for a dish solar concentrator. Examples of the optimization of the performance ...
Autori: Alexandru Dobrovicescu, Camelia Stanciu, Dorin Stanciu, Georgiana Tirca-Dragomirescu, Monica Costea, Stoian Petrescu
ISSN: 1843 - 3707